
Anyway, I had a short go of this now and I have to say that the shear quantity of art and the atmosphere given by it is frankly incredible.

You're not the only one either. It seems the guys over at 2KBoston have posted an artbook titled "Breaking the Mold". It's a free download. 2 different PDFs are available (15mb OR 75mb). I've just downloaded the 75mb version and it's amazing. Get it here...

P.S. Beware that the Ken Levine foreword has spoilers in it.

Tommy McClain
Are we seriously going to start calling Irrational 2KBoston? If so then I'm going to cry. Really stupid of 2K to force that on them, I hate when publishers do that. HATE IT.
I went for another play through and this time on the medium setting and the game got a LOT harder. In the final part when you get ambushed I died over and over :(

At the end you can:
1) Hack the security cam, sending security bots at the splicers.
2) Hack the turret in the bathroom, and lure the splicers in.
3) Wait by the water and zap them in groups as they jump down

I thought it was a fairly good difficulty on hard (unlocked after you complete medium) maybe a tad on the easy side.

Skyring - I checked the options and the tips can be turned off ;)
Are we seriously going to start calling Irrational 2KBoston? If so then I'm going to cry. Really stupid of 2K to force that on them, I hate when publishers do that. HATE IT.

I don't really care. Never liked the name "Irrational Games" anyway. I still think of them as Looking Glass, more fitting than Irrational.

Tommy McClain
Are we seriously going to start calling Irrational 2KBoston? If so then I'm going to cry. Really stupid of 2K to force that on them, I hate when publishers do that. HATE IT.

I think perhaps I'll stick with Irrational. At least they'll know they haven't lost their identity... in my heart.

I thought it was a fairly good difficulty on hard (unlocked after you complete medium) maybe a tad on the easy side.

I just played through an hour ago or so on hard. It was fairly... "easy" with all the hacking I did. But I was dreadfully low on Eve. I probably wouldn't have gotten much farther than that. Still, I think my first playthrough will be on hard. No harvesting.

P.S. Beware that the Ken Levine foreword has spoilers in it.

Tommy McClain
I've had it sitting on my computer for a couple hours now. Since you've looked, would you consider any of the art in there "spoilerish" in nature? Such as enemies we haven't seen before and other things along those lines? I'm really tempted, but on the other hand, I don't want to taint the experience anymore than I have.
I've had it sitting on my computer for a couple hours now. Since you've looked, would you consider any of the art in there "spoilerish" in nature? Such as enemies we haven't seen before and other things along those lines? I'm really tempted, but on the other hand, I don't want to taint the experience anymore than I have.

Didn't actually read it. I skipped it, but I will say he called it a love letter to each individual artist. He named them all and wrote something to them. I suspect the spoilers are there, but I didn't read them.

Tommy McClain
Damn, where the heck did this game come from?!? Just tried the demo, man they nailed the visuals. Mood, ambiance, quality, just nailed it. I see this one winning the best graphics of the year award. Good stuff!

got a little motion sickness the next time through... the faster I move the worse it is. In online multiplayer games it's never a problem but these corridor type games mess me up.... I am still buying it but will have to play sparingly and take my time.

It is a beautiful package indeed.

Sea sickness, the same medicine that works against that will help you :)
I just downloaded the free art book,and I figure this game gets weirder and weirder as it goes on,judging some of the enemy art.
There are parts of Bioshock that aren't great such as some of the models of chairs, furniture and etc. But the overall mood of the lighting, sound, etc just has this "something" that really sucked me in.
Even my wife was impressed and she normally won't sit and watch me play anything that isn't a puzzle game or Texas Hold Em.

The most impressive thing about Stranglehold was the sheer destructability of everything. I utterly destroyed the first fountain in the demo and watched each part of it that was destroyed actually effected the water:oops:
The demo was great. The sounds and graphics are just ace. The art direction is also very good. But its not above everything else. I think Heavenly Swords looks better but its probably just a matter of taste.
There are parts of Bioshock that aren't great such as some of the models of chairs, furniture and etc.
Hm. I have no complaintws there actually.

The onl ything that bugs me slightly is the old old issue with running water in 3D games. it just doesn't look realistc. Most of the time you can kind of ignore it luckily.

The water cascade that comes down when the glass ceiling breaks in the room with the elevators (just before you first get the gun) looks pretty damn crap though. There's not even any shading on that water; just textures.

But it's just that one spot and you're supposed to move on away from there anyway so on the whole it really matters very little.

Hm. I have no complaintws there actually.

The onl ything that bugs me slightly is the old old issue with running water in 3D games. it just doesn't look realistc. Most of the time you can kind of ignore it luckily.

The water cascade that comes down when the glass ceiling breaks in the room with the elevators (just before you first get the gun) looks pretty damn crap though. There's not even any shading on that water; just textures.

But it's just that one spot and you're supposed to move on away from there anyway so on the whole it really matters very little.


I think that the trouble with running water is that in order for it to be credible, you have to have proper(ish) physics for it...and that's some way off IMHO.
This topic is about Bioshock, I strongly suggest that people do their utmost to keep it that way. No bringing up other titles in here.
Truly Impressed.

Inspired work Devs! Only a handful of games come out each gen that have the complete package where you can clearly tell a team of talented developers were not only clicking on all cyclinders, but they also had the financial backing to button the title up properly with plenty of polish and love.

Judging from this short demo, this title looks to be one of the handful of this gen.

Only "issue" I have with it is it's so darn creepy that my fiance doesn't like to watch it or even have it on in the house when she's there. Personally, I don't particularly like "creepy" myself, but it would be a shame for me to miss out on such an inspired title as this. :D

(***disclaimer*** I don't mean to imply this is the "creepiest game ever" etc. ... because as I said, I normally don't do creepy. I tried doom3 but judging from everyones impressions of "meh", I turned it off when it got to be too creepy for me)
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I played it through again for the 4th time. Those creepy shadow flashes like someone is just around the corner still gets me; I go into a panic and pull up the plasmid mode every time.

I'm going to thru it again, since I still don't get the hacking thing. I wonder what kind of Easter eggs will be in the final game. This game just screams to have them.
Assuming my 360 hasn't fried itself while i've been in work I have the demo waiting at home for me now :D

Sod this, im going home early to play it, the feedback has been staggering so far!
Assuming my 360 hasn't fried itself while i've been in work I have the demo waiting at home for me now :D

Sod this, im going home early to play it, the feedback has been staggering so far!

Off topic: I'm guessing your from Great Britain. Me and the wife are heading there tomorrow. It's one of the last places in Europe we're going to before heading back to the US next month.
Sea sickness, the same medicine that works against that will help you :)

I may try that... this game is worth it :D


Damn, where the heck did this game come from?!? Just tried the demo, man they nailed the visuals. Mood, ambiance, quality, just nailed it. I see this one winning the best graphics of the year award. Good stuff!
