Have a 4x or even 6x constant angular velocity blu-ray drive(assuming it's not more expensive) for megatexturing/predictable streaming
The problem with Optical Drives for megatexturing is less the transfer speed (but you will see more pressure here at 1080p when you start have color, specular, normal, etc layers all separate so bandwidth could be a concern down the line as well) but the seek time latency is a big issue. As sebbbi noted about virtual textures:
Seek latency however can be a big bottleneck on DVDs, since a worst case seek can take 100ms
He mentions some solutions but the bottom line is for a traditional game populated memory via transfer (filling 2GB+ of memory via an optical drive) is painfully slow yet going with a RAM friendly solution that leverages the nice big optical drive then butts heads up against a the really poor seek time of the optical drive. So in the traditional scenario you want the data on the HDD because sequential well packaged data is 5x faster and for megatextures avoiding the nasty latency on the optical drive is, while not ideal, can be up to an order of a magnitude better on a traditional HDD.