The number of games released and announced since its introduction, DX11, the number of fingers on my hands...
I had an argument with someone in another forum recently about how awesome Mantle (and low level PC API's in general) are and his counter argument was that its their impact on PC gaming as a whole is virtually nil. And with only two games and a tech demo currently supporting it and no other big game announcements that I'm aware of (engines don't count unless we also have word of games running on those engines that support the API) it was certainly a difficult argument to defend against. Perhaps there are some huge UE4 and CryEngine announcements just around the corner that your dying to tell us about - I truly hope there are, but right now all I see are big game announcements and launches (wolf, witcher 2, watch dogs, batman, ac unity etc...) and not a hint of Mantle support despite some of those games having huge CPU requirements and thus being perfect Mantle candidates.
We want more Dave, please make it happen![]()
I think it is minimize the things a little bit here.
Games takes time to be made, games who will be released in the next months are allready in developpement since a long time, and i dont see the developpers suddenly deciding to change direction or add ressources for developp Mantle ( without saying studio budgets allowed for games currently in developement are not really extensible).
Now you have many big game engines who will support Mantle: CryEngine, Frostbyte, Oxyde etc etc etc .. Thoses engines have been annonced as used in many games for the end of this year and the next years. So if developpers want add Mantle support it will be really more easy now as a good part of the work is allready made.
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