
some people already have this. some are on sale at ebay. i will only buy this game if it's 60fps or have locked(fixed) framerate(framerate nerd, huh? yeah, i can't tolerate choppy framerates you know!)

edit: the new thing i saw was the mark 'only on xbox 360 and windows'. how stupid is that to put such ugly thing on what is potentially the game of the year.
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i will only buy this game if it's 60fps or have locked(fixed) framerate(framerate nerd, huh? yeah, i can't tolerate choppy framerates you know!)

edit: the new thing i saw was the mark 'only on xbox 360 and windows'. how stupid is that to put such ugly thing on what is potentially the game of the year.

It runs smooth as is? Why keep yourself from buying a potential game of the year because its not at 60FPS (how many titles are? 5?) or a locked FPS?
I believe the devs. have recently stated that the game will run at a locked 30 or 60 framerate and that the player has the ability to unlock the framerate if desired.
I want to pre-order this game, but I'm torn to which version of the game I should get (360 vs PC). Now, my PC isn't up to date, but I'm hoping it could coop with this game. I have low-end Core 2 (1.6) with 2G RAM and ATI 1800XL.

Playing FEAR demo on the PC vs the 360 was hard to judge. I noticed that frame rate on the PC wasn't as good as 360. But it was hard to compare due to different resolution and options, I guess I could have tuned the PC to match the 360.

Seeing the PC version is cheaper than 360, I'm really tempted in getting the PC version, but I like the simplicity of playing games on 360 without making tweaks and whatnot. So what are you guys getting? Why?

I'm not into PC vs console war, so this should purely from my current hardware support point of view...(ie would my PC support this game as well as the 360?).
I have a FX53 with X1900XTX rig and no way I'm getting this for the PC.

Rather play on my plasma with full surround and consistant performance.
Game Informer Review:
"A Masterpiece of Madness" - 10/10

The creators of System Shock 2 have honed their craft to create an FPS that is as adventurous as it is powerful

In almost every room, you’ll stop to carefully analyze the amazing detail applied to every surface and object. It’s one of the most beautiful games out there

The classic music, haunting voice recordings, and sound of insanity blend to create an eerie and intimidating array of sound. The surround sound support is also of a higher level than you usually hear

No matter what weapon or power you have equipped, you always feel like a god

The power to destroy has never been so varied and satisfying

Moderately High
I want to pre-order this game, but I'm torn to which version of the game I should get (360 vs PC). Now, my PC isn't up to date, but I'm hoping it could coop with this game. I have low-end Core 2 (1.6) with 2G RAM and ATI 1800XL.

Playing FEAR demo on the PC vs the 360 was hard to judge. I noticed that frame rate on the PC wasn't as good as 360. But it was hard to compare due to different resolution and options, I guess I could have tuned the PC to match the 360.

Seeing the PC version is cheaper than 360, I'm really tempted in getting the PC version, but I like the simplicity of playing games on 360 without making tweaks and whatnot. So what are you guys getting? Why?

I'm not into PC vs console war, so this should purely from my current hardware support point of view...(ie would my PC support this game as well as the 360?).

Depends where you want to play..

My PC (7600GT) couldn't handle the game well.

Generally speaking if available on both, I tend to buy the 360 version. Usually the game in question will be built for a console anyway with the PC port tacked on. And 360 is a much simpler experience (no bugs, patches, etcetcetc.
I have a FX53 with X1900XTX rig and no way I'm getting this for the PC.

Rather play on my plasma with full surround and consistant performance.

Why would you assume less consistent performance on that rig than the 360? You have more GPU power there and arguably just as good a CPU.

At the same settings I would be suprised if the PC version on that rig didn't run faster than the 360 version. And potentially look better at the same time. It certainly does in many other games when similar settings are used.

And playing on a TV and surround sound system is as simple as plugging your PC into one.

Personally I will be getting the PC version as its highly likely to look and run beter on my 8800GTS, its cheaper, and I can play it on my HDTV and surround sound system as my PC is connected to them both (and I have a 360 pad).
I want to pre-order this game, but I'm torn to which version of the game I should get (360 vs PC). Now, my PC isn't up to date, but I'm hoping it could coop with this game. I have low-end Core 2 (1.6) with 2G RAM and ATI 1800XL.

Playing FEAR demo on the PC vs the 360 was hard to judge. I noticed that frame rate on the PC wasn't as good as 360. But it was hard to compare due to different resolution and options, I guess I could have tuned the PC to match the 360.

Seeing the PC version is cheaper than 360, I'm really tempted in getting the PC version, but I like the simplicity of playing games on 360 without making tweaks and whatnot. So what are you guys getting? Why?

I'm not into PC vs console war, so this should purely from my current hardware support point of view...(ie would my PC support this game as well as the 360?).

You have a little less GPU power than the 360 so your PC would be unlikely to play the game as well.

On the other hand if you have any plans to upgrade your GPU soon then it might be worth picking up the PC version as the rest of your system should handle the game just as well.
Well, truthfully what happens with your GPU would be largely dependent on resolution and whether you enable AA or not, level of effects, etc...

A 7600GT will likely play the game fine under some combination of compromises.

Now, the 360 version should run better without the relative GPU power even a consideration; it frankly is going to have received a system-tuned version, whereas the PC version is just that... the PC version.

That said, I really am wanting some benchmarks to come out for GPU comparisons.
I didn't notice any fps drops. Ofcourse I was busy trying to pick my jaw up from the floor...

nice to hear that, i am buying this one! i can't play horror games due to my personality but i will regret not playing, so i will give it a go. any tips for someone scared of horror games?
frankly is going to have received a system-tuned version, whereas the PC version is just that... the PC version.

And this statement pretty much makes any comparison a moot point.

This statement is also the exact reason I don't invest in pc gaming.
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Now, the 360 version should run better without the relative GPU power even a consideration; it frankly is going to have received a system-tuned version, whereas the PC version is just that... the PC version.

Isn't that the same as suggesting the PC is incapable of running a game smoothly regardless of its power or the games requirements?

In my experience the relative power of the systems is very relevant to how fluid the game runs regardless of whether its on PC or console. TR:Legend or Oblivion are two recent examples I can think of. Both get a little choppy on the 360 but a the same settings are butter smooth on my PC. I really don't see why Bioshock would be any different.
Isn't that the same as suggesting the PC is incapable of running a game smoothly regardless of its power or the games requirements?

In my experience the relative power of the systems is very relevant to how fluid the game runs regardless of whether its on PC or console. TR:Legend or Oblivion are two recent examples I can think of. Both get a little choppy on the 360 but a the same settings are butter smooth on my PC. I really don't see why Bioshock would be any different.

But that's what I mean - pure butter but at what settings? That's a very wide range. 360 runs it at 1280x720; pretty low by PC standards these days. Set it around that resolution, turn off anti-aliasing, and frankly I think the 7600GT will at least chug along at it. I mean the 360 version would still likely top it of course.

Get a 8800GTX and of course you can blow it out of the water. Look at your own sig; how long were you at 'chug' level in modern games before you got to 'buttery smooth' in the gulf in between your 9800Pro and 8800GTS ownership? I mean, that's *three* entire gens you had that card for!
Isn't that the same as suggesting the PC is incapable of running a game smoothly regardless of its power or the games requirements?

Not at all, what he is suggesting is that relative to GPU power, the X360 version will run better than would you would achieve with a similar PC gpu (say a X1900XT)
Isn't that the same as suggesting the PC is incapable of running a game smoothly regardless of its power or the games requirements?

In my experience the relative power of the systems is very relevant to how fluid the game runs regardless of whether its on PC or console. TR:Legend or Oblivion are two recent examples I can think of. Both get a little choppy on the 360 but a the same settings are butter smooth on my PC. I really don't see why Bioshock would be any different.

Well if your GPU matches the rest of the system, then your PC will probably kill the 360 version. You have 1-2GB of system RAM, 640MB of video RAM. Playing at 1280x720 even with 4x AA will be cake for PC.

The PC version will be at least $10 cheaper and will 'grow' with PC upgrades.

My PC and 360 are connected to the same home theater setup, but I'm getting the 360 version because I'm lazy and I scored it for $40.
A 3GHz dual core with 7800 runs the game at 1024x768 at 30 to 40fps with everything turned on.
An 8800 runs the game at 1280x1024 at ~50fps with everything turned on.

Many thanks, this is just the sort of early benchmarking I was curious about! :)

EDIT: Actually, though I thank you for the relevant points on resolution, I just listened to it myself and that guy seems a little unsure of what he's saying. He knows the framerates no doubt, but I just wonder if he's accurate as to their resolutions. 1280x1024 would seem a low res to run on a top end card, and then after that he sort of starts talking about higher resolutions as if they might have been those instead.

Anyway everything else aside, so far from that initial review it looks like a A-class game for both 360 and PC.
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But that's what I mean - pure butter but at what settings? That's a very wide range.

In my example I was referring to the same settings, so 720p, high settings, low AF etc... however in those 2 particular games the same remains true at much higher settings. For example I play TR:L at 16xAA/16xAF at 1360x768 and its still much smoother than the 360 version.

360 runs it at 1280x720; pretty low by PC standards these days.

Yeah thats true but when asking which version would run better you have to use the same standards so it wouldn't be fair to say the PC version runs worse because PC gamers expect more in terms of resolution.

Get a 8800GTX and of course you can blow it out of the water. Look at your own sig; how long were you at 'chug' level in modern games before you got to 'buttery smooth' in the gulf in between your 9800Pro and 8800GTS ownership? I mean, that's *three* entire gens you had that card for!

Oh I chugged away for quite a while with my 9800pro, although strictly speaking I was actually only ever behind console performance for 12 months as before the 360 launched all I had to compare to was the xbox. And at 640x480 the 9800pro can handle pretty much anything from 2005 or earlier like butter ;)

However my point isn't that the game won't perform worse on any PC, it clearly will. My point is that beyond a certain configuration, most games will always run better on a PC. The required configuration to enable that will obviously depend on the game and how well optimised it is. It just seems to me that some are of the belief that PC games can't run smoothly regardless of framerate because of the nature of a PC which in my experience isn't the case.