Addicted to data


Anyone else getting this?

I start off innocently enough, browsing a forum, and then I am off to google to prove a point about banana growing in Costa Rica and then I see a link and then I am off to wikipedia where I see another link and I am off to some blog which has a link to youtube and before I know it then entire evening has gone by and I am watching

before my wife comes in and says am I just coming to bed. I then say the data addicts ultimate lie:-

"I'll be there in just a moment"

before getting heavily involved with google Earth, zooming in on places I will never visit, checking out who that horny actress is on IMDB and then finally having to run my anti virus because I went one link to far.

I just can't help myself.
I'm having this with this forum right here right now, I think ... These are just such exciting times for my favorite hobby, and this is the best place I've ever found to talk about it. I've been following games even in the few years that I didn't play any (would still read the magazines, talk to people about it, and was there when the first big gamesites came into being, even became paying member of two of them very early on, etc.). In recent gaming history we got the DS and the PSP, and now the Wii, PS3 and 360 are coming into their own this Christmas and starting to show their true worth, games are beginning to take advantage of the new generation of hardware, reviewers are going apeshit with backlogs and deadlines, and two of the hottest months of game releases and hardware sales are coming right up. I can barely stay away from here, and it's getting to the point where it's neither healthy nor reasonably productive, and I find myself telling myself silly things like 'yeah but from this you'll learn more about the industry, be able to predict future trends better, etc.' For what? I don't even have enough money at the moment to make clever investments like at least one female member on this board has. ;)