ARMA 2 DayZ mod


a.k.a. Ingenu
Got ARMA 2 pack on Steam just for DayZ, played it a little yesterday, got killed once by zombies, 3 times by players...
I hate people ;p

Anyone else playing ?
What's your experience sofar ?
Any tips ?
Kiting Zeds with a Chopper

I haven't been playing but enjoying lots of vids and people's stories on various forums.

The Days Ahead series on YouTube is fantastic.
Bought Operation Arrowhead and the PMC expansion (already owned ARMA2) + the X edition (or something like that) for my brother.

So we will be starting to try to survive!

I will only look for the key bindings, will try to go into it without map knowledge etc.!

Should be interesting. :)
Turned into a pure deathmatch game now, not worth it :(
The idea was so good, but the gameplay is lacking to make it fun.

(Any game which does nothing to address the fact anonymous people behave like the worse kind of dicks is missing on the fundamentals.)
Turned into a pure deathmatch game now, not worth it :(
The idea was so good, but the gameplay is lacking to make it fun.

(Any game which does nothing to address the fact anonymous people behave like the worse kind of dicks is missing on the fundamentals.)

I only played a bit, but I am also quite disgusted. I adored the gameplay in e.g. MUDs where there were thieving gangs that roamed around etc. But in these games, very quickly "head hunters" etc. arised that took care of that or made a great balance in the system (back in the day I adored to finish those low level gangs that were going to spawn points with my char). Here, especially with the removal of the bandit skin, the zombies etc. are preventing a good system like that (many times you do not even know who kills you).

Just in my third of fourth session I was finally having my backpack full with useful things and I was running towards a player and I could have shot him from 10 cm as he was turned backwards to me. After I ran past him and he was running a while by my side, after a few minutes he decided to shoot me from behind :rolleyes: .

When you add the problems with connecting to a server, then it really is leaning more and more toward work and not fun.

I've played around 30 hours now I suppose and somewhere around 30 attempts at survival (could be 40 or more, easy to lose track).

I've been murdered twice. So I don't think ganking is a particular issue. One of those times was a guy with a rifle waiting in a town and another was possibly accidental. I was with 2 other survivors, all 3 of us had just met in the hospital tent camp near the airstrip by the coast and one of them said another was on the way (all in direct chat, though I don't have a mic). Not much later a guy turned up and shot me - perhaps seeing my name on his crosshair being a name he wasn't expecting to see at the agreed meet, he shot me. Of course he could just have overheard the 3 of us (none armed, lol).

Difficulty seems to be genuinely high, which is good. With no gun, no food nor drink, starting off solo is pretty difficult. I prefer using an axe to kill zombies, since that's not going to aggro any more who might be near (didn't try the crowbar I found one time, so not sure which weapon is better). I once had a Makarov with 6 clips but the zombies around the compound I was in kept respawning ("infinitely" though not entirely sure about the mechanic) and following the sound of gunfire so it's basically pointless using a gun to hold off zombies. A gun seems best to pick off a few zeds who might be in the way and then leg it.

Zombies staying inside the building they spawn in is a real nuisance. The tall barn with the two sets of stairs separated by 10 feet is actually OK to enter if a zed is up on either of the wooden levels - just stay below him on his side, or freely explore the other side, quietly.

Zeds see into buildings far too easily though (not sure if "sound" is an adequate excuse for this) and I've been hurt through walls and watched zombies walking through walls. I thought all that stuff had been cleared up, so that's annoying.

Early this afternoon I stumbled upon a Coyote Backpack, i.e. the 24-slot monster. I literally had nothing to put in it. But this got me planning: now it's worth me secreting it somewhere and then filling it up with stuff.

So, now I have an AK74 + 3 clips, a Makarov with a few clips, quite a bit of drink (no food) and a Winchester with 85-ish slugs stashed somewhere in the world. Oh and another stash of drinks and firewood.

Within 10 minutes of me getting the AK74 I was shot at, from behind, about 150m I'd say (someone with an AK). Though he hit me I wasn't slowed down at all, so was able to run off and hide behind the terrain and bandage. Watching his direction for 10 mins I saw two guys together on the road. I'm pretty sure I was attacked by a solo guy, because none of the shots "overlapped" as if from two. Perhaps those two guys were chasing the other guy? He had prolly shot a whole clip: half trying to hit me and then, seemingly, half to fend off nearby zeds (I'd left them behind). Can't be sure it wasn't the two of them that attacked me, though as I never saw any muzzle flashes or smoke.

So I haven't used the AK in anger yet. I suspect that guy (or the pair) got my scent when I used the Winchester on a couple of policeman zeds. I wanted to see if they would have anything decent on their bodies, so killed them, out in the open. I stashed the Winchester shortly afterwards, when I found the AK.

I've used up 3 lives (now on my fourth) since I got the Coyote backpack. One spawn was way too far away from my stashes, but luckily my two other spawns have been within 10 mins run :)

So, tomorrow should be fun. The big question is where from here? I only know one person who's also playing. I'm generally not so hot on gaming with a regular group online (don't like to be tied down to "appointments") so I'll prolly play safe, stash everything and run around with just the hatchet. Maybe if I bump into someone to buddy up with... I might experiment with the Winchester, using it to make looting easier (shoot and scoot style), since I have "ammo to burn".

Food is by far the biggest problem: murder for a tin of beanz does seem to be intrinsic to the game, to be honest. Though health issues are also a big downer. Breaking a leg is effectively terminal if you're playing solo. Having a zed break your leg just by attacking you is a real pisser. Dropping down a tall ladder, using the command "drop down ladder" and just dying when you hit the ground is also a real pisser.

One time I was filling water in a pond, then drinking then refilling (why can't you just glug from the pond, that's what I want to know). When I looked up there was someone across the pond. He had a hatchet. I finished refilling the canteen and, whoops, drew my gun (as it had been equipped before I reached the pond). He ran off. Shame...

As a long time OFP/Arma/Arma 2 player, I'm au fait with the mechanics and things like navigation. All the same it's quite satisfying to be put into this world, which isn't a "mission" and to be engaged with staying alive, making up objectives and bumping into people (and the odd zed or hog or being overtaken by a rabbit while ambling up a road) when not expected. Being alive for 4 or 5 hour stretches is very satisfying. Though, necessarily, since I'm without squad and have no base to speak of, I've decided simply to use consecutive lives to ratchet-up my gear stashes and explore the world. Suiciding by running into a town and collecting 20 odd zeds is amusing when your stuff is "safely" stashed for the next life.

I did try lying across the railway track, but there's no trains.
almost every survivor I encounter in this game wants to kill me :LOL:
they are basically the only thing to fear, with a hatchet and morphine you are basically invincible against zombies, also with matches and hunting knife + bottle of water you have no problems finding food and water...

most players just shoot you even if you pose no threat, I had all kinds of strange deaths, being shot while crawling with a broken leg and a hatchet in hands,

being shot in the face after staring at me for 5 seconds less than 5 meters from each other, being killed by a guy who disconnected after seeing me and came back 2 minutes later,

being killed by a guy who offered help, let me walk 100 meters and then sniped me,

now I'm focusing in fixing the ATV I just found,
The server where I was playing on Saturday was reset by the time I played again on Sunday, so my Winchester and drinks stashes had gone.

Yesterday I was mostly refining farming techniques. I can now dance with zeds without getting killed.

I've discovered that the loot mechanics are fundamentally flawed though. In a "farm" with 3 barns adjoining each other I was able simply to loop round all three of them: by moving all the loot off each spawn point onto a "trash heap" of my own making I had a nice loop going, so that by the time I'd done the third barn the first barn was producing new stuff. So I had a couple of sniper rifles and a Winchester without much effort.

In a 3-level barn I just sat on the middle layer shooting zombies attracted by my gunfire (and keeping spawns cleared to enable more stuff to spawn). I killed about 35 zeds. Turns out this is a good way to get food as I found 3 cans on their bodies.

I imagine this is a fairly common practice.

After saving one guy from zombies inside the airstrip tent camp, a third guy came along and decided to kill me. They were the only two I met in about 8 hours' play on Sunday. Though I saw or heard other folks in the distance.

I'm feeling strongly ambivalent about the game now. The loot is actually too easy to farm and "randomly spawning" loot and zeds, overall, has an 80's gaming feel: just too primitive. When 3 tyres simultaneously spawn inside a petrol station kiosk (or when a 3-level barn spawns 5 hatchets) I can only conclude that loot/zed spawning needs to be re-worked entirely. The piles of rubbish (guns, used cans, jerry cans, hatchets, ammo etc.) I left by or inside various barns were getting silly.

This evening I think I'm going to give banditry a go. I like being in the world but I'm struggling, now, to feel engaged.
Is anyone still playing this? I'm tweaking the arma demo to see how playable I can make it, and so far it looks good. If it works well enough, I'm seriously considering buying it just to play this mod. It would be cool to co-op it with some B3D folks.
The small group of people I play with (4 people) has not played it in over a week.
We probably have >30 hours each, so not bad.
We might play it again, but we'll need to set objectives rather than just "staying alive", most likely get a vehicle.
I haven't played the game on the last 2 weeks...
they should make the zombies more challenging, and make loot less predictable, harder to find....
and yes, "staying alive" quickly became to easy and boring
Hmmm, sounds cool, and I saw some vids that looked cool, but I'm a little worried about getting a good amount of playtime out of it. Seems like it is definitely "Alpha".
It's pretty easy to burn 30 hours in one week. I have no idea what most people think of as gameplay value in terms of hours since I got hundreds of hours of gameplay out of the demo for Operation Flashpoint.

Also the game engine has better performance now than the demo you've been playing with.

I still haven't turned bandit. Admittedly it's a couple of weeks since I played, as the new Object 268 in World of Tanks is just fucking awesome.
I'm not sure I'd get 30 hours. Tryin to figure out if survival is enough of an objective to string me along. The concept is very intriguing. I'd say I'm 75% set on trying it out. If I get it, I'll post in this thread.
Played again with 4 friends, found 3 boats, stuck one on a beach, considering finding & repairing a vehicle, biased toward helicopter but there's only one per server and spawn points changed recently...

The game is still deathmatch though :(
This looks interesting, however, it'll sooner snow in hell before I buy ARMA 2. When it goes stand alone, I'll be all over it.