Anyone subscribe to pc gamer ?


Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone subscribes. INside the holiday issue there is a coupon for a free item in uxo if you preorder from eb. I was wondering if anyone got one and doesn't plan on getting uxo. Cause i'm looking for one of the cards. I buy the issues off newstand when I have extra cash on me but I don't use credit cards and hate writing checks to subscribe. Let me know if anyone is willing to part with it .
jvd said:
Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone subscribes. INside the holiday issue there is a coupon for a free item in uxo if you preorder from eb. I was wondering if anyone got one and doesn't plan on getting uxo. Cause i'm looking for one of the cards. I buy the issues off newstand when I have extra cash on me but I don't use credit cards and hate writing checks to subscribe. Let me know if anyone is willing to part with it .
i usually just walk by the mag rack at the super market. Usually one or two open mags. So ill just browse throught it. I used to buy them a long time ago, but dont feel its necessary with all the content online.
thats how I am too . If i like the articles I pick it up and read it. But i'm a huge freak with ultima and I can't wait for this game and I am pretty bumed that I'm missing out on this offer.