Battlefield 4 official discussion/thread. [PS4,XO,PS3,X360]

Lol ! So, on topic, when can we download the beta on the ps3/pc? It starts tomorrow and ain't got no news yet.
Also , the gamer eleases in less thana month now on ps3/pc/360, must be gng gold anytime now.
Game is released on Oct. 29th, Sony is already hyping a special early PS4 release. Now if you want to believe that the XB1 version is so broken that they're going to have to do an emergency repair on it in the next couple of weeks then fine, for everyone else the game is done.

Wait there's a special early release of BF4 for the PS4? Where did you read this?
As far as I understand the engine is essentially the same as Battlefield 3, with DICE having built it with next gen systems in mind. Now, the equivalent GPU to the PS4 is the 7850, which according to the benchmarks breezes over BF3 @1080p. So why does Battlefield 4 run at only 720p on the PS4? Less than half the resolution, surely DICE aren’t throwing twice the amount of detail.

Carmack seemed to suggest that the consoles are double the equivalent PC.

The numbers don’t match up in my mind. Are DICE struggling with the multi-threaded code needed to make the game run well, or are the consoles massively underpowered compared to what DICE were expecting between 2010-2013?

I do wonder whether devs are pushed to make the PS4 the same resolution as the Xbox One, since Microsoft have put so much effort into suggesting the machines’ gfx will be indistinguishable from each other.
I am honestly disappointed it looks like ps360 gameplay if you ask me. For systems that are supposed to be at least 3x the performance of current gen I am not seeing it. Whats all the extra RAM for when it seem to be only a minor improvement in texture quality?
As far as I understand the engine is essentially the same as Battlefield 3, with DICE having built it with next gen systems in mind. Now, the equivalent GPU to the PS4 is the 7850, which according to the benchmarks breezes over BF3 @1080p. So why does Battlefield 4 run at only 720p on the PS4? Less than half the resolution, surely DICE aren’t throwing twice the amount of detail.

Carmack seemed to suggest that the consoles are double the equivalent PC.

The numbers don’t match up in my mind. Are DICE struggling with the multi-threaded code needed to make the game run well, or are the consoles massively underpowered compared to what DICE were expecting between 2010-2013?

I do wonder whether devs are pushed to make the PS4 the same resolution as the Xbox One, since Microsoft have put so much effort into suggesting the machines’ gfx will be indistinguishable from each other.

I can't for the life of me, think of any valid business decision from the dev standpoint to make this true unless large sums of money are being thrown around. Any dev worth their merit would want to make the individuals to the best of their ability given constraints around time and resources available.

I just put myself in their shoes, why would anyone purposely limit their games? I just don't see it (of course we don't really see what happens behind the scenes). :???:
Well we know that one of the devs speaking to Edge suggested that it's not worth making the PS4 version better. We also know that DICE were (past tense) looking to make the game a higher resolution than 720p.

I guess a good indication is whether the Xbox One version drops frames when the PS4 doesn't. Assuming they're both actually @ 720p.

I doubt it'd be true, but that's not to say it's outside of the realms of possibility.
Very disappointed in next-gen versions :/

We have not even seen them. Other than a very rare and poor quality vid here and there.

As long as they at least come in halfway to 1080P, I bet it'll look great.

I am not sure why people are so sure it's exactly 720P either. Dice has said nothing of the sort. They said PS4 version was currently somewhere above 720P, and they said nothing at all about X1 version. All this 720P BF4 X1 talk is completely groundless speculation so far.
We have not even seen them. Other than a very rare and poor quality vid here and there.

As long as they at least come in halfway to 1080P, I bet it'll look great.

I am not sure why people are so sure it's exactly 720P either. Dice has said nothing of the sort. They said PS4 version was currently somewhere above 720P, and they said nothing at all about X1 version. All this 720P BF4 X1 talk is completely groundless speculation so far.

Oh really? I don't have link handy but read somewhere that EA rep said X1 version was 720p60.
Oh really? I don't have link handy but read somewhere that EA rep said X1 version was 720p60.

And was debunked:

the review of the product, during a Q&A session with the personnel at the DICE booth, we learned that the developer aims to have the same frame rate and resolution for the Xbox One and PS4 retail versions. We modified the contents of the article to match. Final specifications are unknown until officially published by EA DICE.
Here's a 7min video of someone presumably playing on X1:

He does say positive things about the gfx, fps and sound quality. But does say can't tell a difference between 720p and 1080p on consoles which is a bit suspect to me. But anyways a good vid.

That isn't X1 footage. He says he got to play a new map Zavok 311 on X1 but they did not film it. He says textureswere good and overall it looked really good but the difference between pc version and next gen versions is visible. And it was running on 720p tv res, no way he can know the real res by playing it.Also, the audio chat quality was very good.
Here's a 7min video of someone presumably playing on X1:

He does say positive things about the gfx, fps and sound quality. But does say can't tell a difference between 720p and 1080p on consoles which is a bit suspect to me. But anyways a good vid.
Whether it runs on a console or not, those are nice graphics. What's with the swinging of vegetation in the next generation? I mean, pretty much every game currently planned for next gen consoles has a rocking back and forth effect on the vegetation and strong winds.

It's like the wind force scale is higher for the PS4 and Xbox One. I know from Renegaderocks post that the footage isn't running on a console, but ACIV, Ryse, BF4, Dying Light, etc has this kind of effect and it is shown as something only possible on next gen consoles.

Renegaderocks, the flooded city video looks neat, it's pretty impressive stuff when the streets become flooded after the levee break.
Whether it runs on a console or not, those are nice graphics. What's with the swinging of vegetation in the next generation? I mean, pretty much every game currently planned for next gen consoles has a rocking back and forth effect on the vegetation and strong winds.

It's like the wind force scale is higher for the PS4 and Xbox One. I know from Renegaderocks post that the footage isn't running on a console, but ACIV, Ryse, BF4, Dying Light, etc has this kind of effect and it is shown as something only possible on next gen consoles.

Renegaderocks, the flooded city video looks neat, it's pretty impressive stuff when the streets become flooded after the levee break.

Realtime weather effects are cool , always welcome ! :cool:
Far Cry 3 did that during storms on ps360 too, but it was very very rare to witness it. Saw it only once in my whole time in the game. Funnily, developers had said that they had removed storms from the game, due to hardware limitations, but I saw one in my game ! I think that qualifies as a good bug :p !