Anandtech: 3DMark worst benchmark ever seen

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digitalwanderer said:
jvd said:
Well if the info is correct and he benchmarked the 6800s with no aa and labeled them with 4x aa then he really needs to go and take a new class on benchmarking
Do they have classes on benchmarking? :|

Mabye they should . This is a huge industry now and mabye we need a group to regulate benchmarking .

I vote for dave :)
Actually I think a seminar on it would be kind of neat, I bet an IHV might even sponsor it.

Sort of a standards committee for benchmarking, it'd be a hoot!
they really should .

There should also have to be some basic features in drivers that just have to work with everything .

Cause now we have a bunch of invalid benchmarks that people will take as the holy grail .
FYI, Derek writes AT's 3D articles and probably runs their 3D benches.

That does seem to be a rather silly statement without any clarification, though.
What a stupid and unprofessional comment... I suppose it was just in case the readers had forgotten where they were by that point.
Quite amusing really - in the same article in which Derek has a dig at 3DMark accusing it of being useless, he makes a total balls-up and gets virtually every benchmark totally wrong.

The Gods of Benchmarking were obviously unhappy and smote him without mercy! :LOL:
I don't expect next 3DMark favor anyone on purpose. based on information I have heard, nVidia didn't like the 2001 either and they also said it to Futuremark / MadOnion.

(I do not have knowledge which part they didn't like but I suspect that nVidia didn't like seeing original Radeon as close as it was against the GF2GTS and surpassing their best seller GF2MX. After all, Radeon was originally designed to compete against GF256, but it delayed so much that nVidia got already GF2GTS out.)

and again, Anandtech likes what ever nVidia likes. He is just a hand puppet nowadays. Though nVidia is back on beta program, I really can't see nVidia hyping 3DMark 03 nor upcoming version.

EDIT: wrong preposition ;)
Nvidia simply likes to put the blaim on Futuremark for their failures. And like sheep everyone who has a bias towards nvidia believes whatever they say, thus the bad publicity and taunts 3DMark03 has recieved. As long as IHVs do not cheat by degrading image quality and follow D3D standards, it serves it's purpose.
Mendel said:
Nappe1 said:
I really can't see nVidia hyping 3DMark 03 nor upcoming version.

Umm, not even at the 6800 launh event? 8)

ah, oh yes. there they actually showed a score screenshot. (did they show the card running the benchmark?)
Nappe1 said:
Mendel said:
Nappe1 said:
I really can't see nVidia hyping 3DMark 03 nor upcoming version.

Umm, not even at the 6800 launh event? 8)

ah, oh yes. there they actually showed a score screenshot. (did they show the card running the benchmark?)

I might add they didn't specify the system specifications or benchmark settings either.
3D Mark isn't the problem as such; rather it's people over-reliance on it's results as being definitive. If used as part of a sweet of benchmarking, along with real-world applications, then it's fine. Just don't rely on it's results to be totally indicative of a card's real performance.
I disagree. Over time the ORB rankings have been totally indicative of general game performance with the right generation hardware (i.e dont use 2001 on non TnL/DX8 hardware, don't use '03 on non DX9 hardware).

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Derek's comment was unprofessional.
Diplo said:
3D Mark isn't the problem as such; rather it's people over-reliance on it's results as being definitive. If used as part of a sweet of benchmarking, along with real-world applications, then it's fine. Just don't rely on it's results to be totally indicative of a card's real performance.

If people had relied soley on 3DMark03 they would have bought ATI rather than nVIdia... this would have been a GOOD THING. Yes, it shouldn't be relied on as the be all and end all of benchmarks, but it is very good at what it does, it's just that the human race isn't bery bright.
Joe DeFuria said:
Who's going to take bets that if the next 3DMark shows nVidia in a noticably favorable light...Anand (and many others) who currently routinely trash 3DMark will find it "worthy of their time" again.

I dont even bother trying to keep up with 3dmarks 'acceptance' among the ati and nvidia camps. One week one group likes it and the other hates it and then the next week its flipflopped. It seems to change with the wind....
What I really hated of 3DMark was when they began to list all R3xxATI cards as "9500/9700 series" without any further information. I found it completely useless for performance comparisons model to model. That was the begining of the end of my liking for onions.
Evildeus said:
Gainward, Evga and BFG are selling them...

Who told you this? :p BS. ;)

Gainward doesn't even carry 6800-line AT ALL:

eVGA has no such product:

BFG doesn't have anything like that either:

As I said already, as far as I know there's no such a thing called Ultra Extreme of NVIDIA 6800, at least as of now. Neither officially/unofficially from NVIDIA nor from its manufacturing partners.

PS: My sense is telling me this Ultra Extreme thingy is nothing else just an artifical benchmark-piece mod, made specifically for web-reviewers with low or zero integrity like Tom's Garbage, AnandBleh etc. :p
Joe DeFuria said:
Who's going to take bets that if the next 3DMark shows nVidia in a noticably favorable light...Anand (and many others) who currently routinely trash 3DMark will find it "worthy of their time" again.
Joe! One would think you were an old cynic! 8)
Martillo1 said:
What I really hated of 3DMark was when they began to list all R3xxATI cards as "9500/9700 series" without any further information. I found it completely useless for performance comparisons model to model. That was the begining of the end of my liking for onions.

annoyingly thats what the ati drivers do as well.. and yeah, fat lot of good.

course , i'm at work now, so i'll probably go home , click on the thing and find i'm totally wrong :(
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