B3Ders on PSN

Anyway, I have been reading about MW's multi, and it sounds like exactly the sort of thing that would make me throw the controller through the screen. Shooting through walls, knife maniacs, and UAVs? No thanks.

Yeah, it is frustrating, but the good news is, it gets better if you stay on the ball and manage to overcome the initial brutal gameplay and steap learning curve.

I think KZ2 definately has some great benefits in this area - the unlockable classes make the gameplay interesting and will keep you just to unlock them and give you more options during the game. The teamwork is also very central to the game, since there are lots of objectives to achieve (capture the flag, search & destroy, defend, team-deathmatch, assassinate and protect missions all in the same game). Camping is also less of a problem since the levels are more open and in that respect, more simple. You will have a team that might overpower you every now and then, but usually your base offers a good defence. Thanks to the objectives, the team that is trying to overrun you at your base weakens occasionally when they go and secure the objective. Maybe you can rent or borrow both games and see which one suits you better. KZ2 may take a while to get used to, as the controls have some weight to them, which requires a bit of getting used to. If you do though, it does have all the elements for a very satisfying game experience.

Anyway, I'm usually online after 7 p.m. GMT+1 during the week and if I'm not away during weekends, same time then too but online longer. :smile:
I dunno. Modern Warfare just doesn't sound like my cup of tea in terms of the overall game structure. KZ2 seems more similar to Team Fortress and Enemy Territory in terms of its basic idea, which I enjoyed a lot. However, TF2 and ET:QW are worthless on the PS3.
Just in case you were wondering, Armored Front is hideously unbalanced in FEAR 2. Only one side has a rocket launcher, which is about the only weapon that is effective against the giant powered armors. Even on a map that is perfectly symmetrical, one side has all the super-weapons, whereas the other will only have one of them. It's ridiculous. Do not buy this game.
Here's my PSN.

I don't play online that much. (In fact I only have played GT5P online a couple of times and that's it)
But I'd like to sometimes though.

Games I could play online: GT5P, COD4, that's it I think.
Who did you argue with ?

That's why I got a keyboard for each PS3.
Or you could use the voice chat ;-)
I don't even want to know...

Here's a question...do KZ2 players actually play the team game, or do they just act like jerks and ignore the objectives? I just quit a FEAR 2 Armored Front match, and found myself sprinting like hell around the map, trying to get to our zones before the opposing team takes control, and I'll pass some idiot walking in crouch mode in the opposite direction, some nimrod camping in a sniper spot, and some other doofus waiting for a mech to respawn. It's maddening as hell. It's great when you match up with people that want to play the game, and infuriating when your team just seems to have no interest.
I think depends on your luck. The last time I played, people generally tried to achieve objectives in their own ways.

There will be camping snipers. Sometimes, when I got fed up with them. I'd go for sniper hunting rounds.

In KZ2, planting bombs in the objective room can be frustrating because the room may be over-crowded. I have not gone back for months. But once I set up my OpenCL dev environment on my PS3, I meant to take another look.
Here's a question...do KZ2 players actually play the team game, or do they just act like jerks and ignore the objectives?

In my experience, they do. You have to be careful though - there are lots of games that are just "body count" (= team deathmatch) games. It can happen though that you end up in a team that is vastly overpowered by the other team and in this situation, you're pushed back into your homebase and can't really concentrate on your team objectives. In this case, usually the other team takes care of that for you...

If both games are level though, I have yet to encounter games where the objectives are ignored, so be prepared for some great team work coming your way.

From experience, I'd say the larger games (16vs16) are less problematic, since it's harder to lock one team into their homebase. Domination only really happens in smaller games or if you have unfair teams like 16vs8 or something. I however enjoy the smaller games more though - they're more strategic and each and every player makes a larger difference to the outcome of the objective which I prefer to a killing fest. They also run smoother too - some 32 player games are just too much, especially around search&destroy missions when you have 4 airbots in the air, lots of turrets around you firing simultaneously, every one throwing grenades etc...

The best games IMO are somewhere between leveled 4vs4 to 12vs12. There are also some good games that are really long. Tharsis is a popular map (the smallest one and a lot of fun) - where each objective can take up to 30 minutes to complete. Lots of kills, still lots of fun trying to achieve the objectives and very demanding!

BTW: I tried adding you to my friends list. When you get KZ2, perhaps we can join a few games?!
Hey guys i'm also on PSN user name: deeFiveUK

im on most nites late on a few games, we could start a BFBC 2 clan!! also can we have a sticky thread for i.d's and what games people are hosting/playing (it could work for psn/360/pc/wii) and start times
I think depends on your luck. The last time I played, people generally tried to achieve objectives in their own ways.

There will be camping snipers. Sometimes, when I got fed up with them. I'd go for sniper hunting rounds.

In KZ2, planting bombs in the objective room can be frustrating because the room may be over-crowded. I have not gone back for months. But once I set up my OpenCL dev environment on my PS3, I meant to take another look.

Sniping is so easy in KZ2, that`s why I actually liked it. But if you`re still in the clan and look up my stats you`ll see that I am usually a different type of player. 60 suicides tell the story....
If some of you guys jump back in , I`ll probably join some games as well - Phil is on my list.
I don't know why but I like sniper hunting better than sniping. ^_^

If I got sniped 3 times in a game, I usually abandon my objective and go flush out the snipers around the map. Bad habit I know, but I can't help it.

Spotting a sniper is hard in KZ2 though.
I am also on PSN... but I mostly don't play multiplayer games either, I am more of a "story gamer". But some upcoming games I will play online, like Gran Turismo 5 (I'd say I am an intermediate driver, with some real life experience too (live near the Hockenheim Ring in Germany :D))

But since I am mostly at uni nowadays anyway, there isn't much time to play anyways...