Archive Thread of Screenshots of Ridunkulous Quality and Size [2007-2015]

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We do SSAO ourselves, no need to force it from the drivers :)

It's a bit of a sad feature, really - it's an admission developers don't do enough cool things with the idling horsepower anyway themselves, and the driver guys have to interfere. I preferred the years when games were released a full year before hardware worthy of running them "as intended" even came out. (Unreal 1?)
It already happened again, at least twice (Warhead and STALKER:CS).

Warhead doesn't really count as they had to recoup the money already spent on that engine, plus its was supposedly easier on the hardware and came out at a time of more powerful hardware and so wasn't as boundry pushing as Crysis.

STALKER is a better example but that came out soon after Crysis so the work had already been done to produce those visuals.

I hope i'm wrong but I just don't see any devs starting that level of development after Crysis launched putting the effort in to push the boundries of PC graphics.
It was targeted for high end systems. A 8800GTX and ~E6600 could easily run Crysis at very high at atleast 720p, a GPU and CPU from the mid 2006 . The thing is people expected to be able to go very high and high resolutions. Only those with SLI could try that.

It is just a mather of greed. Becouse they can chose higher settings they WANT to chose those settings and up res + AA despite how aged/-end their system is. It's sad to see these type of tards that rather would want to spoil the fun for those with high-end systems by crying acid tears so that devs feel like a change from say 'very high to high' etc would wipe the dorks noses clean from the acid.

"Bua bua bua if I cant have it then I dont want others to have it, bua bua bua" :LOL:
Yeah it does depend on how you define how the game was "intended" to be played.

Maximum detail settings is a given, but image quality and framerate? What is considered "playing the game as it was intended to be played" and what is considered "an additional luxury".

IMO, "perfect" playing conditions are 1920x1200 + 8xTMSAA + 16xAF @ locked 60fps but its unreasonable to expect games to play at those settings on anything but the highest end hardware, and its unreasonable to expect boundry pushing games to run at those settings at all.

I could argue that 720p + 4xMSAA + 8xAF @ ~40fps average (allowing a fairly stable 30fps vsync) or 1680x1050 + 0xMSAA + 8xAF at the same framerate are "enough" to consider the game to be playing "as it was intended". Certainly GT200 is capable of that at V.High settings in Crysis. Is the 8800 Ultra? I doubt it. In SLI it probably is though.
We do SSAO ourselves, no need to force it from the drivers :)

It's a bit of a sad feature, really - it's an admission developers don't do enough cool things with the idling horsepower anyway themselves, and the driver guys have to interfere. I preferred the years when games were released a full year before hardware worthy of running them "as intended" even came out. (Unreal 1?)

Excellent! :D
Just saw these screenshots posted by another user at nvnews (Jonelo) of ArmA 2. bar player hands and animations.... photorealism! Homg graphcis all over my face cant breath. :oops:





Nice outdoor scenes for ArmA 2.

Vehicles on the other hand left much to be desired with regards to approaching photorealism.

And the clipping plane for grass and vegetation is still so close. The shot with the tank illustrates this most clearly.

Have been thinking of getting this when it comes out, but unfortunately I'm seeing some really nasty reports of some really nasty bugs in the game.

Hopefully they get mostly ironed out before it releases here.

BTW - check out what you can do with it using TrackIR. :) As well as some in game footage.

The first third of it is mostly information on TrackIR, skip it if you aren't interested. Me want...

Game looks pretty impressive in motion.

I just hope for improved animations/weapon animations. Atelast weapon animations and how the hands move and muzzle effect.
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