Anyone notice how most of the graphics boards companies from 3dfx's era are gone?

Skrying said:
Fairly certain he's just refering to the graphics market and not the CPU market.
well, there are these rumours about AMD integrating video chip in the CPU ... maybe he just had a vision ? :D
There is only one graphics company that i get truly depressed about when i remember that they got bought out and are long gone.


Which I though had the best overall card on the market. I owned a Verite 1000 and played Vquake 6 months before anyone even heard of OpenGL Quake. They has Edge and Full screen AA even on their first chip!!.

If only they had stayed the course and released their V3300. Do you know that they had already perfected an external Math coprocessor to handle geometry that would have first appeared on the deluxe edition of the 3300?

Those guys were visionary and i daresay could have taken over from 3Dfx within one more generation if Micron had not bought them out.
boltneck said:
Those guys were visionary and i daresay could have taken over from 3Dfx within one more generation if Micron had not bought them out.

And they didn't deliver speed-wise. Nowhere near the competition anyway. I guess they ran out of money before they could put out the faster successor. But yes, another competitor would have been fine.

I actually rather expected 3DLabs to come up with a killer chip back then...
Does anybody remember Chromatic? Ultimate programmable "talisman ready" architecture with the richest 3D feature set and best video acceleration? I just got their first product, the Mpact! with 6MB of RDRAM:

DVD acceleration
MPEG1 encoding/decoding
Stereo audio, WaveTable
Video in / video out
Audio in / audio out

I know, that ATi acquired Chromatic (October 21, 1998), but did ATi use any technologies from Chromatic? And do the ex-employees work for ATi?
no-X said:
Does anybody remember Chromatic? Ultimate programmable "talisman ready" architecture with the richest 3D feature set and best video acceleration? I just got their first product, the Mpact! with 6MB of RDRAM:

DVD acceleration
MPEG1 encoding/decoding
Stereo audio, WaveTable
Video in / video out
Audio in / audio out

I know, that ATi acquired Chromatic (October 21, 1998), but did ATi use any technologies from Chromatic? And do the ex-employees work for ATi?

With everything they had integrated on one card, I'd imagine it was more related to securing patents.
Some of this would be useful for like the mobo market - integrating lots of stuff.. I could see why something like the ATI All-in-Wonder series would benefit from it... I believe the All-in-Wonder series is fairly successful for its niche.

Though, this technology would be nifty for upgrading an entirely older system (a unique niche)... but I can't say that it is as useful now since mobos have lots more integrated hardware.