Bioshock confirmed for PS3?

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its completely uncalled for however.

Most people know that the PC versions of games are superior 99% of the time. Aspecially most people that visit a technical site like Beyond 3d.

People posting stuff like that on a CONSOLE FORUM, are PC fan-boys or something. Its just like when F.E.A.R. was announced for the X360, a gazillion PC boys suddenly felt the need to say that the PC version is far superior than the console version.

Anybody with half a brain can tell you that the PC version of things will probably be better, considering the power that sits in good gaming rigs.

I don't consider PC versions to be superior at all. This is a console forum. People should talk about PC versions in the PC gaming area. I'm just tired of the trolling.
Can PC gamers please refrain from posting "PC version UBERZ all" or other such nonsense whenever a PC version exists for an upcoming console title? It's getting pretty tiring...

I prefered playing on X360.

I don't consider PC versions to be superior at all. This is a console forum. People should talk about PC versions in the PC gaming area. I'm just tired of the trolling.

I agree 100%
The only genre I like to play with keyboard and mouse is RTS-games, but that's it.
Who's grading whats within the realm of "necessary and unecessary" statements on this here internet forum aside from people in the moderation postions? I reserve my right to agree with Skyring in pointing out the PC version will be superior in my opinion, and I'm sure, seeing as he hasn't deleted his comment, Skrying feels the same. Any topic regarding any game on any front is fodder for debate on which platform it will be most enjoyable. So please, inevitably, when the topic of a game making appearances on multiple platforms arises, don't get offended by debates over which platform it will peak it's performance on. What people fail to realize here is everyone here is entitled to their own opinions, and you could spout out all day with a completely opposing view as mine, but that won't leave either of us wrong, just merely divided.

*edit* I had a link to go along with the thread topic, but it was chock full of scans.

Seeing as this topic has nothing to do with with 360 vs. PC, "unnecessary" has nothing to do with varying opinions but keeping on track with the topic and the that "PC is better" is commonly accepted and adds nothing but noise to this post.

Any topic regarding any game on any front is fodder for debate on which platform it will be most enjoyable.

Basically what you are saying is just about any post here can lead to "its better on ______ (insert your favorite platform here)" arguments and its perfectly acceptable.
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I suspect with the huge advantage consoles games have in sales over most PC counterparts that it is inevitable that the PC is going to need to significantly evolve /or/ consoles will eventually displace them in the mainstream. IMO PC software is hardly what it was years ago, and the price of entry and success of titles are issues that make me wonder if PC development will be even smaller in 5 years than it is now.

I dont know what is going to happen in 5 years but right know things are very ominus for pc action gaming , inclouding shooters.
It seems that this genre is escaping from the pc more and more. You can see games that they could be great hits in the pc platform to loose completely their pc version. -COD3, Battlefield2, The Darkness, Army of Two- and the list goes on. Last addition in this list is the Dark Sector (Dark Sector PC dropped).
It seems that many developers for some reason don't even bother to make a port of their game for the PCs.
But i think that this is a subject for discussion in another thread...
Seeing as this topic has nothing to do with with 360 vs. PC, "unnecessary" has nothing to do with varying opinions but keeping on track with the topic and the that "PC is better" is commonly accepted and adds nothing but noise to this post.

Basically what you are saying is just about any post here can lead to "its better on ______ (insert your favorite platform here)" arguments and its perfectly acceptable.

Noise to the post? This forum pertains to technology so expect varying opinions regarding ANYTHING posted here. What I don't understand is the level of how personal some people take other's commenting on how they feel it, being virtually anything, will perform on platform A as opposed to platform B.

And yes basically I am saying that. Read the aforementioned statement. Twice if need be. Anyone who posts under the guise of "my topic will be accepted and devoid of any naysayers" is delusional.
Noise to the post? This forum pertains to technology so expect varying opinions regarding ANYTHING posted here. What I don't understand is the level of how personal some people take other's commenting on how they feel it, being virtually anything, will perform on platform A as opposed to platform B.

And yes basically I am saying that. Read the aforementioned statement. Twice if need be. Anyone who posts under the guise of "my topic will be accepted and devoid of any naysayers" is delusional.

You totally didnt get the point did you?

Your bringing in noise, by talking about how superior the PC version is. While the webpage is about technology, aspecially PC tech. This part of the forum is about CONSOLE games. Talking about how superior the PC version is, its completely uncalled for, most people here, that visit this tech site, know that a PC is superior to consoles.
You totally didnt get the point did you?

Your bringing in noise, by talking about how superior the PC version is. While the webpage is about technology, aspecially PC tech. This part of the forum is about CONSOLE games. Talking about how superior the PC version is, its completely uncalled for, most people here, that visit this tech site, know that a PC is superior to consoles.

Nice job backtracking and completely reiterating your previous point. Also I appreciate the spiffy graphic, because I was oblivious to what section I was in. So what you're saying essentially is all talk of anything pc related must be refrained inside the walls of the console area? Please. If you truly believe that than you sir are diluted beyond belief. So why don't you now go into a thread devoted to HD televisions and shun the people who make mention to quality comparisons between televisions and computer monitors, seeing as you've obviously taken a vested interest in moderating conversation. Be sure to bring forth more obvious graphics, preferably one with a picture of a field with the sun circled stating "THIS IS THE SUN."
Shouldnt this thread be locked?

But... but... but I am waiting for all the people who threw fits about the VF, Tekken, Assassin's Creed, etc and how we shouldn't be spreading rumors and so forth to come in here and get made because there is a rumor of a 360 game going to the PS3. :devilish:

Anyhow... Bioshock should be a really great game if they can get the framerate stable. The premise is interesting, if not pyscho... it needs to be marketed right, but based on past franchises this could be a sleeper hit. Hopefully it is a timed exclusive and will arrive on all platforms.
Locked for obvious reasons. Would the participants of both sides (PC, console) make sure that they're expressing an opinion and that it might be somewhat distressing to the other side? Moreover, leading the debate PC vs Console by proxy is in fact also something that is high likely to be locked.
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