And I was thinking Humus was enough

I'm thinking they could just splice some Humus DNA with some starfish DNA, then cut them up into little pieces, and wait till they had a dozen full grown starfish/Humus's running around. :LOL:
You can certianly see where they think the future growth is there - consumer TV and Mobile; a number of years down the line and the PC end of the business may be secondary...
Does anyone know where ATI or Nvidia are hiring the most for? Such as for the TV and Mobile segments?
Humus said:
I think the largest growth is in the handheld segment.

Ohhh so some one that works at large engineering company with lots of experince in phones may have a chance then? :)
damn bad timing .. i have 3 years of experiance in handheld (java and c/c++) but i havent finish my university diploma .. and i dont want to enter a big compagny like ati with only my college degree even if i have good experiance in this industry segment ..
What type of target price for mobile GPUs/VPUs/3D Cards is there? It could not be too much, $10-15 at the most. Otherwise the unit prices would increase dramatically for phones as a whole. Also, am I correct in assuming power consumption will be way more important than performance/features?
too bad im only 20, live in dallas, and just barely got my HS diploma the other week (well havnt GOTTEN it yet, but finished the work)