AMD: R9xx Speculation

postet in the german 3dcenter forum....


those silly code names really annoy me ... tell us what you think about the road map! ;-)

40nm 2011? 28nm "late 2011, early 2012? Sounds a bit odd...
Assuming this roadmap is accurate I'm a bit disappointed to see the high-end/enthusiast 5xxx replacements will not available until first thing next year. I was expecting something out in the autumn for when Nvidia get their Fermi yields improved with B1 and re-issue Fermi under a new model number along with mainstream parts.

I hope AMD is not going to squander their lead by letting Nvidia have better products out for back-to-school and Christmas when they should be pressing their advantage to gain more market.
well, Dirk Meyer said that there will be a complete refresh in the second half of 2010... assuming he was not lying, i think this road map is not accurate.

(And lets not forget the SI tape out reports a few weeks back...)
He was saying that before it was clear that Fermi was going to be so late, power hungry & relatively low performing.
I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to stretch their timeline as they saw what was coming.
He was saying that before it was clear that Fermi was going to be so late, power hungry & relatively low performing.
I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to stretch their timeline as they saw what was coming.
It makes no sense to hold back product launches. More so when the competition is weaker.
Where are the 28nm parts?! I thought it was due more towards the start of next year and all I see are 40nm parts?! This is especially with the mobile GPUs, I don't see why they wouldn't want to have their cake and eat it too in respect to getting ideal laptop GPUs out by the start of next year in respect to power/size/performance constraints in this segment and the typically much smaller die sizes which ought to help with yields...
For the sake of it, 5750 information on the charts is wrong, and the 5800/5700 "blocks" should clearly start from 09 instead of 10
1 year without a single high-end/mainstream part? It doesn't seem to be very likely. I'd believe it only if the SI family is late because of some HW problem (or as far as the manufacturing costs / performance ratio isn't very good - compared to evergreen family).
This "Barts" part will surely be made fun of, a lot.:p

Hopefully it will be a decent part and the fun will stay just on the name.

I'm afraid that these new parts will be considerably more expensive than the Evergreen parts. I buy in Euros and these things will be more complicated with larger dies, in order to perform better on the same process, so.....I could say bye bye crossfire 6850, even so soon! :(
This "Barts" part will surely be made fun of, a lot.:p

Hopefully it will be a decent part and the fun will stay just on the name.

I'm afraid that these new parts will be considerably more expensive than the Evergreen parts. I buy in Euros and these things will be more complicated with larger dies, in order to perform better on the same process, so.....I could say bye bye crossfire 6850, even so soon! :(

Not necessarily more expensive - remember that the current parts were significantly less expensive at introduction than they are currently. Current pricing is due to the lack of competitive pressure between the two players in the market duopoly.

To me, it is more significant that as long as the process technology is the same, performance per watt is unlikely to improve much and may even get worse if they decide implement new features.
Ooh.. So.. what if .. Southern Islands isn't coming.. or at least .. not yet.. well.. not for quite some time. But something else comes first.. argh.. brain freeze.. Computex Fud in full effect.