ATi responses challenge of NV30 with R350

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alexsok said:
It is possible that R350 has 16 texture units and an optimized triangle setup engine, IMHO.

My bet:
400+mhz core
900-1000mhz DDRII
16 texture blocks arranged as 8x2

and more...

Sounds possible for me - except 400+ Mhz core: more TMU means higher transistor count means more power requ., more3 complexity, etc = lower top working speed, IMHO.
There won't be an improved core. Ati will just offer a product refresh, similar to the Ti200/500 split Nvidia did.
Can we really trust this article? I really doubt, that ATI will move to its next chip so quickly and damage it's 9700 sales.
sancheuz said:
Can we really trust this article? I really doubt, that ATI will move to its next chip so quickly and damage it's 9700 sales.

Digitimes is reliable source IMHO.

Edit: typo
Prometheus said:
Or Nv30 might spank r300!!?
Speculation can go on for hours T2k!!
Thats his point!
You earlier claim that "this means NV30 is faster than R300" is totally unjustified.
There are a billion other reasons for ATI to be releasing the product otehr than to regain the speed crown. You however have blinded yourself, and only seeing the one possible reason, assume its true.
That is "FUZZY LOGIC".
Well i think he got a point, Ati won't get out its card if it's not threatened by the new Nvidia chip. Otherwise (equal or even less performant), i don't see the point in getting out a new card.
Althornin said:
Prometheus said:
Or Nv30 might spank r300!!?
Speculation can go on for hours T2k!!
Thats his point!
You earlier claim that "this means NV30 is faster than R300" is totally unjustified.
There are a billion other reasons for ATI to be releasing the product otehr than to regain the speed crown. You however have blinded yourself, and only seeing the one possible reason, assume its true.
That is "FUZZY LOGIC".

Well, maybe, maybe not....instead, maybe ATI just wants to keep the lead till it becomes established as the performance leader.... The only thing for sure is that the users make out like NV30 come out, 9700 will be $100.00 less, and when R350 comes out, NV30 will get's a no lose propersition for the users! :) :eek: :LOL:
I'll be arsed if I'm going to go back and read all this crap so that I can figure out who to quote...but whoever said that ATI was scheming to payback nVidia for that whole GF3 Ti vs 8500 fiasco, is probably correct.

Besides, the 9700 (despite seriously embarrassingly bad drivers), is faster than nVidia's current offering. Thats fine. But remember that the 8500 was supposed to be their answer to the GF3 Ti. heh, they [ATI, in case you were wondering) failed.

Then came the R300 when nVidia was, of course, ramping up for the NV30

All in all, the R300 was designed to beat the NV25 - which it did. And since the NV30 - by all accounts - is gearing up to give the R300 a righteous spanking, ATI are trying to - again - leapfrog one generation by prematurely (IMO) releasing the R350.

The end result?

The R350 will probably beat the NV30 (we do not know that yet), but the fact is, ATI will still be at least one or two generations removed, from a solid lead.

All these two are doing, is leap frogging the other - and this is all down to production cycles. And if this is what ATI really wants to do, they'd better start thinking about streamling those driver developers, because going by the R300 track record, they didn't learn much from the lessons of past driver revisions.

A hardware part can be as fast as fast can be, but if the damn card doesn't work with the majority of games it was designed for - due to BAD drivers, NOTHING is going to change.

Mark my words: once the R350 comes out, we'd still have unresolved bugs in the 7xxx, 8xxx and 9xxx generation of cards. Oh well. :rolleyes:
Evildeus said:
Well i think he got a point, Ati won't get out its card if it's not threatened by the new Nvidia chip. Otherwise (equal or even less performant), i don't see the point in getting out a new card.

Well, then why did nVidia come out with the GF3 TI500? The GF4 TI series? ATI only had the 8500, so? The reason is to stay on top, not because there is a threat....hell, in this market, there is ALWAYS a threat. If you don't precieve the threat, and sit back on your laurels, then....BOOM! Ask 3DFX......and nVidia, too! ATI has the top spot, and, having learned what the top dog did(topdog=nVidia), they decided that, if they wanted to be topdog, they would have to keep the preasure on...... R350= MAJOR PRESSURE on nVidia........ Lets hope nVidia responds to the pressure, because I doubt ATI would bring out R350 UNLESS it kills NV30..... ;) :rolleyes:
Come on, Derek, please find something else to say besides the driver thing......... BTW, all my software is working very well with my 9700, as they all do with my TI4600.....
Derek Smart [3000AD said:
]I'll be arsed if I'm going to go back and read all this crap so that I can figure out who to quote...but whoever said that ATI was scheming to payback nVidia for that whole GF3 Ti vs 8500 fiasco, is probably correct.

Besides, the 9700 (despite seriously embarrassingly bad drivers), is faster than nVidia's current offering. Thats fine. But remember that the 8500 was supposed to be their answer to the GF3 Ti. heh, they [ATI, in case you were wondering) failed.

Then came the R300 when nVidia was, of course, ramping up for the NV30

All in all, the R300 was designed to beat the NV25 - which it did. And since the NV30 - by all accounts - is gearing up to give the R300 a righteous spanking, ATI are trying to - again - leapfrog one generation by prematurely (IMO) releasing the R350.

The end result?

The R350 will probably beat the NV30 (we do not know that yet), but the fact is, ATI will still be at least one or two generations removed, from a solid lead.

All these two are doing, is leap frogging the other - and this is all down to production cycles. And if this is what ATI really wants to do, they'd better start thinking about streamling those driver developers, because going by the R300 track record, they didn't learn much from the lessons of past driver revisions.

A hardware part can be as fast as fast can be, but if the damn card doesn't work with the majority of games it was designed for - due to BAD drivers, NOTHING is going to change.

Mark my words: once the R350 comes out, we'd still have unresolved bugs in the 7xxx, 8xxx and 9xxx generation of cards. Oh well. :rolleyes:

Speaking from the perspective of a user, I can say I'm pleased with how my Radeon 9700 Pro performs. RTCW, Quake 3, Independence War 2 -- all play extremely well, with eye candy and all. Those are the three games I have played extensively lately.

I'm not going to argue that there are bugs, I'm just wondering whether they are really THAT bad. On top of that, it's not as if games were not released without any bugs whatsoever. I could name quite a few games that were crawling with the little suckers when they came out.

As to NV30 spanking R300, I guess we'll know when the card is released, not before.

Best wishes,
Well, you are right, but if i do remember the ATI 8500 is on par with the Ti 500 and beats it in most IQ tests, and furthermore, it's cheaper! So who had the crown at that time? And the GF4 wasn't released in december but launch in febuary (on shelves in march).

So, the only situation i can see for a quite ( :-? ) rapid launch of a R350 (faster version of R300 we suppose), is a regain of the performance crown by the NV30. Otherwise, it's investment deperdition for ATI, for the distributors, for the customers (of the R300).

But perhaps i need to have my PhD in economics before saying more :D ;)
martrox said:
Come on, Derek, please find something else to say besides the driver thing.........

You didn't have to read it. It was part of the point I was making. We have regurgitated threads and posts here all the time. For example, this very one discussing this whole ATI vs nVidia thing - AGAIN - I don't see you telling everyone that they should find something else to say besides this nVidia vs ATI thing

BTW, all my software is working very well with my 9700, as they all do with my TI4600.....

Unluckily for you, I don't give a shit. So, please don't start.
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