I'm the sort that doesn't actually want to be scared shitless playing a game
Actually.. I
hate scary gamrs. IOr perhasps more true: I hate getting scared by a game. I feel it's embarrassing!
I can't play Doom3 after dark. No way. Not unless I turn the sound wayyyy way way down so I can barely hear it, and the n all the nice atmosphere is just gone. I hated FEAR (coz it was so dam creepy) and I hated Condemned coz it had those blasted freaky-mutant-thing-jumping-out-of-the-dark-at-you moments every two minutes or so.
But Bioshock actually isn't very scary IMO. Or at least not in the demo version. The enemies announce their presence with their crazy weird gibberings and that's just fine with me. I zap em and then I beat their brains out with the pipe wrench while they stand there spasming around, hehe.
It's a weird-ass game alright! You go "WTF is going on here?!" and "You freaks are gonna DIE!" A LOT playing it and finding out some stuff about what has happened. But I don't think I've really been scared at all.
I've been surprised a couple times by enemies rushing me, but on a second play-through I knew when to expect them and prepared accordingly.
For example, when the alarm goes off at the end of the demo level, I ran into the bathroom the first time and offed the enemies in there as they came at me. This means they can come either from the left or the right side and you take some damage before you have a chance to aim and nail them.
The second time I stayed out in the lobby or whatever you wanna call it. Then I waited for them to come running&jumping down into the water puddle. When they did: *ZAP*
They ddin't even get to fire a single shot at me. They never had the opprtunity lol since the AI won't start attacking until they've reached the bottom of the stairs. And then they stand with their feet in water and are thusly toast. Literally.
Oh and like someone else said: the audio in this gamre is ammmmazing. The roduction values of this title are so incredibly hihg. It's a very very very slick game.