boiling point patch 2.0

will be released for us version on friday. i have learned this from today.

the russian skuttlebutt appears to be that it greatly improves the game....mainly in terms of speed (good) and driving control (great).

so those of you who have it, get it, those of you who don't get it, then get the other too.
atari says it will be out early next week. they need to finish translating the release notes. guess they can't afford a russian speaking american so are using a russion to english dictionary?
Boiling Point: Road to Hell by Deep Shadows - European retail v2.0 patch




-Game stability, reduces the unexpected crashes when playing, loading a
savegame& [...]
-Car dynamics / helicopter dynamics Cars : better realism when a car hits the
player or the -Non Playable Character, better behaviour of IA in trucks or
-General improvement of IA: NPC and warrior IA, characters move when hooting,
adapt their behaviour according to the situation
-Weapon balance, weapon upgrades correct, and at he Arms dealer, all weapons
are available for purchase according to the design of the game


-Car's disappearance
-Collision : grenades do not remain stuck in walls when launched, prisoners do
not remain stuck in walls when delivered, tree have collisions.
-Position of dead bodies has been reworked, animation of the jaguar is more
-Player and Non Playable Player positions in the environment have been checked
and no character appears in mid-air or stuck in one of the scenery item.
Clipping issues have been solved as well.
-Missions : fixing some bugs. Bus drive missions : the money earned after
completing a mission now corresponds to the expected amount which is promised
before starting the mission. Whimpy mission: the objective is now complete only
when Whimpy is rescued at night as stated in the objective. Missions which have
been completed are cleared from the Missions Objectives Screen.
-Hints are now appearing opportunely
-Sounds which were missing (e.g. splash water) are now implemented
-Camera control when firing from Pirania
-Rendering landscape when flying on plane
-Some situations where user car gets lost
-NPC name which sometimes appeared in the list of vehicles
-In the list of vehicles, now the last car you were using is N1
-Snake which were able to bite you when crawling
-Too big moon has been readjusted
-Corrupted frames between AVI movies
-Windows look like dark squares when it rains
-Some doors disappear under some view angles on indoor levels
-Boat which appeared to be filled with water / Boat trace disappears and
flockers under some viewing angles
-Some flickering carpets on federal base, flickering posters in city,
flickering triangles when lit by flashlights on small river bridge
-Shadows of dogs
-Water and landswell now animated in 6th cutscene
-White square from car lights are no more visible on GeForce cards, white
square is no more visible around moon at some days
-Grenades explode before NPC die
-Flowers in Granny's hands
-Tail of the plane touches the ground
-Music sudden volume change fixed
-Some localisation issues, mistranslations, missing speeches, text overlappings
have been fixed


-Grass rendering and fixed flickering on hill tops


-Added cans to fuel different kind of vehicles
-Upgrades to repair weapons
-Support of non 4:3 video modes
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Just in time, I have started with the game, and I like the atmosphere already. But where are the promised performance increasements? (not at home yet )
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Does this game support widescreen resolutions? Or at least FOV adjustments so you can streach a 4:3 image to fit a 16:9 screen and have it still look good?
kyleb said:
Does this game support widescreen resolutions? Or at least FOV adjustments so you can streach a 4:3 image to fit a 16:9 screen and have it still look good?
Patch notes said:
-Support of non 4:3 video modes
Skinner said:
Just in time, I have started with the game, and I like the atmosphere already. But where are the promised performance increasements? (not at home yet )
I guess they need to prioritize. said:
Just in case anyone has missed this news, a few people here on the forums have successfully tried the EU patch on the US release. So if you're a frustrated American or even Aussie, you might want to give it a try!
Worth a try?
Future patch info said:
1) There will be a patch 2.1 that will be released soon... but from previous experience, Atari's idea of "soon" isn't the same as it's literal meaning! ;) 2) After Patch 2.1 there aill be Patch 3.0 that will further improve remaining problems.
Some more info (including US patch info) in the Deep Shadows chat.
Cartoon Corpse said:
too busy this past weekend.
I hear that! But I only got about 9 more days until paradise comes. (School starts again. :D )

THEN I'll catch up on all these things I've been wanting to try on me PC....
Seems their forum is getting hammered. Here's the chat translation:
-=:Boiling Point:=- 

Q: Will new weapons be included in the add-on or sequel? 
A: Yes 

Q: In the add-on / sequel Will there be weapon upgrades such as 
grenade launcher and optical or laser sights? 
A: At the moment, we don't know 

Q: In the add-on / sequel will the NPC be more diverse? 
A: This depends on the developed hardware. The greater the 
textures, the greater the brakes! 

Q: In the add-on / sequel will there be more types of 
A: Most likely 

Q: In the add-on / sequel Will there be more types of 
A: Yes (actual translation: It is compulsory) 

Q: When will the 3rd patch be released and what will it 
A: 3rd patch will fix more bugs etc. Patch 2.1 will be released 

Q: Question to (russian) publisher: What were the sales figures 
for Xenus? 
A: Specific data cannot be named but the Russian version of the 
game sold very well. 

Q: I have this crazy person on our forum that keeps going on and 
on about 3rd person view, so i have to ask: 
Is it possible to activate 3rd person view while you are not driving? 
A: Yes, it's possible. However this mode has some bugs (say when 
you are swiming and therefore we switched it off) 

Q: Do you know anything about Patch 2.0 for the USA? It's still 
not released there! 
A: For now we have no such info. We as developer make the patch 
and it's universal it can be set on any version Russian, Europe, USA. However we 
are not able to: 
1) protect it 
2) make installer 
It's the publisher work. So we did everything possible. Everything else depends 
on publisher. 

Q: Have you ever thought about the possibility of releasing your 
Engine as open source? Or having a special Indie discount? 
A: I don't think it will be released as Open Source. 

Q: (This question was hard to translate but it was basically 
about how they fell about the game now... well kinda!) 
A: I can with the confidence say that we did everything that was 
in our forces. Certainly something it was possible to make better, something 
more rapid. But never it is the ideal solutions and the ideal course of events. 
Especially because we undertook to make that the fact that to us no one made and 
much was necessary to devise "from zero". To work there is at how always and we 
never stop. Now we guide bugs, we work to Vital Engine 3, we study feedback from 
the players and draw conclusions. As a whole we are contented by result. 

Q: Will multiplayer be enabled in a patch or add- it? 
A: As for CTF mode it's quiet possible that it will be released 
as patch after SDK will be released. 

Q: Knowing what you know now and if you could go back in time, 
would you make Xenus again? and has it been worth all the effort? 
A: Yes. When we launch our company the idea behind was to make 
new original games. and we follow this rule. It's much easier (especially for 
new company) to make standard linear shooter but it's not our choice. We want to 
bring something new in the industry. 

Q: Why (without the patch) was driving so badly realised? 
A: Everything becomes known in the comparison. In the game many 
aspects, which required considerable attention and to each of them we tried it 
to give. But after output, being based on opinions and proposals of players, it 
was decided to improve control of transport. 

Another comment on the same subject: 

Xenus is its kind product "everything in one", and therefore 
physics of machines originally and did not rely on competition with its 
realizations in the racing simulators. This as radio receiver in the cell phone 
- it can be mono, and considerably worse quality, than in the separate product. 

However, the reaction of players showed that the realization of the individual 
parts of the game the players nevertheless compare with the leaders in this 
region. We understood our error, and as you see - in patche 2 situations became 
considerably better. 

And another: 

Basic testing was achieved BY ATARI, there was concentrated 
attention in the correction of other errors and they calculated, that control of 
transport does not require improvement. 

Q: When will the SDK be released? 
A: It will be done as soon as all docs will be ready on russian 
and english languages. I think it's a question of month. 

Q: What will be possible with the SDK? can we do things like 
change the skill system? and most importantly can we replace the ugly Vosloo 
Saul model with the much better original one?!  
A: You wil be able to modify game resources (trade, price, etc.), 
replace models. Also there will be level editor and map planner (tool to compose 
game world and edit missions). 

Q: With the SDK will it be possible to add new models instead of 
replacing existing ones? 
A: Yes, it will be  

Q: With the SDK, Will it be possible to add new skills and edit 
current ones? 
A: Player skills are hardcoded. It is impossible to change them 
without modifying game code. 

-=: Precursors :=- 

Q: Do you fear that you will have the same problems with 
Precursors as with Xenus? 
A: (Difficult translation again so i'll just paste it) 1) brakes 
will be hardly, since the technology by and large will remain the same, and 
hardware will considerably advance 
2) bugs - we will consider accumulated experience of testing, I hope them it 
will be considerably less 
3) we do not fear obsolescence of cursor. First it constantly is developed, 
secondly even now it appears for the large peace not too and it is bad, since it 
must be compared let us say with cursor GTA, and not with cursor Doom3. 

Q: If the game is being positioned as reviving Elite, then won't 
the smallest deficiency will kill the game? 
A: Yes we are inspired by Elite, but by no means we are going to 
make its clone 

Q: Do you have a publisher for Precursors? 
A: No, not yet 

Q: Will Precursors have a procedurally generated gameworld? or 
use any elements of procedural programming? 
A: From technlological point of view it's not difficult to do in 
our system. However we are now more oriented on unique scenary for each 

Q: Can you tell us about any roleplaying elements that will be 
implemented in the game? 
A: Not at this stage. I can only say it'll be more advanced than 
in BP 

Q: Are you trying to achieve 100% RPG again? and do you think 
you'll be more successful than with Xenus? I mean, do you plan to create a 
roleplaying system as advanced as the likes of Fallout or Planescape Torment? 
Will players experience playing the game significantly change depending how 
their character is developed? 
Also will this game be "100% Action, 100% RPG and 100% Space Sim"!  
A: For now I can only say the obvious thing that in a sci- fi 
game it's much easier to make game much closer to good RPG than in one set in 
real world.
The savegame editor for Boiling Point (as asked by Cartoon Corpse) is ready: get it here.


An inventory editor is next.
DiGuru said:
The savegame editor for Boiling Point (as asked by Cartoon Corpse) is ready: get it here.


An inventory editor is next.
So you're saying it's playable now and I should re-install it? What does the save game editor do? What will the inventory one do?

Oh, and thanks. :)