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deserves its own thread since IGN has used the GoS words. :D

Bioshock is about choice. It's about exploration, problem solving, and survival. It's also about scaring the crap out of you. If you're wondering what the best game at the show is, this may very well be it. We got in at 2K Games' both to see a 20 minute demo of the game in action, and got to see a number of gameplay mechanics, as well as gaze at its gorgeous graphics. Bioshock's setting is a large part of its appeal. Set in the underwater city of Rapture, the environments are a striking blend of sci-fi machinery and art deco designs. Since Rapture is under enormous aquatic pressure, the city is constantly leaking, meaning there's a significant amount of spraying water mixed in with the settings. The city was created in secret and subsequently forgotten. By the time you arrive there, there's evidence everywhere of the denizens attempting to manipulate their environment to survive. In addition to rearranging their disheveled surroundings, some of the inhabitants have ingested too many of the genetic modifiers littered around, driving them mad....
Honestly if turns out even half as good as System Shock 1/2 & Thief1/2 were for their time, it will be contender for game of the year... easy!
My i'm such a FB...
Gamespot editor just commented on this game (video)

he said that he will be babbling about it from now until the day it comes out... his Best of Show

he said it's basically the best of System Shock 2 in a different environment and is the pinnacle of "convergent" game play.

He said there are a million ways (sic) to solve every problem in the game play. A few others said it was a Star Wars-like feel to the atmosphere.
I have very fond memories of the System Shock games. If gameplay is somewhere in their direction, as most previews seem to suggest, this is definitely one to keep an eye upon. The screens are also artistically quite stunning so far.
61 images and not ONE video. This has to be a first.

I'm really impressed with the art directon this game has chosen to take. It's underwater setting with an array of old fashioned posters makes for a very interesting atmosphere.
I know its coming out for PC and Xbox360, but has anybody heard anything about a PS3 version? Reading over a scan from the newest OPM, I thought it was weird they confirmed it as a ps3 title. Maybe its just wishful thinking on their part? Heres the quote...

OPM said:
Unless you've been surgically attached to a PC for the past decade, you're unlikely to have heard of BioShock, or the System Shock series that spawned it. However, now that the game has been confirmed for PS3, trust us - you're going to hear a whole lot more on this potentially genre - busting, next-gen beauty.
Anybody else find that weird? I havent heard about a ps3 version anywhere. I guess I should try to play system shock 1&2 somehow to see what all the buzz is about.
Bad_Boy said:
I know its coming out for PC and Xbox360, but has anybody heard anything about a PS3 version? Reading over a scan from the newest OPM, I thought it was weird they confirmed it as a ps3 title. Maybe its just wishful thinking on their part? Heres the quote...

Anybody else find that weird? I havent heard about a ps3 version anywhere. I guess I should try to play system shock 1&2 somehow to see what all the buzz is about.

I hope so. I will hate to miss out on playing this game.
Bad_Boy said:
I know its coming out for PC and Xbox360, but has anybody heard anything about a PS3 version?

I believe I read in the GameInformer issue with the first exclusive on BioShock, that Irrational Games would like to bring it to the PS3, but it has yet to be approved by Sony. Something like that.
The more I read about this game and the more I want Irrational to work on a (real) Deus Ex sequel.
mckmas8808 said:
Approved? WTF? Why wouldn't Sony approve it yet?
Concept approval is a standard process. It just takes time.
Malibu said:
I believe I read in the GameInformer issue with the first exclusive on BioShock, that Irrational Games would like to bring it to the PS3, but it has yet to be approved by Sony. Something like that.

Irrational Games has no system preference that I am aware of.

That said I would be really surprised if they had a working PS3 version of the game right now. There is a plethora of PC and Xbox 360 media out there, and not one single PS3 shot. While I have no doubts it will eventually show up on the PS3, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they didn't start on the port until after the 360 version was complete.
mckmas8808 said:
Does Tim Sweeny basically make the whole Unreal engine?

is this in the right topic? or does bioshock use the URE3 also

anyway from what I understand he doesn't even program anymore(or not much), just does research and lays down the roadmap of their technology

I never played the system shock games, are they worth checking out and whay type of game is it action/adventure?