Betrayed by Europe

John Reynolds said:
No, not at all. Was just quoting the article's title.

The author recites much of what i have already heard coming form other jewish europeans (especially those from france) concerning growing racism in europe.

I haven't seen counter examples provided or for that matter any substantive rebuttles (calling it Jewish propaganda doesn't cut it) against this position. I am curious to hear what others believe.
Fucking French... I knew it was bad over there but this is brutal. The characterization of the US is beyond simple slander of the government. With allies like that who needs enemies? The country of France and its people ought to be humiliated and embarrassed by their own sickening snobbishness. After reading that article I think the idea of ever visiting that country makes me want to vomit. It appears the French will gobble down just about any sort of crap they hear or read about the United States. A sickness thrives in that country but I don't believe that it is exclusive to France and that is the real tragedy. Not only for America but for the people who truly believe that America is not a just country. Fools, the lot of them.

Sabastian said:
After reading that article I think the idea of ever visiting that country makes me want to vomit. It appears the French will gobble down just about any sort of crap they hear or read about the United States.abastian

That always goes both ways 8)
dreamin' said:
Sabastian said:
After reading that article I think the idea of ever visiting that country makes me want to vomit. It appears the French will gobble down just about any sort of crap they hear or read about the United States.abastian

That always goes both ways 8)

I live in Canada. I think the French suck particularly the ones that simply hate America based on bullshit. The article is not an embellishment its authentic.
Wow, what a crock. Nothing is substanitated in any form. All I read is panic mongering and unsubstantiated allegations.

Just my two faviourites:

videos are delivered to bring Americans the tidings of their imminent destruction[...] In this clip, courageous Iraqi freedom fighters are shooting a missile at a DHL cargo plane.

How does a video clip of Iraqis shooting missiles at a German cargo plane prove her point?

French Catholics swear by the principle of laïcité and don’t even begin to suspect that they are being turned into dhimmis in their own country.


The whole thing is full of that kind of stuff. Truly pathetic.

Commentary is published monthly (except for a combined July-August issue) by the American Jewish Committee.
Sabastian said:
I think the French suck particularly the ones that simply hate America based on bullshit. The article is not an embellishment its authentic.

And you above all are qualified to make that judgement :rolleyes:
Right, you live in Canada, I was in France for the weekends about every three weeks for the last two years, cause a good friend of mine lived in Paris, just a little walk from teh moulin rouge. "The French" don't suck, I'd say that the standing of the US has suffered there in the last year, as it has throughout europe. You can like that or you can not, but if you actually talk to real people and don't believe every media report you read, you'll see that most french don't just hate the everything american based on some irrational feeling. Sure, you can go and make interviews with people on the street and produce almost every result you want, but I bet you that you can do that in every country of the world. You will be able to find people telling bad jokes about stupid arrogant americans throughout europe, just as I as a german so far never could go to a british pub and not once get to hear a bad joke about nazis or german march music (and I'm part bolivian and certainly don't look anything aryan).

On a sidenote, there's definately a latent anti-semitism with alot of members of "arabic" immigrants, not just in france, but in germany too. From several discussions I had with friends from the middle-east/north-africa here in germany, there's very often been the notion to connect dissatisgaction with the israel/palestine/middle east situation with jews living in europe. Even though that's certainly a condemnable notion, I think that will be no final domestical solution within europe, but only through a solution in the middle east, as shallow as that sounds... But I've yet to see anti-semitism become "mainstream" in europe.
dreamin' said:
Right, you live in Canada, I was in France for the weekends about every three weeks for the last two years, cause a good friend of mine lived in Paris, just a little walk from teh moulin rouge. "The French" don't suck, I'd say that the standing of the US has suffered there in the last year, as it has throughout europe. You can like that or you can not, but if you actually talk to real people and don't believe every media report you read, you'll see that most french don't just hate the everything american based on some irrational feeling. Sure, you can go and make interviews with people on the street and produce almost every result you want, but I bet you that you can do that in every country of the world. You will be able to find people telling bad jokes about stupid arrogant americans throughout europe, just as I as a german so far never could go to a british pub and not once get to hear a bad joke about nazis or german march music (and I'm part bolivian and certainly don't look anything aryan).

On a sidenote, there's definately a latent anti-semitism with alot of members of "arabic" immigrants, not just in france, but in germany too. From several discussions I had with friends from the middle-east/north-africa here in germany, there's very often been the notion to connect dissatisgaction with the israel/palestine/middle east situation with jews living in europe. Even though that's certainly a condemnable notion, I think that will be no final domestical solution within europe, but only through a solution in the middle east, as shallow as that sounds... But I've yet to see anti-semitism become "mainstream" in europe.

Ok so it is all a joke... and if you actually go around and ask people about why they really hate America or Americans they won't react irrationally and calmly explain that it is all in good humor.. Many a truth said in jest. No it is worse then you are portraying. In fact it is borderline hate mongering and it is not uncommon to run into it here in Canada. Of course if you stand up to the moron who says "I hate Americans!" with a simple question of why? they stammer.. and cough up some stupid suggestion that they are ignorant or stupid. BTW that is not something that suddenly came out of nowhere. It has always been there but now instead of a dull roar it is deafening. In France it could only be worse particularly with the elitist left wing mentality running wild. Europe as a whole suffers in the same way I would suspect.

Here in Canada we have our own brand of Canadian snobbery. It is the underlying ignorance of it all that I cannot stand. Mostly it is politically motivated garble hell bent on portraying Capitalism and America as something that is less then desirable and mostly only for the weak minded. It is hard to articulate my distain for this. Because of the nature of it. For instance last night I was talking to a couple of people I work with.. "Americans should be nuked if they reelect Bush" one said. The other said "someone ought to shoot Bush in the head because he is soo stupid".(I won't go into explaining this persons intellectual deficiencies here but lets just say Bush is a fucking scholar in comparison.) They were surprised when I asked them why they felt the way they do. I however was not surprised that they were. To the one who suggested Americans ought to be nuked I explained that 9/11 is the backdrop for Bushes military action so Americans ought to be killed because they have an interest in defending their country? To that he simply stammered. To the other I explained that we here in Canada elected a moron two times in a row but we don't consider that he disserved a bullet in the head for being stupid. This sort of crap can be dug up simply by talking to anyone on the street indeed. It is founded in ignorance and buffered in the guise of humor but pull back the layers and underneath it is unadulterated hate with little to no founding in reality. These people get under my skin. I know it is stupid to let this bother me but I think America (even Bush!!) deserves a better repertoire then is currently being allotted in media. I will make one concession though, you don't have to be French to be a jackass.
Sabastian said:
if you actually go around and ask people about why they really hate America or Americans they won't react irrationally and calmly explain that it is all in good humor

What makes you think that the French hate America or the Americans?

Disagreement = hatred?

I am getting sick of that line of argumentation. It's so damn obvious. Declare criticism a product of irrational hatred instead of rational thought and discredit it without ever adressing what is said. Don't attack the argument, attack the person(s) who make it.

It's virtually the same with all those allegations of anti-semitism. God forbid people might have a point when they criticize Israel, no, it MUST be anti-semitism, i.e. irrational hatred against Jews.

And to employ that tactics successfully you have to paint a distorted picture of French people who are arrogant and full of hatred towards the US, who snicker and sneer over Americans getting killed in Iraq, who are brainwashed by anti-american media and unable to think for themselves, who see Iraqi insurgents as courageous freedom fighters and all the other preposterous allegations in that despicable article.

This is a classic example of propaganda.
L233 said:
Sabastian said:
if you actually go around and ask people about why they really hate America or Americans they won't react irrationally and calmly explain that it is all in good humor

What makes you think that the French hate America or the Americans?

Disagreement = hatred?

Because when you confront them about matters they really don't disagree about things that much. That is the difference. It is only when you get into debates with ideologs that there is disagreement. For the most part people are simply going with the flow of media bias and morons like Michael Moor... Most people really don't disagree that much when you lay the facts in front of them.

Another example I remembered after I posted my last one. My young girl here at home explained to me that she hated America because it was racist one day. Shocked and perplexed I attempted to dig out of her where she heard such a thing.(never did get it out of her BTW) I explained to her that Canada is quite similar to the US in many ways and that whoever told her that was lying in the worst sort of way. In a not so related matter she is also a big fan of Jonny Dep (much to my chagrin.) who also has negative things to say about America and not so consequentially lives in France, all of which she took note of. At any rate the joke has gone too far and I have had it with the bullshit.
Sabastian said:
Because when you confront them about matters they really don't disagree about things that much.

Ok, fine. Indulge yourself in that view of Europe if that suits you. Continue to believe that European are irrational USA haters if you like to. There is nothing I, or anyone else, can write that will convince you otherwise.
L233 said:
Sabastian said:
Because when you confront them about matters they really don't disagree about things that much.

Ok, fine. Indulge yourself in that view of Europe if that suits you. Continue to believe that European are irrational USA haters if you like to. There is nothing I, or anyone else, can write that will convince you otherwise.

Oh, so it is not that they are irrational haters of Americans, its that they are rational haters in general. I see, they are all left wing ideologs?? I severely doubt it.
Sabastian said:
I see, they are all left wing ideologs?? I severely doubt it.

So only "left-wing ideologists" could possibly be critical of the USA in a rational manner?

Again, indulge yourself and go read some more Ann Coulter. I have nothing more to say to you.