If Nvidia and ATI's cards both had the same feature set and Nvidia's card was faster then Nvidia would have the superior hardware yes. But as I said I don't see that happening, not for long anyway.
ATI has not been sitting around waiting for Nvidia to catch up. While Nvidia is catching up with R300, ATI is not doubt cooking something up to keep themselves ahead, at least speedwise (they've had plenty of time to do this since R300's release). Which is what Nvidia has been doing to ATI for years now, until the NV30 slipup.
There you go again, "well ahead" of what exactly? When the Geforce FX is out, how far ahead will ATI be again? Just becuase ATi has said they will release the R350 to compete with the GFX doesn't necessairily mean it will end up doing that. Why don't you wait and see what the performance is like on the GFX before claiming someone to be ahead.
I don't see Geforce FX on the shelfs with Radeon 9700. ATI has by far the best card out right now, and its been the best for quite a while, so right now they ARE well ahead. As in ATI have had a card out for several months that is a full generation ahead of anything Nvidia have out.
Why shouldn't they stay there? common by that logic, 3dfx would still be the leader if that was the case.
3DFX lost the lead for a reason. What sort of logic would it be for me to assume that ATI will lose its lead because 3DFX did?
I'm not assuming that ATI will deffinately stay ahead because they are ahead now, but I see no reason to believe that Nvidia will leap back ahead.
You SAY ATI could release somehting faster right now, but that simply isn't true IMO. this is what you must hope, but I don't think ATi would have the R350 ready at this point to be released right now.
ATI have had all of there teams free since R300 was released, so as I said they haven't be sitting on there hands. They showed a R300 with DDR2 ram a little while ago.
Now obviously ATI wouldn't release something faster then R300 now, because it would be counter productive. But what makes you think you couldn't? I see no reason to believe that ATI couldn't release a faster R300 right now.
Well at least you're being resonable here.
Quincy, I've been reasonable throughout so far. Don't turn this into a nasty argument, lets keep it civil.
I have no reason to be anything but reasonable here. I have no aligence to ATI at all, I thought everyone knew that I'm a PowerVR fan.
Overclocking means nothing. What has the Geforce FX been over clocked to? having a single part with crazy cooling/overclocked doesn't mean you can consistently produce parts running at that speed with a high yeild rate.
Its a sign that R300 is not limited to its 300mhz clock speed by its current process. Clearly the 0.15 micron process still allows quite a bit of headroom. I'm sure ATI can clock the core up in the many many months they've had since releasing R300.
I don't know what Geforce FX can be clocked to, but its not important anyway. The point I believe we were discussing is wether or not R300 would need to go to a smaller process to clock higher, nothing to do with Geforce FX.