Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

I have AC2 in my house now, and I do have to admit the improvements over AC1 are HUGE ! If they have continued in the same manner, there's a complete possibility that Brotherhood is much better too. I think with Brotherhoood thier focus is on variety in missions and offensive sword play. Sounds good, but personally I have become tired of jumping on roofs in AC2, and I am just a few hours in :( ! Tyere are no changes in traversal over time. Unlike Infamous where u keep learning better ways of traversal after about every hour, the traversal stays the same all along in AC2 !
One of the most entertaining and disturbing game-play in AC2 was the combination of throwing down massive coins to draw large crowds and then poisoning the nearby guards. The horror that ensued was hilarious in my warped mind.

I hope that's still available in AC:Brotherhood.
I'm interested in this game, but I'm a bit hesitant about the MP aspects. Is it enjoyable? Are there any co-op MP or is it strictly every man for himself?

there are one, maybe two, team modes and although i don't have a mic to communicate, they are quite fun. Probably even more so with friends and communication.
there are one, maybe two, team modes and although i don't have a mic to communicate, they are quite fun. Probably even more so with friends and communication.
Never really happens , sadly ! I bought a Jabra headset especially after the R beta as the co-op was so much fun and I thought it would be so much better with a mic n friends. When I bought the game, the only communication that usually happened via mic was "Oh Shit !" when a huge wave would come chargin in :LOL: ! Otherwise, no one liked to communicate at all. My headset has been gathering dust these days.

There was this one special day though, while playing KZ2, we were communicating constantly as a squad and protecting assassination targets and flanking enemies n all. Till day, that experience has not replicated itself. Though, when a good group does come together, it is fantastic !
Dumb question, but is there a single-player aspect to the game and is it any good?

Primarily Rome. Pretty large world and I have only begun to play SP.

the little finishing touches to the game for me are:

* Story seems more natural and flows pretty well (so far) with several goals to achieve in each area
* Have not gotten to my Brotherhood of assassins but can only imagine it adds even more
* Catacomb levels are more immersive, less repeitive task-like
* Ability to replay memory (need to get "Full synch)
* exit the animus at any time to play as desmond
* MP is very well done although matchmaking could use a patch at times
* ability to ride a horse anywhere
* More variety and better weapons with more interaction with the weapons on ground
* Battle system FINALLY is overhauled making large engagements less annoying and makes you feel like a bad-ass
* Graphical touches (better lighting system than AC2 IMO)
How well is the world fleshed out? I mean is there a pretty spread of places to do things or does the world feel 'empty'?
Primarily Rome. Pretty large world and I have only begun to play SP.

the little finishing touches to the game for me are:

* Story seems more natural and flows pretty well (so far) with several goals to achieve in each area
* Have not gotten to my Brotherhood of assassins but can only imagine it adds even more
* Catacomb levels are more immersive, less repeitive task-like
* Ability to replay memory (need to get "Full synch)
* exit the animus at any time to play as desmond
* MP is very well done although matchmaking could use a patch at times
* ability to ride a horse anywhere
* More variety and better weapons with more interaction with the weapons on ground
* Battle system FINALLY is overhauled making large engagements less annoying and makes you feel like a bad-ass
* Graphical touches (better lighting system than AC2 IMO)

AC is one of my fav new IP's this generation along with Uncharted, Gears, Bayonetta. They have done a great job improving the series with each version. Any thing that AC2 does, AC:B does better.

I just started today but spent all day playing it and having a great time. I love the Catacombs. Absolutely my favorite part.
I think they did an even better job with the Brotherhood single player than with the one in AC2. Rome is absolutely packed with content, and the content itself is very well done. Even the little side missions like assassinations or courtesan asignments are book-ended by cut-scenes and have a direct relation to the overall story, and there are tons of them. Another major improvement is the focus on actual stealth during missions. There are plenty of missions where remaining hidden is actually a requirement now.
Combat is a lot better now as well. Enemies are more aggressive, and they will break your guard very quickly (you can usually block the first 2 swings of a combo, but the third generally gets through). This makes counter-kills and dodging a must. The great thing about the counter-kills is your ability to quickly follow up on them with a chain of instant-kills. Very quick and very satisfying. All in all the combat isn't really harder, but it's a lot more fun and faster.
Later in the game you get the ability to recruit your own little death squad, and they are awesome. Sure, it's very gamey to target an enemy, press L2 and have a group of hooded killers instantly jumping from the closest roof top, stack of hay or horses, right into the face of your target, but it's just so much fun to watch. They are also fantastic fighters: 2 of them will easily dominate 10+ guards when they are leveled up. They have access to neat gadgets like pistols and smoke bombs, and they make very deliberate use of it too. They are almost too effective.

I spent an unhealthy amount of hours with the game this weekend, by the way. So worth it.

Ubisoft deserves some mad props for delivering such an enormous monster of a game in just a year (it feels ever so slightly rougher around the edges than the predecessor, but it's really nothing major, and certainly won't spoil your fun). There's literally twice as much content, and they even noteiceably touched up the visuals. Especially the characters look a lot better now.

If you liked ACII, you are gonna love this.
Great game, I don't have the 360 but on the ps3 suffering really a lot of tearing and dips,,, I don't know what you talking about Ubi, when said the ps3 is pretty in pair to 360 version this time... perhaps the 360 suffer too in performance now? :???: I have the first AC on 360 and the difference is really huge between the ps3 version, I'm talking of the sequel too...Beautiful game but again I'm afraid about the performace... I think is the last time I buy an AC game in the sony console, I can't tolerate so much dips and tearing in a game...
Apparently it gets better when you're a little further into the game? At least that's what I've heard.
Apparently it gets better when you're a little further into the game? At least that's what I've heard.
Not really, in Rome suffer really so much :cry: I'm enough into the game... I'm pretty surprise because in DF analysis talking of marginal difference in performance, but it's really bad in different situations (not how the first clearly).
I'm absolutely loving this game! Been staying up stupid late playing this.

Did all the Assassin's Guild quests and got my waaay too many Assassin's maxed out. The reward for completing the guild was awesome btw. The Catacombs are some of the best platforming in any game.

The combat reminds me of Fable in the sense that you can make it as plain as you want or get really creative. I love finding new ways to take people down.

Rome is huge and laid out extremely well. Tons of NPC's with varied dialouge. The city feels very much alive now.

The only negative I've come across so far is the auto aim on pistols and crossbow. I don't mind the auto aim even but I can't move targets.

So far, I'm gonna have to this is my surprise hit of the year and might even rank at the top seeing how much fun I'm having with it.
I'm absolutely loving this game! Been staying up stupid late playing this.

Did all the Assassin's Guild quests and got my waaay too many Assassin's maxed out. The reward for completing the guild was awesome btw. The Catacombs are some of the best platforming in any game.

The combat reminds me of Fable in the sense that you can make it as plain as you want or get really creative. I love finding new ways to take people down.

Rome is huge and laid out extremely well. Tons of NPC's with varied dialouge. The city feels very much alive now.

The only negative I've come across so far is the auto aim on pistols and crossbow. I don't mind the auto aim even but I can't move targets.

So far, I'm gonna have to this is my surprise hit of the year and might even rank at the top seeing how much fun I'm having with it.

Agreed! bought it for the MP, surprised by how much I love the SP, considering I bored of AC and AC2 very quickly. this game rocks socks.
Beat the SP and it took about 24 hours. That's with doing quests for getting most of the SP achievements. I enjoyed the side quests this time around are they were often story related and certainly unique. There are still a ton of side and guild quests I can do at this point but I think I'm done with the SP. 24 awesome hours is more than good enough for me.

I'll give the MP a shot and see how it is but the SP alone is certainly well deserving of the purchase.
Is there any option to change outfit (Altair armour, raiden etc.) to "standard" armour? When I got Brutus armour I changed it to Altair armour, but there is no way to change it back...
I beat the game over the weekend.This game sort of facinates me, mainly because it's so unsuspectingly good. I was so focused on the MP portion of the game before it's released that I thought the SP portion was going to be mediocre at best. I loved AC2, but the new elements like the assiassin recruitment/assistance thing, mid-mission checkpoint system, easier combat and the addition of multiplayer are really well done.

The funny thing is, when it was all over and I finished the main story I was kinda sad. The game dumps you back into the world so I wrapped up a few things (like getting Brutus' armor), and then I was done. I actually put a lot of time into getting most of the flags, treasures, feathers, glyphs, romulus keys (almost got them all) and whatever else is out there that I just got lost in the world. Cheesy, but true.

Deffinitely in my top 5 of the year.