Alternative Orbo Energy Tech from Ireland

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I think the following looks like a very interesting technology.

Steorn's Orbo Electromagnetic Interaction COP is greater than 1. Part 1 of 5

Their company is apparently holding a month long demo. On their Youtube channel they have posted several experiments they have performed on their Orbo device.

What's even more interesting is that other folks are replicating their tech and getting the same results.

Have any of you ever heard about a motor that operates without experiencing any back EMF?

As far as I know, all electric motors MUST have back EMF.
Steorn challenged the scientific community to investigate their claim[4] and, in December 2006, said that it had chosen a jury of scientists to do so.[5] In June 2009 the jury gave its unanimous verdict that Steorn had not demonstrated the production of energy.[6][7]

Well, we know the guy is full of crap because for all his talk about not having a billion dollars to make a generator, all you need to do is stick a regular DC motor on the same axle with a resistor on it. A few minutes with my Lego set and his company goes down the toilet.

However, I liked that other link because it taught me something new:

I didn't know you could effectively reduce a material's paramagnetism like that. I always thought of permeability like the magnetic analogue of permittivity, and magnetic fields attract iron like gravity attracts mass. In a way, this is like being able to turn off gravity :cool:

In the end it's just some con artist trying to take advantage of those with a less than stellar understanding of physics. His claim about the inductor gaining energy sounds good, but I've seen a very similar analogue before with an electrostatic comb drive, where it seems like you gain energy in the electric field and the spring you've loaded up. You have to pay attention to what's going on behind the scenes and not just use simple equations like 0.5LI^2.
Why any perpetual motion concept gets anywhere is beyond me. You can stop reading as soon as an invention violates a law of physics IMHO.
Just build it, and unless it performs the way the inventor claims, you simply take the damn thing and beat him with it until he confesses what a stinking liar he is. :D
Sonicication for cavitation, fortunately, doesn't violate any laws of Physics.
Why any perpetual motion concept gets anywhere is beyond me. You can stop reading as soon as an invention violates a law of physics IMHO.

Well it's not really a perpetual motion machine (you need external power) nor does it really violate laws of physics. It does have the potential to minimize losses and thus "save" lots of energy theoretically from what I can tell after a quick lookover.
"Free energy" = perpetual motion machine.
The company admits that their invention violates the law of conservation of energy.

The term "perpetual motion machine" is used to refer to devices that violate this law of physics.
The term "perpetual motion machine" is used to refer to devices that violate this law of physics.
I disagree if thats the case
see the end 3 pictures, if they worked (they dont of course) would they qualify (I assume they would since theyre on the page)
a method could work by eg slowing down the earths rotation minutely after a million years.
this does not "violates the law of conservation of energy." but effectively gives u free energy
Sorry hard to explain.

I suppose u can argue that solar power + hydro/wind etc are free energy also cause they are in a sense
I don't get your point zed. The last three pictures on that wikipedia page of course don't work and of course violate the laws physics.

Slowing the Earth's spin isn't free and doesn't violate conservation of, wind, waves and all manner of energy scavenging aren't free either (as they require huge investments to harvest and transmit energy).

They're clean, but they come from sources that are not violating conservation of energy.
I think u misunderstand what Im meaning

>>Slowing the Earth's spin isn't free and doesn't violate conservation of, wind, waves and all manner of energy scavenging aren't free either <<
they are 'free' in the sense that we get more energy out than we've put in (to construct the wind turbine etc)

(as they require huge investments to harvest and transmit energy).

Ill try to explain better what I mean

say u built a machine that generated a steady billion GW but slows the earths rotation by 0.0000001 of a second every 1000 years, it is for all intents and purposes a machine that has generated 'free' electricity from a humans point of view
how much energy to build a solar cell?
X amount, it collects X amount in a year, after the first year its in positive territory.(*)

(*)I suppose youre arguing that the sun loses energy (which it does) but that is constant, us building a solar cell doesnt affect the rate of energy the sun loses, thus to 'us' not the universe the energy is free
Well, by that argument burning fossil fuels is close to free as we get more energy out of a coal-fired power plant than it costs to build or operate. I think, perhaps, your argument is for "renewable" energy?
zed you are simply not understanding the point. It is energy that is "free" but the sun creates it through fusion. It isn't claiming efficiency >1 or even high efficiency. In fact as you probably realize many renewables have pretty poor efficiency.
hmm ppl still are not understanding my point
Im not claiming the machine is generating energy from the universe that didnt exist previously

It isn't claiming efficiency >1 or even high efficiency.
true but if u look at what a Perpetual motion machine was originally meant it was a machine that worked forever(*) without adding more input to it, it not feeding water,fuel etc.
Sometime in 18or19th century they changed the definition.

here is a design (which doesnt work, + im not claiming it does)
but it was 'good enuf' to be classified as such a machine (apart from it not working :) )
Im saying if it (or something else) does somehow infinietly minutely slow the earth rotation or shifts the earths orbit (thus its moving the energy fromthe rotation to the spinning wheel)
for all intents and purposes it is a 'perpetual motion machine' in the original sense of the phrase

(*)obviously not forever since the earth will get 'eaten' by the sun + sometime after that the universe will die
And we understand your point as well zed.
Solar panels could work "forever*" but they don't. They die.
Wind turbines could work "forever*" but they don't. They wear out.
Renewable != perpetual motion
If we grow sugar cane as fast as we burn ethanol, using the waste to power the refinery, we've very efficient, but neither free nor perpetual.
Since Im so bad at explaining things, heres someone else (resulkt from a search)
The Earth certainly has kinetic energy of rotation. An unimaginable amount! The Earth is known to have a Rotational Inertia (called I) of 8.070 * 1037 kg-m2. It rotates once a day, so it turns at the rate of 6.2832/86164.09 radians/sec (called w). The Earth's kinetic energy of rotation is 1/2 * (I) [that Rotational Inertia * the square of this rate. Doing this math gives us 2.145619327 * 1029 kg-m2/s2 (or newton-meters). A published value is 2.137 * 1029, essentially the same. That unit of energy is also called a Joule or watt-second. I would point out here that this amount of "spinning energy" of the Earth is around 60 thousand million times that TOTAL ELECTRIC USAGE of all Americans for an entire year! And at least a billion times ALL the energy that has EVER been created and used by humans!

People have pursued "perpetual motion" for centuries. Actual perpetual motion is impossible, because it would violate a number of scientific laws that are known not to be able to be violated.However, a mechanism such as the hypothetical one described would certainly give the APPEARANCE of perpetual motion! It would be able to run apparently forever, and even produce usable power in the process! It is NOT perpetual motion, though! What would be happening is that Kinetic Energy of the rotation of the Earth would just be CONVERTED into a different form of energy, such as electricity or shaft mechanical energy. This is therefore a confirmation that the Conservation of Energy is still absolutely valid! No violation of any law would be happening!

NOTE - the moon is already slowing the earths rotation
Now all we need to do is build it :)
Im saying if it (or something else) does somehow infinietly minutely slow the earth rotation or shifts the earths orbit (thus its moving the energy fromthe rotation to the spinning wheel)
for all intents and purposes it is a 'perpetual motion machine' in the original sense of the phrase
I would claim the opposite, actually. If the machine taps momentum from the movement of the earth, then it is fuelled by the earth's motion, and is thus not a perpetual motion machine under your own definition (since those supposedly work without input/fuel)...
Not only that, but the device needed to tap the Earth's rotational momentum would be ungodly expensive.
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