B3D Family Extended

Sorry to hear about your father's health, Rys. Hope things turn around for him and he manages to stay around for more years.
Best of wishes, Rys! Hope your father gets better soon. My dad had a (fortunately very minor) stroke right in front of me back in '94, was pretty shocking to say the least, especially as we were in canada at the time on a holiday.
Best wishes, Rys.
Hope that everything turns well for your Dad.
Hey Rys

Hope your dad's doing well. I know that shitty feeling as my dad passed away ealier this year on Valentines day. V-day will never be the same for me again I guess.

Hope your dad recovers and lives to be really old.

Cheers guys, you all rock.

He's doing a bit better (wasn't a stroke, but complete renal collapse, then colitis, now a heart rhythm that's more erratic than a Hellbinder opinion on ATI :LOL: ), so I've come back home for a bit.

It'll be a wee while before he's out of ITU, but I'm out of clean boxers and love from the missus, so I've left my brother and sister keeping a day-to-day eye on him (they live in the same place as him, while I love 400 miles away now) while I recharge, before I go back.

I'll print this thread out for him, he'll appreciate it :smile:
Rys said:
...now a heart rhythm that's more erratic than a Hellbinder opinion on ATI :LOL:


Great to know he's doing better and will see this thread. Must be proud that his lad's dork mates are behind him 100%. :LOL:
Good to hear it wasn't a stroke, no matter how else bad it may seem that is a good thing!

Renal reconstruction is pretty common now, and they can do absolutely bloody amazing things with fixing hearts.

Best of luck and a speedy recovery, please keep us posted.