Battlestar Galactic Season Finally tonight - 90 minute episode.

Spoilers, yes.

I do have to have the Cylons changed since Gaius' Six and Gallactica's Sharon took charge? What was their purpose in coming to New Caprica? How the hell are Adama and son going to keep two understaffed Battlestar's up and running?
I think your first two questions are answered very clearly by Six's monolouge over the closeing credits. As for the latter question, I imagine they plan to act quickly.
kyleb said:
I think your first two questions are answered very clearly by Six's monolouge over the closeing credits. As for the latter question, I imagine they plan to act quickly.
Haha, well, I skip out before those because I don't usually like to see the preview of the next episode :)
It wasn't any preview for the next season though, jsut litte snipits from this last one. Anyway, Six says:

Humanity has surrendered, the war is finally over. We must now fullfil our true destiny; so we will love them, and take car of them, show them the glory of peace. And like God, our infinite mercey will be matched only by our power, and complete control.
Yeah, that's kinda what I expected :) Obviously people aren't going to like this.

I do wonder, though. Will the quest for "God's Children" end? I have a feeling this is going to be a significant issue for the inevitable freedom fighters.
All I will say is that it was a great episode with a surprising change of scenery.

I'm sure many felt as I did that they'd pull back and reveal the settlement on New Caprica to be a "possible future" but it seems that they're going full steam ahead with it.
Blade said:
I'm sure many felt as I did that they'd pull back and reveal the settlement on New Caprica to be a "possible future" but it seems that they're going full steam ahead with it.
I think they'll go ahead with it, too. And that's one of the things that makes this show so great. I really hate these really pathetic "reset button" story types and I'm glad to see that BSG seems to avoid it.
I loved it... it's cemented BSG as one of the greatest shows of all time to me - impressive since I hate TV.

One thing that annoyed me...

Gaius's descent as a leader was very much exaggerated... so much so that it came off as somewhat comical. The President spending all day in the office while women in lingerie wander around pleasuring him? Pish posh. Even Gaius had a bit more dignity.

But yeah otherwise, definitely progressive episode! Almost seemed like a dream in parts.

PARANOiA said:
Gaius's descent as a leader was very much exaggerated... so much so that it came off as somewhat comical. The President spending all day in the office while women in lingerie wander around pleasuring him? Pish posh. Even Gaius had a bit more dignity.

I think / felt everything was exaggerated to really push the "one year has passed" aspect. Most of it feels a bit out of characters, but then they are different characters now.
Just got all of series 2 so will have to get some popcorn happening!

Possible Spoiler if you have never seen the original though I doubt it matters anyway.

Do you think they will get to earth in the next series? One vivid memory, other than the planet with singers with 3 breasts, was when they got too earth and where watching footage of freeways and the great formation flying lol
I really hate these really pathetic "reset button" story types and I'm glad to see that BSG seems to avoid it.

I really love ST:TNG, and would never want any of the cast members to be killed off. I'm still semi-pissed about the death in Nemesis.

That said, TNG pressed the reset button a bunch of times and while it was alright at the time... it is refreshing to see tighter writing.
Blade said:
I really love ST:TNG, and would never want any of the cast members to be killed off. I'm still semi-pissed about the death in Nemesis.

That said, TNG pressed the reset button a bunch of times and while it was alright at the time... it is refreshing to see tighter writing.
Star Trek has always been one of the worst offenders when it comes to crappy writing. The reset button is the ultimate cop-out and it's in a way an insult to the audience. If they only did it once or twice, ok, no problem but over the various ST show it happened at least a dozen times and it's one of the reasons why ST has always felt extremely stagnant, with the possible exception of DS9, which was arguable the best ST show of all. I still vividly remember that Voyager double episode "Year of Hell". Finally, when I thought that the show was actually going somewhere, it ended in yet another shitty reset button stunt. Fuck Star Trek, seriously.
At the same time, though, with most of the Star Trek series (as well as most US shows at the time), most of the time there was no need to watch any other episode to understand what was going on in the current one. There was, for a very long time, a belief in US TV that you couldn't have a story continuing episode to episode and expect to keep your audience. Fortunately this belief has changed, and we have many TV shows that vary wildly as time goes on, and most of these shows have done a very good job of remaining coherent within each episode.

So I wouldn't call it crappy writing, but rather a result of culture.
Was that it?! :oops: That was a 90-minute trailer for the next season! Really that episode didn't do justice to the preceeding <however many there were>.

I think this "season" stuff places unnecessary creative constraints on the writers.
Doesn't surprise me. So are a few other stars of sci-fi series. Our acting schools train very good for teh American accents, don't you know old chap.