It's always worked for me
Where should I put theFraglib? I have it under Crysis/game/Shaders/HWScripts/CryFX/ but that's wrong I guess. Just under the rootdir?
Hey Neb, with regards to that Crysis 'downsampling' tweak (which works great, thanks), is there any way to force a refresh rate IN Crysis? It's just that I game at 100hz at 1280x1024 (so I set 2560x2048 ingame), and it forces Crysis into 60hz. But I couldn't even run that higher resolution at 60hz anyway so I don't get the point of it doing that (especially when I downsample from something like 5120x4096)... I was having a play last night but couldn't see any options ingame to set a refresh rate.
Kinda makes playing with those settings a bit pointless, as a few minutes at 60hz becomes quite straining on the eyes...
Hey Neb, with regards to that Crysis 'downsampling' tweak (which works great, thanks), is there any way to force a refresh rate IN Crysis? It's just that I game at 100hz at 1280x1024 (so I set 2560x2048 ingame), and it forces Crysis into 60hz. But I couldn't even run that higher resolution at 60hz anyway so I don't get the point of it doing that (especially when I downsample from something like 5120x4096)... I was having a play last night but couldn't see any options ingame to set a refresh rate.
Kinda makes playing with those settings a bit pointless, as a few minutes at 60hz becomes quite straining on the eyes...
If you're on ATI you can use Ati tool tray to enforce refreshrate.
Otherwise, on Nvidia, if you google it up there is a fix that forces specific refreshrate at each resolution. It's ONLY for nvidia though, doesn't work for ATI. I used it before when I had the gtx285, it works very well.
All this is DX9 only, I don't think there is any way to force refreshrate in DX10, so if the game, in DX10, does not have a way of setting refreshrate, you're out of luck.
Haven't seen any command yet to force refresh rates. I'll try to find a solution.![]()
He means he got 100Hz ingame until he changes width and height for SSAA making the game revert to 60Hz despite being on the same 100Hz supporting res. This is most likely a thing to do with the CE2.
You need to use ATI Edge detect to make it look pretty but for that you need crossfire![]()
I have single 4890 and can select 'edge detect' for better AA.
Well actually I can run 'edge detect' 12xAA in Crysis Wars v.h and hover above or around 30fps. Crysis and Warhead gets about minus 5fps or more so that is a bit to much to keep 30fps.![]()
I play Crysis games at 1440x900 so that explains why it is runs better!![]()