Best art direction? KOTOR or FFX-2?

FF X-2 ofcourse. KOTOR's art direction is limited to the scope of the Star Wars universe.. and IMO, Western designers are still behind their Japanese counterparts in art.
How are they behind in art exactly? Or at least in what factors are involved in that thinking? Essentially I disagree, I think the japnese style of art is falling out of popularity in favor of games with more interesting artistic themes and approches. depends on the game comopany and art style chosen.
zurich said:
FF X-2 ofcourse. KOTOR's art direction is limited to the scope of the Star Wars universe.. and IMO, Western designers are still behind their Japanese counterparts in art.

I don't know FFX-2, but where KotOR is most lacking is it's character animations (combat animations are ok.), one of the few really weak points of the game. The animations in dialogue and cutscenes look quite bad compared to many japanese games or e.g. Broken Sword 3 or Beyond Good & Evil (to name some of the sadly quite few western games with really good character design and animation).
I don't think that western designers are behind their japanese counterparts in art as a whole (i.e. in every aspect), but I certainly agree when it comes to aforementioned character design/animation. Quite sad to see games that push gazillions of beautifully lit polygons, and have characters that move and look like puppets on a string. I'm glad that western developers finally seem to start realizing that.
So is this thread about hottest babes or the art direction in those two games?

If it's about art direction, I don't think either game is particularly strong, maybe slight edge goes to FFX2 for being an original universe, and having some pretty backgrounds and enemy character design.
Just forget about the babes part. Just overall art direction, including that of the characters.
I haven't even played FFX-2 and I can say that it wins this contest.

I disliked KOTOR's art design and graphics in general.. although they had their perks.
Art direction is where Square has always had it in spades, so I'd give it hands down to X-2. KOTOR's is solid enough, but overall more simple and not as imaginative. (Which count for a lot when talking about something like "art direction" as a whole.)

Of course many people say Square's attention to visuals detracts from the OTHER aspects of their game, so hey. ;)
FF series always have good art for main character party, but I feel the monsters are getting tired and old. It's always the same variations.
DemoCoder said:
FF series always have good art for main character party, but I feel the monsters are getting tired and old. It's always the same variations.

Um... ok? No? Have you played more than one FF game? Or are you just comparing FFX to FFX-2?
FFX2. Of course.

zurich said:
and IMO, Western designers are still behind their Japanese counterparts in art.

I totally agree with that. There's only been a small handful of Western games where I can say I was honestly impressed with the artwork. Compared to dozens of Japanese games.
Well, while Star Wars can have some very amazing locales (as the ones seen in Episode 2, that are breathtaking), those are not present in KOTOR, while most of the character design is plain poor in SW, something KOTOR does share.
When comparing that to FFX-2´s imaginative, colorfull and original world, great character and creature designs, I´d say FFX-2 is the clear winner here.
I think when it comes to videogames, the Japanese "anime" style works very well, usually better than the "comic book" style typical of western developed games. I'll put in the caveat that I'm just talking about videogames, not art in general.
As someone mentioned before the "bad" thing about KOTOR vs FF is the animations while conversating. Art vs gfx, if i take the music in i would say FF even though i think i might like KOTOR more.
I'm not entirely sure if the two games should be compared with regards to art style. I'll give it a try. FFX-2 has much more color, has more fluidity with regards to animation, and the characters themsevles do not appear as cold shells with tightly scripted events behind them. KOTOR is a bit darker in theme so I'm assuming they wanted to make it a bit darker colored also. The animation was lacking in KOTOR as was a steady framerate. I did enjoy some of the locales but everything was redundant. I would give it to FFX-2 no doubt.
IMO even for the style they were shooting for KOTOR isn't so hot. Tron 2.0 and Halo 2 are arguably similar in style, but the artwork is much better.
I think it's a matter of taste. Just like some people like the style of art in Anime, some people love the style of art in Japanese RPG's.

After some thought, I got DE:IW instead of KOTOR. Now that I have played Deus Ex 2, it's my opinion that the frame rate doesn't hinder gameplay.