And the 'Foot in Mouth' award goes to...


B3D Yoddha

the person who said this...

"Reports that say something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know....."We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know."

er, makes perfect sense to me, nothing contradictory about it either.

Well not the bit about the known or unknown unknowns. I don't actually get the relevance of all that to the reports though. :LOL:
K.I.L.E.R said:
*cough* contradictory statement *cough*
How is that contradictory at all.

He speaks quite candidly, so from time to time its not as clearly as reading a premade speech. What he said actually makes sense. And id challenge you to try saying it better in as few words. ;)

Oh ok sorry, I thought he said we all know everything but we don't know some things. - contradictory

He didn't say we know everything.

We know things and we don't know some things. - concise and fewer words.
epicstruggle said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
*cough* contradictory statement *cough*
How is that contradictory at all.

He speaks quite candidly, so from time to time its not as clearly as reading a premade speech. What he said actually makes sense. And id challenge you to try saying it better in as few words. ;)


"We know quite a bit, but there's a lot more we don't know". There you go, how about that?

What he failed to cover were the unknown knowns, ie. the knowns which they knew but forgot they knew and now don't know that they knew. Presumbly it's difficult to know how many unknown knowns there are (kinda like the unknown unknowns), which is why he didn't own up to knowing about the unknown knowns? But that's just a guess...
I read the link and that was hilarious especially this comment by A. Schwarznegger:
"I think that gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman," was the odd statement from the new California Governor.
I think "being aware of knowing" would simplify that statement very much.

From my genious friend Gogo on about the Rumsfeld statement. :)

sounds pretty basic to me, though I'm suffering from clarity right now... unknown unknowns are things we aren't looking for because we don't consider them a possiblity, so automatically assume can't happen... things that we just cannot think of even the slightest possibility. I.E. any evidence pointing towards lunatics driving planes into buildings before 2001 was tossed out as inconceivable, because too many people couldn't even imagine it as a possible method of attack. There was no reason to guess it was going to happen, because it wasn't a contingency anyone had thought of.

Not enough people think outside the box when considering all possible scenarios... A common example of something we refuse to know is the threat of some psycho nuking a large city, after all.. the repricussions would be grand so NOBODY would do it, right? But that's a stupid way of thinking as a rat in a corner with nothing to lose who hates the world would easily push the button if it was offered to him. Hell, an angsty 14 year old would as well.

The point is that too many people think they fully understand motives and capabilties of every "bad guy". Known unknowns tend to be facts and figures and probable events... we don't know where Brittney's popularity comes from, we don't know who'll win the world cup, and we don't know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Unknown unknowns we can't even begin to speculate on, because once we do, they are no longer unknown unknowns.

Looking back its easy to place blame and tell people that it was clear and plain to see what was going to happen, but before the event horizon it is generally not possible to speculate on a new occurence. That's why microwave companies used to not say "do not dry pets in microwave"... aside from maniac mansion and the hamster, which admitted microwaving the hamster didn't leave a positive outcome, who'd have thunk people would actually attempt to dry off animals in a microwave. We can see the signs now that its happened: A heat source that quickly evaporates (atomically splits) water, the existance of lazy stupid peole, an animal covered in water. clear as day that someone would have enough sense to do it and sue, but it just wasn't thouhgt of before.

Hopefully this clears up what the term is, though I admit I am sad that a room full of journalists, writers and high end politicians couldn't figure that out. Of course, maybe they weren't willing to look outside the box for the meaning. After all, if they did there would be less unknown unknowns.
Hmm the comment was poor use of English nothing else.
The content of Rumsfeld speeches wasn't even being questioned.

It is perfectly obvious to most people what Rumsfeld meant including a room full of journalists.

I'm glad Bush Jnr is around - we have the more intelligible speeches that are not brimming with rhetoric from the Whitehouse because of him. :D