I'm not sure why but you seem to have missed the context of my posts and just want to bash on FSR.
Someone else claimed that PCGH tested TAAU and were wondering why the reddit post didn't address that. Well like you just pointed out, PCGH didn't have the same issue that you did where the image wasn't being modified with broken DOF by TAAU.
At the end of the day, all people are about is the final image quality, and performance for that quality.
If Temporal Upscaling gives the best IQ and performance, people will want it.
If Spatial Upscaling gives the best IQ and performance, people will want it.
I see that there is a new post showing off each level, and looking at it FSR looks very good. In a blind test I would pick it over TAAU in all except performance mode, which TAAU has better lace while FSR has better detail everywhere else from the sharpening.
Honestly from your comments here and before FSR released it seems like no matter how good the actual quality is, you want it to be worse.
Your testing and failure to update your article and re-do the video with new KingsHunt images that show an actual one to one comparison with depth of field disabled for Native, FSR and TAAU is telling. You have pushed out false comparison images and even after it was pointed out you haven't retracted them.