I know when swapping a loud (high-pitched whiney) PC fan for a quiet one (panaflo), the fan looks pretty much the same but the noise is radically reduced. I'm not saying there's no air-turbulance noise, but that tends to be low-frequency. If the motor in this rotating heatsink can be quietened, then great! But this first presentation didn't show it in a great light. It seems more a performance part for dealing with high temperatures rather than a specifically quiet device marketed for its lack of volume. There's also still need of a case fan to exhaust the chip heat, unless the airflow from the spinning heatsink can be directed out of the case, which seems possible. Of course, if being more efficient allows it to run at a low speed and all the quieter, it'd serve that job nicely too, though I suspect there's a minimum spin speed to keep the air cushion working.