Personally if the picture quality of my Q9FN was the same in game mode as it is outside of it, I would prefer it over my CX in most usage scenarios. The CX can't touch it in bright HDR-scenes, just today I did comparison with this clip on my sets.
(Matrix Resurrections)
And I wouldn't have hard time choosing which screen I'd use to see it.
Don't get me wrong I very much like the CX and for gaming it's the one I use, but even there I do miss the power of the backlight of my other set.
Sure, I totally get that this is a thing for some people. Otherwise there'd be no reason to get anything other than an OLED set.
But as I mentioned, for me, anything brighter than my LG OLED would be completely useless as I don't have it anywhere close to max brightness. And even at my settings, in a dark or dimly lit room, HDR can still be blindingly bright to me, enough that I have to squint my eyes to view some content.
Obviously if you do most of your media viewing or gaming in a brightly lit room, then higher brightness might be useable (as in your case), so yeah. Not perfect.
But again, for me, even if it was too dim, I still wouldn't go back to any LCD in existence just due to the rubbish blacks and loss of detail when there's motion (especially fast motion) in movies, TVs or games.
Since I have a LCD and OLED side by side in my PC setup it's really easy to see just how much loss of detail there is in really dark scenes or fast motion video (or games) by just replaying those things side by side.
And again, different people have different tolerances for different things. Thus, there will never be a "thing" (TV or other) that appeals to everyone in the same way.

So yeah, I get why many people still debate whether they should get an OLED or LCD.