However there are examples that go against what your saying about weak CPUs and Nvidia cards; these are not ideal but instead of looking at FPS, look at the ms time AVG for GPU as that gives a reasonable indicator of a broader time window if one does not have a true capture tool - agree not ideal but still.
Doom OpenGL 4.5 VS Vulkan Nightmare Settings
1080P | GTX 1080 | i7 5960X 4.4GHz
How does it run? Doom (2016) Vulkan vs OpenGL - GTX 980 / i7 6700k
And there are forum members on other sites seeing better performance with their Nvidia, and also seeing benefits at 1440p.
A friend on another forum is doing some testing for me with their
OC 5820K and 980ti at 1440p, and they are seeing 12% boost pushing everything into Nightmare - measured using PresentMon; that is one of the lower results of those seeing benefits.
So there is something about the settings or OS that possibly is causing a divergence between those seeing zero gains to those that can see great gains at 1080p and still good gains at 1440P (I would say 12% is OKish rather than good).
DSOGaming was also 1080P, I agree that as resolution goes up more pressure would be put onto the GPU and settings will also impact this.
But to know more regarding resolution and pressure it puts onto the GPU in terms of openGL-Vulkan benefits, we would need to see the benchmark for those systems that actually gain a good boost at 1080p also run at 1440p.
Before I come to any conclusions, I would like to see some really careful and in-depth analysis looking at all the primary variables that may affect performance behaviour, including such as Borderless/Full Screen.
That last point has affected performance for a few with AMD cards, and probably will also for Nvidia.
Maybe we should take the Nvidia specific aspect and discussion into their own thread, although the variables and what discussed so far is still relevant to AMD.