Blue Tooth


So I'm sitting here with my new computer and I got the Microsoft Blue Tooth Mouse and key board. I got them working fine and then my roommate asked what would happen if he took the reciever out of it's "docking station". I said "probably nothin', try it". So he did then he put it back in. and neither the mouse or the key board worked. I set the keyboard back up and it's working fine but I couldn't get the mouse to work. I tried all of the options in the read me and trouble shooting documents/programs. I tried the set up I tried reinstalling intellipoint 4.9 and every thing but I can't get it to work. I plan on just exchanging it but I figured I'd give you guys a shot. Any help would be welcomed.

Thanks, Mike Killion.
Well I did exchange the bluetooth set up for another one and it broke as well and for no apparent reason. Firsst the mouse went and then a few days later so did the keyboard.

So I think I'm going to try one of the other wireless microsoft setups and I'm a little worried about the range of them (it's only 6ft.) So I was wondering if any of you have tried them. I was thinking about the optical desktop 2.0.
I really like my Logitech Cordless Elite DUO MX...