Also these from '15 Days' adventure game. Shots by "ronny145". Interesting game which I might need to order.
WTF are those prerendered?
Today's prerendered screens in adventure games are not yesterday's prerendered screensI know of at least one game in the genre that stores prerendered the equivalent of a full deferred G-buffer - albedo maps, normal maps, depth buffers, gloss/environment masks, and uses them to relight scenes with changing times of day and dynamic light sources.
Mirrors Edge sure looks photo-realistic! O_O
New year new images. 12 images from Crysis custom large map with AI (that got pwned by turrets XD) and I jsut inserted my "Island" TOD becosue my TODs are so damn good they fit all kind of environments. Funny seeing the AI dynamically adapt to level without having any fixed waypoints and trying to flank turret to take it out. Very good attempt from their part and perhaps worthy a video someday.