B3D Xbox Live Party Crew: Online MP 2009


Artist formerly known as Acert93
This is aimed at the B3D members in our Xbox Live "party." Al, Robert, Timber, NRP, Azbat, Tap In, Homer, Williard, Scott, Deep, and everyone else I did not mention (NacNuc!)

What online MP games are on your shopping list between now and the beginning of 2010?

I have no doubt most of us will be getting ODST and CoD4:MW2, and I know a couple of us are excited about Forza. I don't think we have many serious Football fans (Madden) in our group here at B3D or Gamersyde, so what else?

I will pick up 1943, but the title I am most interested in if the group is into it is FNR4. Most of us only play online, so if our friends don't have a game we won't really play it.

So does anyone besides Robert and Scott plan on FNR4?

What is on everyone's summer/fall list? Maybe we can all coordinate a game or two to ensure we can keep our parties going?

Off the top of my head (MP and no-MP)

Gears 2: All Fronts Collection
XBLA Monkey Island
Batman (Will wait, likely)
Dragon Age (Waiting for reviews)
Bioshock 2 (Might wait it out if reviews are blase)
Splinter Cell Conviction
I will pick up ODST definitely, outside of that I'm not real sure. However I'm sure my roommates will pick up the "popular ones".
I'll get whatever you guys want, even F3 but I doubt I'll be able to hang with you guys in that one.

When is BF1943 being released? I thought it was this month, but I haven't heard anything about it lately. Has it been delayed?

What about L4D:2? Is that releaseing anytime soon? Crap, I'm so out of the loop these days.
I've just finished selling all my retail games :mrgreen:
I'll be getting forza, I might consider ODST too. So I might be able to join you all now :yes:
Beyond that I can't think of too many big name MP games on the horizon.
ODST and Forza for sure.. Bioshock2 maybe (MP might also be fun!)

Although it is gonna be a little old, we can still play GoW2.. The Horde is especially pretty fun!
I really hope more of you can join us one of these days. Online Co-op games like H3, Gears (Horde!), and ODST (Firefight!) can be hilariously fun. And Party chat is like icing on the cake.
Fight Night Round 4
NHL 10
Modern Warfare 2
Left 4 Dead 2 (maybe Windows version)

I may skip on the DLC for Gears 2. Doubt I'd get Forza. I don't own Halo3, so ODST is out? Don't think I'd get Bioshock 2.

Not sure if there are any big games I'm forgetting about.
Fight Night Round 4
Forza 3
Halo: ODST
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Left 4 Dead 2 (shame on you for not having this on the list :|)
Modern Warfare 2
Assassin's Creed 2
Lips: Number one hits

Shadow Complex
TMNT: Tit(s)
Gears 2 DLC
Any new tracks DLC for Forza 3
Likely other XBLA stuff as it gets closer


You don't need Halo 3 for ODST and it has a fire fight mode which should be all sorts of fun in MP.

btw guys, Gears 2 has an upcoming title updatethat should make Horde mode a lot more appealing:
• Adds the ability to restart Public Horde from the current failed wave instead of having to start over from wave 1. Title Update 4 also allows the host to kick players from a Public Horde session.
Red faction :runaway::love::yep2:

BF: 1943

I still have H3 and I THINK ODST connects with the same MP system online as Halo 3 gamers (is there a new MP in ODST?)


Definitely ODST. The rest will depend on reviews, previews or demos.

I'll be late to the party as I won't get any LIVE gaming in until Jan 2010.

I miss the Friday night gaming.
I want a BF 1943 demo first. Not sold on how they dumbed down the classes, infinite ammo and so on. Want to see what sort of balance the game has. I thought Bad Company 2 was early next year?
I'm getting Batman first(yes, I'm buying $100 Batarang model). Next will be ODST & Bioshock 2. Next year will be Crackdown2.

BTW, I just bought Rocket Riot on XBLA. Great little multiplayer game, though I'm still on single player. Anybody want to try that out?

Almost forgot 1vs100, but summer is getting tough to schedule game time.

Tommy McClain
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I just watched a video of one of the BF1943 maps (Corral Sea? It's the one that will be unlocked when 43k kills are reached), and it seems to be aircraft only - no ground fighting. As much as I'll probably hate the ground combat in BF1943, a good multiplayer air battle like back in the Crimson Skies days would be sweet.

@ban25: list your gamertag, or send one of us a Friend request, and we'll get something going.
@ban25: list your gamertag, or send one of us a Friend request, and we'll get something going.

You don't see the forum gamertag thing on the left :?: Maybe you didn't enable it in the user CP (you may have to switch to Old Style skin first).