These are not sales, naturally some people rush to equate the two.
Just NPD added up for April-May-June (37.7K+35K+42K) is 115K hardware sales for Wii U. And that's only USA not "Americas". Clearly Nintendo still working off some overshipments.
Dont get me wrong of course, Wii U sales are abysmal.
A more reasonable guesstimate of current continuing sales is 35k/month USA, maybe 20k/month Europe (just based on anecdotes that it's doing even worse in EU, and knowledge that typically EU~USA market size), and well, this exercise is shot to hell by the fact Wii U just saw a Pikmin 3 spike of sorts in Japan (to a whopping 15-20k last two weeks) but previous level was about ~6K/week, 24K/month in Japan. So continuing sales maybe 35K+20K+25K+10K fudge factor/other=90K/month, X3=270K/Quarter? Maybe even that is a little low, maybe 300K/quarter.
That literally probably used to be a bad week for DS at the height of it's popularity.
Just NPD added up for April-May-June (37.7K+35K+42K) is 115K hardware sales for Wii U. And that's only USA not "Americas". Clearly Nintendo still working off some overshipments.
Dont get me wrong of course, Wii U sales are abysmal.
A more reasonable guesstimate of current continuing sales is 35k/month USA, maybe 20k/month Europe (just based on anecdotes that it's doing even worse in EU, and knowledge that typically EU~USA market size), and well, this exercise is shot to hell by the fact Wii U just saw a Pikmin 3 spike of sorts in Japan (to a whopping 15-20k last two weeks) but previous level was about ~6K/week, 24K/month in Japan. So continuing sales maybe 35K+20K+25K+10K fudge factor/other=90K/month, X3=270K/Quarter? Maybe even that is a little low, maybe 300K/quarter.
That literally probably used to be a bad week for DS at the height of it's popularity.