AMD Targets Quad-Core Microprocessors for 2007

So, how many kilowatts of power do you think it's going to take to run a system with one of these things as well as a Radeon 15000 or a Geforce 9900?
But with four core, they better have at least 4 memory controllers. You'll need a LOT of memory bandwidth to feed those monsters.

btw, AMD also said dual cores will be for next year, w00t!
hmmm a 4 core athlon 64. each core running at say 3800+..... wonder how well that will do .

hopefully computer games will start taking advantage of that
Memory is still the major obstacle... especially memory lantecy, which is not easy to reduce.

Server type workloads are generally less prone to memory latency problem (they like bandwidth more). So these multiple core designs are still best for servers.
some questions..
Could dual core cpu provide any help for game performance?
Could it acheive double performance?
To increase game performance if programer writes for multi core specially?
Does it imply Intel&AMD hit bottleneck of developing cpu architecture?

And what differences between Multi core and Symmetric multiprocessing?

Thanks :)
I don't think there is any chance for a perfect linear scaling of performance, as there is some overhead to having to coordinate two cores. Unless something else was already severely bottlenecking performance prior to adding a second core, the improvement will not be perfectly doubled.

This is assuming the program is even multithreaded, and I'm not aware of many games that are (granted I've fallen behind on gaming news). If it is, then there is a definite possibility of improved performance.

Single-threaded games might perform better if by chance you have a lot of stuff running in the background all the time, as various hyperthreading tests with games running with mp3 encoding and defrag software running in the background attest.

As for multicore and new architectures, advances in single-core performance are still on the way. However, they aren't getting any easier to achieve (diminishing returns), multicore can offer significant benefits and has become the lowest-hanging fruit on the tree.

Multi-core is a specific implementation of SMP, it's just dual processing on a chip.