An asteroid will kill us in 2036

I don't think its that improbable colourless. The speed barrier is rapidly approaching and it will tail off Moores law. The software people will look to things like the 64bit transition to remain competitive and get an edge over the competition.
Then again, there are still an incredible amount of ancient IBM 320/360 programs, that form the heart of many huge corporations. They are so deeply entrenched that replacing them is next to impossible. And for many of them there isn't even a good functional description of what they actually do, let alone the source code.
You think a false date will launch nukes? *chough*

If last response from any station + 10 hours < now then ' if all emergency stations have been destroyed by nuclear attacks
Launch nukes

That would be trigger be triggered and the nukes would launch something like that sounds reasonable.
If last response from any station + 10 hours < now then ' if all emergency stations have been destroyed by nuclear attacks
Launch nukes

That would be trigger be triggered and the nukes would launch something like that sounds reasonable.

Good thing that isn't how it works then ;) *L*