It's a little annoying but I think prone is way less of a problem than the weapons, and really just on this particular map. It's just far too easy to rape with an SVD/MK11 or to some extent support weapon. Snipers in particular though are just way too simple on this map: aim down long corridor and click button when you see movement. Keep clicking until stuff dies. Not that hard I've seen even half-decent snipers get ridiculous ratios just because of the map design.
The issue is... without smoke grenades or some sort of obscurance, the only real way to counter this is with your own snipers. If there's only a few of them doing it or if their team isn't very organized then you can just push through it with revives and such but if they are decent it's pretty easy for them to lock down all the choke-points from a far enough range that you need your own snipers to counter it.
Anyways I imagine snipers will be more balanced on other maps where 1) there are more angles to flank and 2) there are vehicles, against which they appear to be pretty useless. Thus I think it's more an issue with the map than any of the game mechanics.
And even despite it, I'm still having a blast
Well i did have some good time on 2 or 3 servers but mostly its like WWI trench warfare. Im not a big fine of mcom mode in BF in general but its waaaaay to easy to secure choke points on this map (and not only with snipers). My problem is i hate sitting camped waiting for enemy to come so i end up dying a lot attacking. And attacking prone campers is not a thing i recommend in this game.