Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Start, inventory, outfits?

raiden, altair outfit, altair armour, dragon armour, young ezio and some capes
, no option to change it to standard outfit.

EDIT: Damn, there is an option to unequip outfit, thanks Robert :)
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One of the most entertaining and disturbing game-play in AC2 was the combination of throwing down massive coins to draw large crowds and then poisoning the nearby guards. The horror that ensued was hilarious in my warped mind.

I hope that's still available in AC:Brotherhood.
you, sir, are a CAD, an Evil genius cad. Now I will have to do this horrible thing. When the little sim people are sobbing later as they tell their children (where are all the children???) that daddy got killed by an insane guard, I will think of you. :)
Seriously though, looks like the guards can't kill bystanders, they just beat them up, so you have a pile of people lying on the ground groaning. Best to use the heavy weapon or pike guards too...
I just hope they don't cut the single player mode short as a result.
I'd say it's longer than AC2, especially if you decide you want to own Rome. I just bought the coliseum, I'm thinking of putting a macdonalds there.
Another major improvement is the focus on actual stealth during missions. There are plenty of missions where remaining hidden is actually a requirement now.
Later in the game you get the ability to recruit your own little death squad, and they are awesome. Sure, it's very gamey to target an enemy, press L2 and have a group of hooded killers instantly jumping from the closest roof top, stack of hay or horses, right into the face of your target, but it's just so much fun to watch. They are also fantastic fighters: 2 of them will easily dominate 10+ guards when they are leveled up. They have access to neat gadgets like pistols and smoke bombs, and they make very deliberate use of it too. They are almost too effective.
My very successful method of doing "stealth": Buy Poison shooter from Leonardo. Pick random guard in a group, shoot guard with poison. Wait 5 seconds. Calmly walk up to guards now bemusedly watching the poisoned one go nuts and dispatch them one at a time, nice and easy. Rinse, Repeat. I suspect this is the letter instead of the intent of the law :)

Also, Guard Captain, it is not a good idea to get off your very fast horse and loudly exhort the killer of a pile of guards to come forward if you don't have a plan for what happens when he does...

And I summoned assassins while underground, they came out of the frickin' walls, killed mah doodz, and then disappeared back into the walls. I had no idea I had created ninja assassins. I assumed they had to at least take a real path to get to me, but no, they just appear on a ledge, throw their smoke bombs, perform mass slaughter, and disappear.

Still, my favourite game this year. I even played a bit of MP, which I almost never do, and enjoyed it.