yea I think some others have mentioned this, but with respect to this article, Bloomberg Japan is citing that the SoC is the one having yield issues. The article cites a 50% yield on SoC.Maybe there are component logistics issues?(because Covid & supply lines)
That's pretty bad. That's like big bulky expensive Intel CPU chips bad, definitely not the type of yield I expect for a game console.
So if we do some napkin math so that people can ground some discussion of what things could be in terms of pricing/BOM etc.
IIRC another member here cited 11K for a 300mm 7nm wafer.
So area = pi * 150^2
XSX is 360mm^2 == 196 chips per wafer
PS5 is 300mm^2 == 235 chips per wafer
XSS is 197mm^2 == 358 chips per wafer
If you multiply out yields, and lets say a low yield is 80%
196 (XSX) * 0.8 = 157 chips or 70 USD per chip
235 (PS5) * 0.5 = 117 chips or 93 USD per chip
358(XSS) * 0.8 = 287 chips or 38 USD per chip
So it's not double the cost just because it's 50% yield. But we can see how XSS got to 299 and we have an idea now that PS5 could potentially hover around XSX pricing as a result of that BOM increase.
But final price to the customers is really just about, whatever they want to price it at.
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