i think its more about the game that badly designed. Maybe the gameplay are sound but the explanation are borked.
Bad example
Many JRPG, for example Resonance of Fate are game with sound gameplay but badly explained and you cant progress at all if you dont understand the gameplay.
Gran Turismo series. I dont understand the so many gameplay feature it has, and when i try miself, it still hard to understand.
About Crysis 3. I have not played the game so i dont really know. But does the gameplay ability to detect "vulnerabilities" and attack it also present on other enemies? Or its limited to that ONE boss?
If its limited to that one boss, i can understand that stupid gamer problem. He did not expect the game to suddently allowing him to do that.
Its like on imaginary Megaman when suddently on the final boss, you need to use Mega-Mind attack. An attack that previously you have never been able to use so you dont understand the behavior to expect.
Or when suddently on imaginary Mario Bros you must walk to LEFT instead to the right.
I felt something like that (but in reverse) when playing Bioshock Infinite. I have "posession magic", i can control MANY enemies. But why suddently i cant control some of the enemies?
Battlefield 3. Hmm, why cant i collapse the Metro station?

i cant even make a HOLE on the metro wall. How can i KNOW what things i can blow and what things i cant? How can i know what trees i can cut?
Good example
Dark/Demon Souls deliberately badly explain its own gameplay. I think the need to explore the gameplay by myself ARE the gamepay and the game encourage me to learn (no learn, no live). So its good. (wow confusing sentence).
Forza series. I still dont understand the every tiny bits of upgrades or paintings/decals. But the game explained it well enough so i can use it with minimum understanding.
Halo series except halo 4. Hmm, i cant damage the enemy, then i saw shield are borked on the corner. Oh i see, i need to shoot it right there.
On halo 4, i dont understand what to expect with the teleporting enemy :/
BFBC2 i can blow all of buildings that are not made by metal construction or flat with terrain. I can cut all the trees too.
Thats why i love PC gaming and Xbox 360 PS2 PS1. When the game become annoying, i just use cheat or mod

It makes Skyrim more enjoyable. Where is my follower? I just teleport them. Why my wife wont come with me for the journey across tamriel? No problem, i make my wife a follower.
It makes lost planet 1 (battery/heater problem) and 2 (checkpoint problem) become a lot better game.