ATi responses challenge of NV30 with R350

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Hey, newbie here!

I think that until systems get faster, video cards are all going to benchmark the same unless you play the FSAA/AF card. I think this is where ATI has a better PR position, they almost doubled performance in everything from their previous generation, NV30 or whatever NVIDIA is going to call their next card is likely to only do exactly the same in benchmarks as the 4600, at least under current testing conditions. Especially on real systems, not just the Tom's Hardware overclock special.

About ATI's drivers, never seen a BSOD yet, must be lucky. I have seen issues with HyperZ and some game incompatibility. Is that the drivers or the game being designed for other hardware? You get a lot of talk about driver quality, but if everything is tested for the market leader and little else, is it really the merit of the market leader or just game developers going with one product to design around and others to fix later? I do recognise things like NVIDIA developing drivers for 3D shutterglasses, and they do seem to wring performance out of their hardware quite well, even when it's not about benchmarks. But bug reports from forum users are not exactly what I'd use as a litmus test of driver quality, nor would I take one person's word for it, no matter who it was. I'm sure for every problem ATI has with some combination of features there has been another one to match it with NVIDIA's drivers, all those driver versions, they must be fixing something. :) We'll see how well the NV30 drivers do, should be interesting.
Typedef Enum said:
Sure, there are some bugs (duh!)...
I really do believe that the 9700, though (once again) a very good piece of hardware, is (ahem...once again) really tarnished by the drivers.
I have been in close contact with Matrox on some specific bugs, most of which are very tame...a small flashing texture here, another there...and they have been very receptive to looking into these issues.
I haven't had any significant bugs, with respect to the product.
Let's pretend that the slate is clean, and this was ATI's first offering. I really believe that they would have been better served to get their drivers in a more polished state
So, your statements above about the 9700 are based solely on hearsay, yet your problems with the Matrox board are not significant. Sounds like a double standard to me: Maybe the problems that you consider insignificant would be very significant to other people. It's all a matter of perspective.
A flashing texture is one thing...hard reboots, BSOD's, power issues, freezing games are another IMHO.

When I say things like "flashing textures," I'm talking about a very small issue that is somewhat difficult to reproduce, but a bug nonetheless. Things like this are just a fact of life...I wouldn't raise hell because of it.
Typedef Enum said:
A flashing texture is one thing...hard reboots, BSOD's, power issues, etc. are another IMHO.

I can live with the former...those are going to happen from time to time. But those "other guys" are killers.
Funny, I have none of those problems. Maybe it isn't the drivers afterall...

But you aren't speaking from experience with the 9700, I am.
I found (maybe) atleast one bug in the R300 drivers, but I'm not sure if it's my mistake or not. Could be a bug in my code (or in the Cg runtime I was using) I was experimenting with particle systems, and tried to use GL_POINTS with ARB_vertex_shader (Cg arbvp1 profile). Well, sending more than about 100 points between glBegin(GL_POINTS) and glEnd() causes my dev system to lock up so completely (no BSOD) that the only thing I can do is reboot.

I could disable the Cg vertex shader to see if it makes a difference, but it definately was controlled by the number of points. If I changed it to batch 50 points at a time, it stopped locking up.
Just one quick thought about R9700 and drivers: Since this is DX9-hardware there might be a couple of cases where things are implementet in a less than optimal way on DX8.1.

I know we're not talking DX9-level feature bugs here, but the fact that the card was made with DX9 API in mind might point to some of the issues. It also seems that most problems happen in DX and not OpenGL.
Typedef Enum said:
A flashing texture is one thing...hard reboots, BSOD's, power issues, freezing games are another IMHO.

When I say things like "flashing textures," I'm talking about a very small issue that is somewhat difficult to reproduce, but a bug nonetheless. Things like this are just a fact of life...I wouldn't raise hell because of it.

Typedef, I have been using my 9700 now for a month, and have yet to experience ANY of these things. And, as I don't work & have plenty of time on my hands, I am using this computer around 10 to 16 hours a day! I have experienced some flashing textures (Ashrons Call 2), but found if I turn off AF & FSAA, it goes's a BETA!!! Otherwise, I have some small problems with Morrowind(who doesn't? :rolleyes: ) and the lack of water effects in NWN - they used an nVidia only extention. FSAA doesn't work in DAoC (16 bit). Not a single BSOD, freeze ingame except for some things that just have Soundblaster Audigy problems - again, whats new there? And, if I just go to another sound choice(Miles, software, etc.) freezes are gone! And, I am running a majorly overclocked AMD system with Via chipset........XP1600+ at 2200+, 171 FSB! If anyone should be having problems, it's me!

I really think you should take a step back and think about what you are saying. You are coming to a conclusion, and posting it as fact, using NO first hand knowledge.
Typedef Enum said:
I'll tell you why reviewers (by and large) don't notice these things...

1. Their reviews pretty much suck ass

2. They don't spend enough time with the things to even qualify as having taken the thing "for a spin."

3. They're in a rush to get the thing out the door...

4. They focus on such a limited number of titles to begin's just impossible to even begin putting the cards through the paces.

5. I firmly believe that many of the hardware review sites, as far as the reviewers are concerned, don't play games. I'll say that right here and now, and I bet you that this is a very true statement...of course, I cannot back it up for shit...but I'm very confident of this fact.

6. See #1...Most reviews plain suck ass.

I agree with all this (and yes their reviews suck ass)...but I don't necessarily agree that the 9700 has any more bugs than any other new graphics card hardware. Anyway, I'd say it's pretty obvious from their reviews that most hardware reviewers don't know the first thing about a game. The most they see of UT2003 is the benchmark, because if they actually get into a game they take a quick Flak ball to the face and that's that... ;)

Typedef Enum said:
A flashing texture is one thing...hard reboots, BSOD's, power issues, freezing games are another IMHO.

When I say things like "flashing textures," I'm talking about a very small issue that is somewhat difficult to reproduce, but a bug nonetheless. Things like this are just a fact of life...I wouldn't raise hell because of it.

I'm kind of confused as to what point you're trying to make here. First you stated that the R9700 is great hardware, but of those issues you listed half of them are hardware issues (power issues, hard reboots, even maybe freezing). I don't recall getting my system rebooted by a buggy driver...BSODs and lock-ups yes, reboot: no. Actually most lock-ups have been thanks to me pushing the card a little too far. Silly me. :oops:

Edit: Just wanted to make it clear that I don't personally have a R9700, just speaking of my experience with graphics cards in general.

"Oh I see. It's OK for Derek to post such garbage, but I'm not allowed to?"

Did I say, or even imply that? No. But there was zero merit to your post, all it was intended to was to rile up Derek. Thankfully he didn't rise to the challenge.

We don't want, or like flamewars here. If that's your game, go somewhere else. As simple as that, dude.

You don't have to be a dev to be a valued member of this community. Producing *non-inflammatory* posts is sufficient. And as far as Derek is concerned, unless provoked he seems to generally stay quiet. I suggest treading lightly around him.

TBH my view is that a lot of the 'hardware' problems are caused by;

- installing new drivers without clearing out old ones - especially going from 1 IHV to another.
- overclocked unstable systems - especailly overclocked via based mobo's.
- inadequate PSU's, especially on overclocked systems.

Using Rage3d as a litmus test is just plain wrong as its 'the site' for ATI issues. Almost every other game forum, multiplayer GSP forum, tech site as well as NVnews/3dGPu is used by nVidia card owners. Look at the UT2003 forum - lots of issues with all cards, the same issues that are posted at Rage3d and the nVdia/ATI drivers are hardly ever to blame - eitehr its SecureROM causing a problem or netmeeting or bad DX8 installs etc

I have friends who had to roll back to earlier drivers from tne 30.82's, let alone the 40.xx's to get the UT2003 demo to work on their Gf3.

From my own experience, its not the quality of ATI drivers that would make me consider an NV30 over an R300. It would be AA implementation, overall perfromance, price etc.
DemoCoder said:
I found (maybe) atleast one bug in the R300 drivers, but I'm not sure if it's my mistake or not. Could be a bug in my code (or in the Cg runtime I was using) I was experimenting with particle systems, and tried to use GL_POINTS with ARB_vertex_shader (Cg arbvp1 profile). Well, sending more than about 100 points between glBegin(GL_POINTS) and glEnd() causes my dev system to lock up so completely (no BSOD) that the only thing I can do is reboot.

I could disable the Cg vertex shader to see if it makes a difference, but it definately was controlled by the number of points. If I changed it to batch 50 points at a time, it stopped locking up.

I got an email from ATi as late as yesterday telling me that some bugs with ARB_vertex_program has been solved. The response he got from the driver team was a little unclear though and he would follow it up when he knew more. A certain hang bug should have been fixed for Radeon 9000 and 9700, but still remain for the 8500 afaict. I suppose this particular hang bug could be the same as I reported a couple of weeks ago. Frequently calling glFinish() would workaround the problem, but reduce performance a lot of course.
Randell said:
TBH my view is that a lot of the 'hardware' problems are caused by;

- installing new drivers without clearing out old ones - especially going from 1 IHV to another.
- overclocked unstable systems - especailly overclocked via based mobo's.
- inadequate PSU's, especially on overclocked systems.

I would agree with point #1, but point #2 and #3 are out of place. Here's why.

  1. I doubt that any person these days, would even dream of installing new drivers without first uninstalling older drivers. The problem is that ATI never seem to have got their uninstaller working right. There is NO plausible reason why, after uninstalling from Control Panel, that you should have ANY trace of driver settings in the registry, let alone have driver files on the HDD. IMO They're just lazy in testing their uninstaller as they are at carefully researching bugs in drivers.

    nVidia had this problem too at one time (hence tools like Detonator Destroyer etc), but they seem to have improved in this area.

    During my development, I install/install drivers a lot and I have my own script which goes on a SAD op in my registry for telltale entries.

    When I installed the UT2003 demo, I was running the 40.41 drivers which had a problem. I uninstalled from CP and installed the 30.82. No problem. When 40.71 came out, I repeated the process and discovered no problems.

    With ATI drivers, it is a different story even to this day. I mean, look at this crap. WHY does anyone have to go through that? I mean, seriously.
  2. Majority of the people with these cards, know enough that overclocking anything, can yield unpredictable results. Even on the Rage3D boards and elsewhere, there are repeated problems which have nothing to do with overclocking. At all.
  3. There is no reason why a 20A rated 300W PSU which works fine for a GF4 Ti4600 and a Matrox Pahrelia, should not work on a 9xxx card in the same system - the PSU being the constant. Thats just poppycock.

    Do you see ANYWHERE on the 9xxx box where they indicate ANYTHING about the PSU requirements for a video card?

    If we're going to foolishly include underrated PSUs in this equation, in yet another pitiful attempt at giving ATI a pass, isn't that a bit ludicrous? Why is there NO mention of a rated PSU on the box or in the docs that come in the box?

Most of these people here just post for the hell of it. Unlike yourself and a few others (even that git Democoder) who at least try to post factual data, most of the rhetoric here is based on blinded loyalty and a sordid attempt at getting the rise out of and demean people such as myself (dev or not) who continue to scream out loud that ATI drivers STILL suck marrow.

Here, go to this page and read every thread in it. These are mostly power users on Rage3D, not some incompetent ninconpoops who would foolishly install new drivers over old, overclock their machines knowing that their PSU is under rated etc etc. Yet, they are met with the same abusive fervor (sp) from the frigging fanATIcs as anywhere else. One guy put it best, and I quote.

Originally posted by GI Killer
Cool Deal, I fixed all the problems that I had after many many hours...I reinstalled my Ti4600 :bleh: I worked with this card all weekend long, search endless sites and tried most of the SUGGESTIONS posted.. By the way, I think we all should put "Dr." before our names as we all are just practicing fixes. Don't get me wrong, I think this card has great potential, but all this crap is crap, I shouldn't have to waste all this time trying to get it right. I'll let the experts at ATI do the research for these fixes. I will reinstall the card with every newly released certified driver, til then I'll be spending my time playing my games..Granted, this card gave me some awesome 3DMark2001 SE benchmarks (12281 up from MSI's Ti, 10454) and my PCMark2002 even went up quite a bit and I even got all my games to play with the 6178 drivers, but the games didn't play as good and as stable as the Ti4600 and thats what counts to me(those are the benchmark tools that mean anything to most of us anyway). For those few of you who say you have no problems, I say, "thank your lucky stars" or you work for ATI.:rolleyes: I am not trying to flame anyone here as this is the conclusion that I have come to for myself. It just boils me that after all the positive reviews from so many places, that the majority of us are have problems and yet in under 15 minutes I can reinstall another card and have no problems....grrr:devilish:

You know what? He's right. And this is the general theme. I mean, I've seen people post about not having problems with a specific game - while there are literally dozens of others posting about problems with the same game. Then ATI goes out and releases a patch to fix problems with said game(s). And naturally, everyone forgets.

If someone isn't having problems with any game (as some here would like to foolishly think that we're buying that crap), then you should NEVER have to download new drivers. Ever. You should install the card from the box, use the driver from the CD and never, ever have to download anything. The fact that you download a driver update, in itself, indicates a problem. Whether you are experiencing it or not, is irrelevent. Period.

Here, look at this guy's post. Does this look like a novice to you? I have seen literally dozens of similar and I keep having emails sent to me directly from people all over the world who have seen my posts and know that I'm practically the only dev on the planet who is out there briinging this fight directly to ATI in the hopes that they listen and get their act in gear. And if some of you think I'm the only dev in this (they're not indies like I am), you should be on ICQ, IRC or my email inbox on a weekly basis and see what goes back and forth. This ATI fiasco is at epidemic levels and even they know this and are trying to curb and resolve it. But the fanatics are just compounding the problem and making ATI look worse off, with this ludicrous rhetoric, wanton acts of abuse and the like. YOU [fanATIcs] are ATI's worst nightmare, not the people having problems - since most just want their f*cking card to work and have nothing to gain with vendettas or political grandstanding.

As for the reviewers, most are full of shit. Period. Sure, there are reviewers who do a damn good job of reviewing the card as they stand and on benchmarks. Most do NOT play games, let alone play them long enough to uncover problems. And just because 3DMark ran perfectly, doesn't mean squat. I mean, back when everyone and their one-legged mother in law were posting benchmarks, saying the drivers were fine (the 775 drivers no less!!!!!), games like The Thing, Mafia, GTA3, Morrowind, DaOC, EQ etc etc were having major and immediate problems. Heck, even hardware TnL was busted!!!

Did 3DMark or any benchmark program detect any of these problems? Nope. Does this even come close to saying that the card works fine? Nope. The HW working (when it does) is USELESS if the drivers which form the layer between the HW and the SW, are piss-poor and bug ridden.

Reviewers get freebies from most HW vendors. Heck, I can't remember the last time I forked out a dime for hardware (even monitors). I need something, I pick up the phone or send email. A few days later, it shows up. As such, contrary to those who want to brand me as an nVidiot (maybe I should be proud of this, dunno), I am completely neutral and not biased in any fashion because I have nothing at stake - except that I want the games that I develop and those that I buy to play, work as they should with minimum or no fuss.

I mean, look at these 50 recent shots. All the space scenes were taken on a 9700Pro board and the planetary scenes on a GF4 Ti4600. No AF. No FSAA. Nothing. Just pure. To the casual onlooker, they [space shots] look fine. Great even. But from where I'm sitting, I can see the tearing and artifacts as a result of driver problems, Z buffer precision loss (they removed the W buffer from the 9xxx) etc I have spent the better part of six months developing this kernel, only to have it look and run less than perfectly on a next-gen card - when in fact, it works just fine on other cards, including the 8500 series. And thats just space. As of this writing, I am stilling researching methods of fixing the problem with the planetary terrain which works fine on ALL previous boards, including the 8500. I've tried almost four suggestions from the ATI driver team - NONE of which have worked and am in the process of trying one more option. Again, exclusively for the 9xxx series. My time could be better spent in other pressing dev issues, instead of chasing the same problem for almost a month now and with no solution in sight!.

Using Rage3d as a litmus test is just plain wrong as its 'the site' for ATI issues. Almost every other game forum, multiplayer GSP forum, tech site as well as NVnews/3dGPu is used by nVidia card owners. Look at the UT2003 forum - lots of issues with all cards, the same issues that are posted at Rage3d and the nVdia/ATI drivers are hardly ever to blame - eitehr its SecureROM causing a problem or netmeeting or bad DX8 installs etc

I disagree. Rage3D should be the litmus test because it is the first stop - and most recognized one for ATI boards. I do visit other forums and yes, like the Infogrammes UT boards, they have posts about problems with other drivers. But the fact remains, you can't compare visual artifacts on 40.71 drivers (which were NOT official drivers to begin with!!) to solid lockups, no ops etc on the 9700Pro. Even the official 40.71 drivers, fixed what visual artifacts there were - and which were not present on the aged 30.82 drivers. In the case of ATI, a problem in the 777 drivers - STILL - exists on the 776 and 775 drivers, with the exception of a few game-specific issues which were fixed. The problem postings on the ATI boards totally eclipse those of other boards, in fact, including the 8500 series. Nobody is advocating that drivers are perfect. The issue is that traditionally ATI drivers have been the worse of the bunch and despite the fact that they have made some progress in this area, they still have a long way to go and don't seem to be in a hurry to get there.

I have friends who had to roll back to earlier drivers from tne 30.82's, let alone the 40.xx's to get the UT2003 demo to work on their Gf3.

Right. Are your friends in the I'm a stupid dork category who would (a) use leaked drivers (b) install new drivers on top of older drivers (c) pee in the neighbor's lawn (d) think Lara Croft is hot ?

The 40.41 drivers were leaked and were interim drivers designed to fix a specific list of items for developers (I should know, I'm in the dev program). The 40.71 drivers had none of those problems. Which is why they were officially releeased.

From my own experience, its not the quality of ATI drivers that would make me consider an NV30 over an R300. It would be AA implementation, overall perfromance, price etc.

Exactly. And isn't this what its about? What works for you? Thats the thing. If it works for you, thats fine. But that should not take away the fact that it may NOT work for someone else. And just because it doesn't work for that group of people, doesn't mean that they are entitled to abuse, derogatory remarks and the like.
Do you see ANYWHERE on the 9xxx box where they indicate ANYTHING about the PSU requirements for a video card?

Yes. On the 9700 it recommends a 300W PSU on the system requirements section of the box.

9000 doesn't have anything since it doesn't need it.

Also, reviewers don't get issues such as lockups and the like because most reviewers will have been using Intel based PS's (look at the number of reviews on P4's with i850E/845 chipsets) and generally speaking these issues do no occur with Intel based products because they have been tested more.
DaveBaumann said:
Yes. On the 9700 it recommends a 300W PSU on the system requirements section of the box.

9000 doesn't have anything since it doesn't need it.

Thanks. I wasn't aware of that. A 300W PSU is standard anyway and I seriously doubt that anyone forking out money for a 9700Pro, is running a rig on anything less. Then again, I've heard of even more stupid things. :rolleyes:

Also, reviewers don't get issues such as lockups and the like because most reviewers will have been using Intel based PS's (look at the number of reviews on P4's with i850E/845 chipsets) and generally speaking these issues do no occur with Intel based products because they have been tested more.

Likely, but still no excuse there I don't think. Besides, there are bugs which are 100% reproducible on Intel and other HW.
Likely, but still no excuse there I don't think. Besides, there are bugs which are 100% reproducible on Intel and other HW.

No, but there are degress of issues - not everything is purely becuase of drivers.

The issues that we see in titles such as 1942 etc are clearly drivers issues, because they affected virtually everyone. But then there is also general incompatabilites that can arise from a number of things: motherboard, other components, bios revisions, heck even the age old IRQ issues that used to occur so often but now we 'trust' Windows to sort effectively. I know of someone having issues with Dungeon Siege on 9700, is that likely to be due to a driver bug or incompatability? 95% of 9700 users are running fine with DS, so that seems to be a system incompatability rather than anything else. System incompatabilities occur with all hardware and then generally get sorted after a time - you are hearing lots of them with 9700 becuase they are selling lots (1 Million units already!).

I don't know what the ATI's compatability labs are like, but to me it does sound as though they may lean a little to heavily on Intel based systems, which not everybody uses. Although it sounds as though most of the AGP8X compatability issues are cleared up via motherboard bios updates ATI had said it was working fine on prerelease Intel hardware. Now, thats great - Intel define the spec, so its a good thing to test the theory as they are going to have a good implemetation, however in practice it doesn't do a fat lot of good seeing as Intel have no plans on relasing desktop AGP8X chipsets this year - they should have made 100% sure they work on the SIS and VIA based motherboards first as these were what were being shipped first. So, although it appears to be clearing up in most cases it does appear to be a little foot shooting going on as well.
Derek Smart [3000AD said:
]As for the reviewers, most are full of shit. Period. Sure, there are reviewers who do a damn good job of reviewing the card as they stand and on benchmarks. Most do NOT play games, let alone play them long enough to uncover problems. .

Having reviewed graphics cards in the past, my focus has shifted to concentrating on gameplay performance. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to fire up FRAPS and test the performance of your favorite games locally or on-line with options like enabling high quality sound.

In addition to recording average frames per second, FRAPS also records minimum and maximum frames per second. I've found the minimum frame rate to be an important measure and while some benchmarks provide this data, it rarely gets published.

I've seen cases where graphics card A gets a higher average frame rate than graphics card B, but the minimum frame rate of graphics card A will dip into the teens while graphics card B maintains a minimum of 30 frames per second.

Getting back on track, I would guess that your typical reviewer is under a deadline when a new product is going to be announced. NVIDIA usually gets hardware to me 1-2 weeks before their deadline. With the recent nForce2 review, I only had 9 days to test the system and with 14 hours left, I managed to squeeze in one gameplay test scenario with Morrowind.

But I'm fortunate since I only review a limited number of products and can spend more time following up.
Derek Smart [3000AD said:
I would agree with point #1, but point #2 and #3 are out of place. Here's why.

I doubt that any person these days, would even dream of installing new drivers without first uninstalling older drivers.

You'd be surprised at just how dumb the average computer user can be sometimes.

Majority of the people with these cards, know enough that overclocking anything, can yield unpredictable results.

You'd be surprised at just how dumb the average computer user can be sometimes.

There is no reason why a 20A rated 300W PSU which works fine for a GF4 Ti4600 and a Matrox Pahrelia, should not work on a 9xxx card in the same system - the PSU being the constant. Thats just poppycock.

Explain your logic please. If a 140W PSU works for a P233MMX and a Matrox Millenium, then I guess it should work for a GF4 Ti4600 as well? I fail to understand your position here. Every piece of hardware has a minimum power requirement. The 9700's is higher than the GF4's, which is higher than the GF3's, etc. So, there is a reason why a 300W PSU may work fine for a GF4 Ti4600 or Parhelia, and not for a 9700. It is no secret that the 9700 draws more power than either of the other two (which draw more power than many other cards, btw). Therefore, in a particular system (certain PSU, number of drives, CPU and fan setup, etc.) a GF4 or Parhelia might well be borderline, while a 9700 is over the line.

Is that really so difficult to understand? Poppycock? Hardly. It's the nature of new hardware... just as it's not reasonable to expect a GF4 to work flawlessly on every 250W PSU/system out there, it's not reasonable to expect a 9700 to work flawlessly on every 300W PSU/system out there, which is precisely what you're demanding. If you have a GF4, a high power CPU, fans, and several drives, then a 250W PSU might not be your best bet. Likewise for a 9700 and a xxxW PSU. I can't believe I'm having to explain this... I thought it was obvious.

Do you see ANYWHERE on the 9xxx box where they indicate ANYTHING about the PSU requirements for a video card?

Well, according to Dave I guess there is, but perhaps a reciprocal question would be useful. Do you see ANYWHERE onthe GF4 box where they indicate ANYTHING about the PSU requirements for a video card? If not, why not? Isn't there some minimum for every video card/system? If someone complained that a GF4 wasn't stable with a 150W PSU, would you blame NV and scream that if a Rage Pro worked, so should a GF4?

If we're going to foolishly include underrated PSUs in this equation, in yet another pitiful attempt at giving ATI a pass, isn't that a bit ludicrous? Why is there NO mention of a rated PSU on the box or in the docs that come in the box?

See above.

If someone isn't having problems with any game... then you should NEVER have to download new drivers. Ever. You should install the card from the box, use the driver from the CD and never, ever have to download anything. The fact that you download a driver update, in itself, indicates a problem. Whether you are experiencing it or not, is irrelevent. Period.

I guess you're saying that the eleventy-billion Detonator drivers is proof of a long list of NVIDIA driver bugs?

As for the topic of using Rage3D as a valid litmus test... if you are seriously arguing what you seem to be arguing, despite all the obvious problems about biased samples and biased sampling methods, then I'm simply amazed.
If you're focused on strictly hardware review sites, I stand by what I said...Most of those so-called reviewers suck, and I'm willing to bet that most don't ever actually play games. Can anybody actually picture Anand really getting into a game? I cannot. I think he's a good example of somebody that's generally interested in the field, but was never a massively addicted gamer.

I would say that it usually takes me a good 3 weeks of solid use before I can reasonably begin collecting useful data on a given product. And it might be another week added on to that because I think it's always important to SEE what kinda of differences you see BETWEEN drivers...

IE. you can use the transition between drivers to look @ what was fixed...what was broken...etc. There's a ton of stuff there...But, of course, these reviews would never account for that sort of thing because their timeframe is so short.

One other thing...with respect to drivers, it's really amazing how little it takes to make a driver spin out of control. I have written fairly robust hardware drivers in the past, and it really amazed me just how easy it was to tank the whole 9-yards with such ease...

So, when I talk about games freezing and the like, I have no doubt at all that this is a driver-specific issue...not a hardware related one.

The only thing I'm hearing which smells of hardware is the issue(s) with AGP 8x. But then again, it also sounds like something which can be addressed with newer BIOS's.

The vast majority of repeated bugs that seem to crop up with the 9700 seem very much like software-related bugs.
Typedef Enum said:
If you're focused on strictly hardware review sites, I stand by what I said...Most of those so-called reviewers suck...

I have a bit of an issue with that. Reviewers are typically able to review products only because it doesn't ruin them financially, or in some cases it supports them financially. For this to be the case, the hardware and expenses of operating the site can't cost them a fortune out of pocket. Therefore, they are bound to the deadlines imposed upon them by the manufacturer in most cases, and additionally they will likely have a large number of products to review in a given time period (see comments about finances).

At the end of the day, most are doing about as much as they can in a review given their limitations on resources and time, and those limitations are what keeps them from drowning in debt. Sure, we'd all like to see reviews where the reviewer spent weeks with the product, but how many reviews would we get out of them before they were forced to throw in the towel? I think B3D comes about as close as I've seen, and there is still a distinct lack of extended gaming testing.

The bottom line is that when you say most "reviewers suck" you are insinuating that they could do otherwise without putting themselves out of business, and that probably isn't the case the majority of the time. I'll agree completely that, relative to other "review sites" some reviewers do actually suck, and that is a result of their own incompetence. But I think your standards for reviewers in general are unrealistic.
Wow DS long reply, some of which has already been responded to Wavey etc.

umm I'm at work at the moment so cant study your screenshots til later.

IRO Rage3D I meant litmus test as to volume as well as typeof bug. Of course some bugs/issues are clearly correct on those foums - but just becasue it is a busy forum, IMHO doesnt demonstrate that the number of issues are higher lower than other hardware.

I would put my friends with issues in the capable arena and they only use official drivers.

til later.
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