60CPUs ? Audio cores ? And the maths don't check out. Fake. And that new insider more or less only repeated what his predecessors already claimed.So according to this new guy "WhispersintheWind" on Gaf who claimed to have major third party dev friends and has now sent evidence to the Mod for verification said that apparently a recent leak 100% confirms PS5's specs. Although the devs didn't reveal any solid numbers to him, his personal opinion when deducing from what has been told to him gives a 11.5-13TF range. My hunch tells me it could be this one, which is very recent. That 4chan poster in the leak was the one who predicated the new PS slogan (“It’s time to play”) days before it appeared on the PSEurope Twitter account.
Yes, too good to be true and all but Nike once told me Impossible is Nothing
- 13.3Teraflops RDNA 2 GPU @ 1.7GHZ with 60 CPU
- AMD Zen2 8 core @ 3.4 GHZ (Sony is working on boosting to 3.7GHZ)
- SSD@5.5GB/S @ 1TB
- Dedicated Ray Tracing and 3D Audio cores
- DualShock 5 with haptic feedback, microphone and heart rate monitors.
- Full digital backward compatibility with every PlayStation console and a library of thousands of games.
- PSAI voice-controlled assistant.