

got a little motion sickness the next time through...
Same happened to me playing Condemned. All I can say is that I felt condemned to play Condemned.

Bioshock, on the other hand, is so awesome (best graphics -to date- GOTY, indeed) that it didn't cause me to experience that unpleasant sensation. Great, great job.

I am as impressed with this game as any good-looker here.
As you progress through the game, does your character "level up?" In the demo, you lose too much health from a hit and more imporantly, use too much EVE when using your magic. If the whole game like that, it'll be frustrating. Does anyone know if you start using less and less mana per casting as you progress?
As you progress through the game, does your character "level up?" In the demo, you lose too much health from a hit and more imporantly, use too much EVE when using your magic. If the whole game like that, it'll be frustrating. Does anyone know if you start using less and less mana per casting as you progress?

There is a specific tonic upgrade path you can take that nets you EVE when you use a med pack . :)

Check out the revamped website:

Under the Gene Bank, see the Physical Tonics section for more. Apparently you can also convert electrical energy into health too.
Ok, great game but I feel a little spoiled by the feedback I got here actually. The gameplay is certainly great with a terrific atmospere and the graphics are excellent but I was definatly expecting more given the feedback.

On the other hand, I had no interest in this game before the demo and now I would seriously consider buying it so all in all, a great demo!

Graphical highlights for me are without doubt the opening scene with the water and just the water effects in general, particularly when the plain crashes into the walkway, that is some great looking flowing water!
Yeah, the water effects were very impressive, though its almost unfair to point them out as the whole demo looks gorgeous (and plays even better IMO). ;)
Ok, great game but I feel a little spoiled by the feedback I got here actually. The gameplay is certainly great with a terrific atmospere and the graphics are excellent but I was definatly expecting more given the feedback.

How many times did you play through??

My first time was pretty messy, but on later plays I was able to use alot more strategy, very happy with the gameplay potential this promises.

My favourite moment had to be the absolute ass whoopin the big daddy lays on that guy :devilish:...and the first moment you see raptue :eek:
It is perhaps the best demo I've ever downloaded from Live.
The gameplay is perfect and it's scarry as hell!
The 24 of August is marked on my calendar now. And it cannot come soon enough.
I know we really shouldn't just do "me too" posts, but I have to put my hand up for being a huge fan of this game. Was easily the most impressive demo I have seen. Just a small indicator, we have a bunch of guys in QA who are some of the most die hard PS3 fans you've ever seen. They are currently scouring the catalogs looking for the cheapest 360 they can find.

IMHO, Best art direction bar Gears. Best music and sound full stop. And finally a different setting and story. Had a real "Lost" feel to it.
Pays serious Homage to systemshock 2...ive never been excited about any game at all,till now,I think this may be the one guys.
the water breaking through the tube is much more impressive if you run through it as though it were really happening rather than examining it for technical perfection. It flows and looks so real in the proper context.

I know because I've done it both ways. :LOL:

also it is the water in pools on the deck and dropping from the ceiling etc that impresses me the most. :cool: oh and of course the wreckage/ocean water... OMG, wow. :oops:
Pays serious Homage to systemshock 2...ive never been excited about any game at all,till now,I think this may be the one guys.

Given it is coded by the same people who made system shock 2 and has been described as a spiritual successor to the system shock series, you shouldn't be too surprised at the similarities.

That said I am happily squeeing inside and awaiting the release of this. Looks to be a whole lot of fun.
How many times did you play through??

My first time was pretty messy, but on later plays I was able to use alot more strategy, very happy with the gameplay potential this promises.

My favourite moment had to be the absolute ass whoopin the big daddy lays on that guy :devilish:...and the first moment you see raptue :eek:

Just the once so far but im definatly planning to give it another run today. That alone suggests that I must have really enjoyed it as I rarely play a demo more than once all the way through.

I don't want another game on my must get list though, I already have too many on there as well as too many unfinished games I already purchased!! ;)
I saw this running on my cousin's 360 and it looks great. I plan on picking up a 360 just to play this since my pc is a bit outdated gaming wise.
Just the once so far but im definatly planning to give it another run today. That alone suggests that I must have really enjoyed it as I rarely play a demo more than once all the way through.

Me too man, I almost never ever play a game twice, but I've gone back to this 4 times now, just to screw around and try different approaches. Its just fun being in Rapture.
I'm one of those folks that never really played System Shock 2 when it came out, and when I finally got round to playing it last year I wasn't that impressed. But I downloaded the demo, mostly because of the good things said in this thread, and I can't wait for the full game.

The atmosphere is amazing and playing with a pad (my biggest fear) didn't hinder.

One thing that bugs me though on my setup is a really bad visual tear in the image along the center horizontal line, which is where I want to be aiming. It only happens on the 1920x1080 mode though, and going back to 1280x720 (or any mode less than the top 1080 one) makes it go away. VGA cable + Dell 2407 PC display for me.

Check it out (resized image, don't use it for a look at IQ)
Huh, I wonder if they are using a higher rendering resolution for 1080 line output, or if your display isn't syncing right. I saw just a hair of tearing right near the top of the screen at 720p, but nothing like that.
Is the tear always there while you play? (It's not just a lack of v-sync?)

Heh, the first thing I thought was a higher rendering mode too. Possibly something wacky with the tiling and stitching the image together.
It's likely just the display not syncing right rather than the game, but it's repeatable (comes back if I switch back to 1080 in the console options).