Blix: Bush, Blair misled by Iraq Intelligence

This is news? Jeez, most of us expected this before the 'war' even started and confirmed very quickly after Iraq was overrun. Remember how the news media somewhat reported how Christian missionaries were already gearing up before the first shot was fired?
I saw the interview last night on BBC world with Blix. He didn't mention religion as a motivator.

He did however stress that the Bush and Blair administrations had relied too heavily on shaky intelligence. He had first hand knowledge of the shaky nature of this intelligence: Often he (UN weapons inspectors) would go and inspect as a result of British and American intelligence.

He argued that the repeatedly negative reports should have shaken the confidence to the intelligence institutions, yet, somehow they did not.

As another example he mentioned the now famous Nigerian yellow cake (uranium oxide) contact, which the British MI6 maintained were real. Which was dispelled byt the IAEA in one day.

Blix is not a man to use big words, but the interview itself was damming enough.
