And I was thinking Humus was enough

CMAN said:
What type of target price for mobile GPUs/VPUs/3D Cards is there? It could not be too much, $10-15 at the most. Otherwise the unit prices would increase dramatically for phones as a whole. Also, am I correct in assuming power consumption will be way more important than performance/features?

Don't underestimate the technology push to come in cell phones and other mobile consumer apps.

Resolutions easily up to VGA, video encoding, decoding (think about the emerging H.264 standard), 4-5 MP digital camera, some nice video processing, 3D graphics, DVB-H etc.

The company who does all these features at the lowest power will win the race. I'm sure ATI's "friends" in Santa Clara are also looking at other markets besides the regular PC stuff and maybe with some envy, because in the mobile/settopbox space ATI is doing quite well. Main difference with Nvidia is they already have a system solution....

Don't forget ATI is doing, besides the regular Radeon, complex ICs with CPUs, TV decoders, HDD interfaces etc...