ATI purchase help


What is the most reliable brand out there HIS, Powercolor, SAPPHIRE, any suggestions would be appreciated personal experiences etc...
I used to buy Nv but this round my price/pref seems to point to Ati i know i want the 4k series its a question of brand reliability.
Sapphire is the biggest of the brands, but I'm not sure that means all that much, If you're just buying a reference design you're probably best off just getting the best warranty or price you can. I think VisionTek offers lifetime warranties still.
Does VisonTek make a 4870 yet? I really need the extra bandwidth otherwise id settle for a 4850 from them.....
They claim to I'm not sure when they'll be available. Supply of the 4870s is definitely low atm. I think newegg is currently sold out of all the brands they have listed.
:( [Mize wants better linux support to go red (green?) again...]
Get the latest Cats in the Ubuntu repositories and don't require manual re-install every time I update the kernel please...nV does it!

Do this and I'll have a 4870 ASAP.
Visiontek might be good. I have an old visiontek card still working x800 12 pipe, but all my other ATI cards have died whereas my tnt2 ultra still works :)

That is why I finally went to 8800gt after doing 9500-->9700-->x800 pe-->x1900 AIW
hey digital mind if i ask the ocing potential or have children impeded that part of the review lol.
Hell, getting any of it done with kids is more of a bitch than I ever thought it could be! :oops:

I haven't OCed it at all yet, but I did get my fan control and it's now idling at 50c and is 63c at load and still quiet. I gave up trying to find a software solution and just pulled the power plug from the fan on the card and put it on a old fan controller rheostat I had and it works all peachy now. :)
Hell, getting any of it done with kids is more of a bitch than I ever thought it could be! :oops:

I haven't OCed it at all yet, but I did get my fan control and it's now idling at 50c and is 63c at load and still quiet. I gave up trying to find a software solution and just pulled the power plug from the fan on the card and put it on a old fan controller rheostat I had and it works all peachy now. :)

I hope to hell you say that in your review. I certainly would not want to deal with that crap.
Settle down. It's early days yet and powerplay is known not to be working properly in the current drivers. Give it time.

It doesn't matter.

When reviewers review parts they have a responsibility to relate stuff like that.

If they do not then I have 0 respect for them.

That is like Nvidia's cards that did not have the video decode working. Some reviewers didn't mention it b/c it was early days and it wasn't working properly yet. Well it never did.

Same thing with motherboards. Often the stability is crap, but the reviewer glosses over it b/c it is early and they are assured a bios update will fix it. They better darn well report that stability is crap. I don't like to buy products until they have the kinks worked out. A reviewer who does a good job can help with that by admitting when things are screwed up. A month later they can update it to say it is fixed, or another site that isn't trying to get the review out at the first instance can do a review that shows it is fixed.

I don't like buying hardware and finding it is broken even if it turns out that it will be fixed later. I want to know those problems before I dive into it.
I'm all for disclosure. Every review site does power consumption numbers nowadays, and that's disclosure enough for anyone willing to analyze the numbers.

As for non-functional powerplay being similar to NV's lack of working purevideo in early GF6 parts - the two are simply not comparable. The former is purely a software issue already demonstrated to have been corrected (users have posted screenshots with powerplay clocks @ 160/500) whereas the latter was a hardware issue.
I'm all for disclosure. Every review site does power consumption numbers nowadays, and that's disclosure enough for anyone willing to analyze the numbers.

As for non-functional powerplay being similar to NV's lack of working purevideo in early GF6 parts - the two are simply not comparable. The former is purely a software issue already demonstrated to have been corrected (users have posted screenshots with powerplay clocks @ 160/500) whereas the latter was a hardware issue.

They are comparable to me insofar as the product (hardware and software) does not function correctly. If it is fixed or not is a separate issue. And yes they should mention that it will likely be fixed and they have every reason to suppose it will, point out the person X has already fixed it if that has happened, but unless it worked properly for them I don't want them to imply it did.
They are comparable to me insofar as the product (hardware and software) does not function correctly. If it is fixed or not is a separate issue.

You'll be alone in that opinion then. I'm sorry but that's just silly. How can you possibly equate a hardware issue that was never (and could never) be resolved to a software problem that has already been demonstrated to have been fixed, and the fix likely to be made public sooner rather than later?

And yes they should mention that it will likely be fixed and they have every reason to suppose it will, point out the person X has already fixed it if that has happened, but unless it worked properly for them I don't want them to imply it did.

I don't follow you here... There have been screenshots posted in these very forums of powerplay working correctly for HD48x0 cards.
You'll be alone in that opinion then. I'm sorry but that's just silly. How can you possibly equate a hardware issue that was never (and could never) be resolved to a software problem that has already been demonstrated to have been fixed, and the fix likely to be made public sooner rather than later?

Like the software problems for xfire? Like the lack of a folding client for the g8 series? The later may be fixed now, but how long did it take?

I don't follow you here... There have been screenshots posted in these very forums of powerplay working correctly for HD48x0 cards.
It is very simple. If a product did not work for the reviewer they should say so.

If they have reason to believe it will be fixed they should include that as well. If they can link to something as in these forums showing it fixed then they should. They should not see such things and assume that they need not report the problem they had, b/c others have over come it.

That means I might buy the exact card they reviewed, get the same bios and the same problem. Have to go through the hassle of flashing the bios or whatever other fix to overcome an issue that if I knew about before hand I could have probably waited a week or two and not have to deal with.