I would personally do it differently, but I can see the logic in what you are doing. Its your money, anyway.
I'd love to do it different, but I'm working with what I got, and what my parents(Who are providing the cash for this. I'd pay for it myself if I could work, but my body is all fucked up.
Been thinking about a Motherboard replacement though... If DDR3 wasn't so frigging expensive I'd pick a board with that due to it probably being easier to find than DDR2(In the right price range, at least) a few years from now if something goes wrong and I got to replace a stick or two.
Also the reason why I'm deadset on two sticks of ram. This way, if one goes bad I can still use the other.
Edit: annnnnnd I just got good news. Parents have authorized me to make upgrades to the system to ensure it will last, and to make it better overall.
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