Battlefield 4 official discussion/thread. [PS4,XO,PS3,X360]

Doesn't matter if it's been done already or not. DICE is doing it in a 64 player FPS game where it has a large effect on team strategy.
Well, UC3's boat level done it already.

Frankly, playing it right now, except for Floodzone where the map changes completely, the levolution is just a fun event int he match, nothing much changes and I think thats why no one cares to trigger it. You can call it a gimmick. If it had impact on all maps like in Floodzone,then it would have mattered. Right now everyone is busy capturing objectives, no one cares to waste ammo on levolution.
Frankly, playing it right now, except for Floodzone where the map changes completely, the levolution is just a fun event int he match, nothing much changes and I think thats why no one cares to trigger it. You can call it a gimmick. If it had impact on all maps like in Floodzone,then it would have mattered. Right now everyone is busy capturing objectives, no one cares to waste ammo on levolution.

Sounds like precious compute resources wasted, should've just make the map more detailed, I mean sure it has the scale but it's looking very sparse.
Battlefield 4 graphics review by some rendering engineer guy

So... This ain't gonna buy me any friends I guess. On the other hand I have to say I would be thrilled to see people tell me even the harshest things about my work, I've learned from a great artist who once told me to seek for people that would tear my drawings to pieces. Not that there is anything to tear in DICE's excellent game, just to say, please do dissect my work :)

Also, these are just some things that I've noticed in a few hours of single-player campaign, on my PC at Ultra. It's not comprehensive. It's biased by whatever happens in the first few hours of SP, by my mood the day I played in many other ways.

Frostbite is a great engine and I'm actually thrilled to see what all the various EA studios come up with it, truly can't wait. So as you will imagine and as everybody already will tell you, there is a lot of good stuff... That's why I'll start instead with three things that I think are -wrong-, then move to other observations:

2) Everything has specular. In your face! (a.k.a. Rise and Shine)
Specular reflections seem to be turned always (well, very often) to 11. Now, while there are some situations where the intensity of it probably wouldn't be far off (i.e. really wet environments, pouring rain), we can't do perfect reflections yet.

The good: DICE guys being smart as they are do a number of interesting things, there are cubemap reflections but I think these are augmented with reflected "cards" or simple proxy geometry, I guess the latter only for planar reflections (rendered in a prepass, mirrored) but there's more to it, I think I've seen cards "fade" in and out and sometimes I think I've seen faint artifacts from a screenspace reflection method... Not sure, warrants more investigation
The bad: Specular aliasing everywhere, all forms of it (geometry, normalmaps, planar reflections), and I played on PC at very high-res, MSAA and post-AA filters.
From what I can see, analytic lights suffer mostly because textures even when looked up close have many discontinuities with the specular, I know that certain blending tricks help giving you detail, but seems overdone. Quite surprisingly as well, as we know by now many ways to circumvent texture/shader aliasing.

Texture detail
Now on some of the truly great stuff. On PC, details are amazing, especially textures and particles. Aliasing aside, materials are impressive, even more than Crysis 3 where everything had detail but mostly due to tiled detail textures used everywhere, especially I think to modify specular and give materials an unique microdetail. Here, I couldn't really see tiling, which means either they use very big textures or they do tiled details with some sort of distortion/blending tricks to hide it, or I'm not good at this :) Also material variation on the surfaces is great, you can't really see decals or layers, if they are doing them (which I'm sure they are) everything blends very, very well.

Geometric detail
Geometric detail is mostly due to having a lot of objects :) They don't seem to be doing tessellation, at least for displacement mapping, at all (which is not a bad choice), and I'm not sure if some surfaces do POM or not, honestly I'm not good at spotting that (especially certain techniques that don't simulate reliefs very well can be subtle).
Debris is everywhere, both authored in the level and due to destruction and particles. It's really great, things fly around all the time and it doesn't look unnatural. Also, no shimmer, no aliasing, small particles seem to be pre-blurred when depth of field is on (I think). It's actually easier (even if might not matter in a deferred, non baked renderer) to light correctly small instanced objects that large ones.
I couldn't see any particular shading trick applied to the vegetation (but I didn't look very hard, the levels I've played weren't very lush) but one thing it does great is that grass always bends out of the way and it's really hard to "clip" into it.

More here

Dynamic levels/events in MP are nothing new.
It has been done before.
What's different here is the scale and DICE, form what I saw, did well.
So doesn't anyone know if the PS4 version has a watch mode?

Be more inclined to buy this if it did, because I generally don't play shooters.
So doesn't anyone know if the PS4 version has a watch mode?

Be more inclined to buy this if it did, because I generally don't play shooters.

If I understand it correctly, I think that's the game streaming mode. We will have to spectate from Twitch, Ustream, or NicoNico (?).

It should work for every game unless the developer turns it off somehow.
Yeah, I think you use the Playstation app, or the websites. But I am not certain. Gimme 3 days. It's one of the first things I want to try out.
I picked up BF4 as one of the games in the Buy 2, Get 1 free at Target.

They only had 4 or 5 PS4 games at this point. I may trade BF4 for a different game on Friday or Saturday (the last day of the sale).
U do have spectator mode in the game. Each game can have 4 spectators and the u can have free cam, fixed cam,follow cam, first person cam n third person. Its actually quite fleshed out. Will be fun to watch the match as a war :D
Can you toggle between spectating and playing between rounds?

Can the host kick off spectators?

Can you communicate with the other players or hear their other communications?

Can you switch cameras during the round?
Can you toggle between spectating and playing between rounds?

Can the host kick off spectators?

Can you communicate with the other players or hear their other communications?

Can you switch cameras during the round?

1)There are 4 spectator slots in each game and 2 commander slots. Whether you have to rejoin a game to switch to playing is not kown to me as the slots are separate so there's chance that the game u r watching is already full.

2) should be, but right now all I have seen are official DICE servers,so there were no whimsical admins to kick anyone out.

3) I don't know about talking back , Maybe PC players can tell us about this one.

4)Yes, yes, thats the fun part :), u can switch to anyone's POV in first person or follow anyone or any vehicle in third person, place fixed cameras which will remain there for you to check out again n agani and also have a flying cam to move around watching the whole war scene !
Looking good. May be I should heed RenegadeRocks's recommendation. :devilish:

:yep2: you won't regret it ! This is da MP game, true next gen gameplay , 64 players , all vehicles, jets, choppers and destruction with super fun game modes ! Conquest rules everything, RUsh for people who have plans to execute! Battlefield moments keep happening all the time and this time we will actually be able to easily record them and share instead of just telling stories to friends and mates ! The game is a sight to behold when all hell breaks loose in MP!
Does anyone know if BF4 allows small scale MP battles in SP levels? It would be a shame if all of those levels in SP cannot be used for MP.