
It's sooo nice to see that Irrational is finally looking forward to inevitable success. I'm very, very tempted to get a zephyr based X360 for this... must avoid checking it out until the 65nm version is out ;)

If it's a July Elite console, it's a Falcon system with 65nm CPU/GPU, extra heatsink and epoxy fix.
I've purposefully avoided to read up on this game therefore I didn't know anything really about the background story or anything. I've seen the big daddy thingy of course and some random screen shots that I didn't study very closely.

You know, I've not really followed much about this title either, up until the point I read a couple of previews about it. I'm still not convinced that I'm actually going to buy it - I'm the sort that doesn't actually want to be scared shitless playing a game (I have enough trouble getting through Condemned). Some of the previews have raised my insterest in this now. The only reason I found out about the demo being on Live is that I had other people messaging me at the time pointing it out.

I've not had a chance to play the demo yet, but given the reactions so far it looks like I'll have to. I'll use that to gauge whether I think I can make it through the full game!

It's sooo nice to see that Irrational is finally looking forward to inevitable success.

Kind of an amusing report on that point:

Thanks Dave, good read.

No, I don't have a 360. No, I ain't playing this yet. And no, I won't be playing it in DX10 yummines as I gots me a DX9 set-up rig.
I've played through it three times now. "So awesome" is perfectly applicable. Have my collector's edition pre-ordered, and I can't wait to go down there and get it next week. =)

LaaYosh said:
It's sooo nice to see that Irrational is finally looking forward to inevitable success. I'm very, very tempted to get a zephyr based X360 for this... must avoid checking it out until the 65nm version is out


(also your tag is one of the most amusing I've seen lately. Excellent choice. :LOL: )

And yeah, that's a shame, NovemberMike.
You know, I've not really followed much about this title either, up until the point I read a couple of previews about it. I'm still not convinced that I'm actually going to buy it - I'm the sort that doesn't actually want to be scared shitless playing a game (I have enough trouble getting through Condemned). Some of the previews have raised my insterest in this now. The only reason I found out about the demo being on Live is that I had other people messaging me at the time pointing it out.

I've not had a chance to play the demo yet, but given the reactions so far it looks like I'll have to. I'll use that to gauge whether I think I can make it through the full game!

Kind of an amusing report on that point:

After openly stating this, you must absolutely chronicle your road through Condemned 2, when it hits stores:D.
I'm the sort that doesn't actually want to be scared shitless playing a game
:p Actually.. I hate scary gamrs. IOr perhasps more true: I hate getting scared by a game. I feel it's embarrassing!

I can't play Doom3 after dark. No way. Not unless I turn the sound wayyyy way way down so I can barely hear it, and the n all the nice atmosphere is just gone. I hated FEAR (coz it was so dam creepy) and I hated Condemned coz it had those blasted freaky-mutant-thing-jumping-out-of-the-dark-at-you moments every two minutes or so.

But Bioshock actually isn't very scary IMO. Or at least not in the demo version. The enemies announce their presence with their crazy weird gibberings and that's just fine with me. I zap em and then I beat their brains out with the pipe wrench while they stand there spasming around, hehe.

It's a weird-ass game alright! You go "WTF is going on here?!" and "You freaks are gonna DIE!" A LOT playing it and finding out some stuff about what has happened. But I don't think I've really been scared at all.

I've been surprised a couple times by enemies rushing me, but on a second play-through I knew when to expect them and prepared accordingly.

For example, when the alarm goes off at the end of the demo level, I ran into the bathroom the first time and offed the enemies in there as they came at me. This means they can come either from the left or the right side and you take some damage before you have a chance to aim and nail them.

The second time I stayed out in the lobby or whatever you wanna call it. Then I waited for them to come running&jumping down into the water puddle. When they did: *ZAP*

They ddin't even get to fire a single shot at me. They never had the opprtunity lol since the AI won't start attacking until they've reached the bottom of the stairs. And then they stand with their feet in water and are thusly toast. Literally.

Oh and like someone else said: the audio in this gamre is ammmmazing. The roduction values of this title are so incredibly hihg. It's a very very very slick game.

This game looks really amazing, and I noticed no drops or tearing in the time I managed to play the demo. I'm not sure how a dark game can be so colorful, but this is.

It looks and plays very nicely. I missed alot of the story because I couldn't hear the radio very well. I have a feeling I'm going to play through this demo alot over the next week waiting for this one to release.

Devs, this is how you do a demo, don't release something that tears like mad or looks like crap with the excuse "it's old code". Stun us with the beauty and completeness of it. Make it a reason to buy the game, not something that needs to be explained before the game is bought.

This is really a well put together package. I was expecting to get this, I didn't expect it to look and feel this good.
WOW, what a twisted, wierd, creepy awesome game this is.

I though I'd be pretty much spoilered out for this demo, but I wasn't prepared at all for the creepiness and wow-factor of it all. In the first 30 minutes are like 4 or 5 amazing moments, at least.

I never get scared by games, but this is probably the scariest game I've ever played, my heart was racing a couple of times, not so much for fear of dying, but just a strange foreboding that comes from the atmosphere. And in the opening scene, when I saw at the airplane tale sticking out of the water, it really creeped me out...

Nothing really negative to say, the water effects weren't as nice as I expected them to be, but they're still the nicest I've seen on the 360. Other than that, it's just plain wicked.

I'd never played any of his previous work, but Ken Levine has to be one of THE best game designers in the world, hands down.

got a little motion sickness the next time through... the faster I move the worse it is. In online multiplayer games it's never a problem but these corridor type games mess me up.... I am still buying it but will have to play sparingly and take my time.

It is a beautiful package indeed.
I'm really not sure if the demo made the wait easier or harder. I suppose now I at least know to plan ahead, once the game comes out I doubt I'll get much of anything else done until it play all the way though it.
I went for another play through and this time on the medium setting and the game got a LOT harder. In the final part when you get ambushed I died over and over :(

I have to wonder the reaction of other dev's when they play a demo like this. Like it or not, a bunch of other games coming it out this year just got owned!
After openly stating this, you must absolutely chronicle your road through Condemned 2, when it hits stores:D.
I've not quite reconcilled myself with that one yet. If the Achievements are easy though... :p

Post a video of you through a night-vision camera being really scared of Condemned 2.
Don't be stupid, what type of fool would do something like that :!: :p

:p Actually.. I hate scary gamrs. IOr perhasps more true: I hate getting scared by a game. I feel it's embarrassing!
A game can easily be scarier than, say, a movie, because (if done well) you can be immersed and invested in it more since you have more control over your actions.

I can't play Doom3 after dark. No way. Not unless I turn the sound wayyyy way way down so I can barely hear it, and the n all the nice atmosphere is just gone.
After a level or two its easy to be immunised by the formula of Doom 3... "dark corner, imp spawns..."

Anyway, I had a short go of this now and I have to say that the shear quantity of art and the atmosphere given by it is frankly incredible.
I'd never played any of his previous work, but Ken Levine has to be one of THE best game designers in the world, hands down.

You're really doing yourself a disservice. I'd go find a copy of System Shock 2, the most underrated game ever, on Amazon or eBay. It runs about $40-$60. I'd sell mine, but one of these days I might go back and play it. ;) Anyway, make sure to get the latest patch here...

P.S. Don't turn out your lights. LOL

Tommy McClain